Why do deceased loved ones come to us in our dreams? Deceased loved ones who have crossed to the Light can and do visit us in our dreams. These types of dreams are often referred to as “visitation dreams,” and …
Spiritual Information
Summary of 2025 Many astrologers believe that 2025 could be one of the most important times in the history of humanity. It is being described as the dawn of “a new era.” We will see all 3 of the outer …
This Blog post provides information about how to develop your abilities. To explore a specific topic, feel free to click on any of the links provided below. Is everyone born with psychic and mediumship abilities? Anne believes that everyone is …
Do angels and archangels really have wings? I am often asked this question. It makes sense that we would be curious about this given the many different ways in which angels and archangels are depicted in artwork and in the …
Do you keep seeing special numbers and number sequences? For example, have you ever looked at the clock at 3:33, and then soon thereafter ordered an item at a fast food restaurant and the total was $3.33? Or have you …
Have you been seeing 11:11 (or 111, 1:11, or 1111)? Over the past few years, people in the metaphysical community have reported seeing these numbers with increasing frequency. The mysterious appearance of these numbers seems to coincide with times of …
Is it beneficial or detrimental for psychics, mediums, and healers to use prescription medications? I am often asked this question. Students worry that taking prescription medications will interfere with developing or using their psychic, mediumship, or healing abilities. Given my …
Can it be beneficial or detrimental for psychics, mediums, and healers to use substances? There is a long-standing debate in the metaphysical community about whether the use of certain chemicals will accelerate or interfere with the development of psychic, mediumship, …
Is there one “best” or “right” spiritual practice? As with so many things in the metaphysical world, there is no “one right way” to integrate a spiritual practice into your life. There are probably as many ways to create a …
Why would a soul not cross into the Light? When someone dies, their soul still has Free Will. Most souls choose to go to the Light, and they find immediate peace, love, compassion, healing, and forgiveness. However, some souls may …
How is channeling viewed? I want to begin by acknowledging that channeling, perhaps more than most metaphysical skills, is often misunderstood. Some people don’t want anything to do with channeling because they believe it is “weird,” “scary,” or even “evil.” …
What is muscle testing? Muscle testing is a technique in which a practitioner applies gentle pressure to one muscle or to a group of muscles in order to determine if it stays strong or goes weak. The meaning of a …
How are messages received from spiritual sources? Spiritual messages that are received by psychics, mediums, and channelers are similar in that they are coming from non-physical beings that are not part of our current dimension. However, there are some important …
Are psychics and mediums different? I am often asked this question. Unfortunately, I have found that there isn’t one “generally agreed to answer.” To a certain extent, I have found that the answer depends on the geographic area in which …
Why do some souls choose to not go to the Light? When someone dies, their soul still has Free Will. Most souls choose to go to the Light, and they find immediate peace, love, compassion, healing, and forgiveness. However, some …
What is my role when it comes to teaching psychic protection? The topic of psychic protection is very important in metaphysical and healing work. I now believe that I chose to reincarnate during this important time in humanity’s history in …
Why do we need to engage in clearing and cleansing techniques? Living on the Earth plane means that our homes and offices get dirty. Occasionally, we need to get out the feather duster, mop, sponges, etc., and clean our space. …
Can energy gridding be used for psychic protection and to empower spaces? I have found that creating energy grids is the most effective way to protect or empower a geographic location (e.g., home, office, room). Personally, I personally used gridding …
What is energy shielding? This simple technique is by far the easiest and most effective way to protect yourself from negative or toxic energy. It only takes seconds to do. I personally use energy shielding every day, because it works! …
What is prayer? Prayer is simply a time when you are communicating something to God/Source/Spirit. The goal of this communication often includes (a) a request for assistance, guidance, or protection and/or (b) an expression of gratitude. How should we pray? Contrary …
Does a certain type of diet enhance the skills of psychics, mediums, and healers? This is a hotly debated topic within the metaphysical field. In this post, I will address whether it important to (a) follow a specific diet (e.g., …
What is discernment? One of the most important but challenging aspects of developing your psychic and mediumship abilities is learning how to distinguish between (a) messages we should listen to and (b) messages we should ignore. In the metaphysical field, …
Why is learning discernment important for psychics and mediums? Discernment is the skill of accurately differentiating between messages that are coming from Divine sources (i.e., true guidance) and messages that are not (i.e., false guidance). Without the ability to tell …
What is meant by entities from other worlds or dimensions? My goal in this article is to provide some general information about 2 groups of entities that are not “on the other side,” as would be the case with angels, …
What is my role in dealing with dark entities? I want to make it clear from the outset that I do NOT work with dark entities. I have never communicated with a dark entity, and I never plan to do …
What is channeling? The following message is from a group of entities who refer to themselves as my Council of 12. It was communicated to me using automatic writing, which is a form of channeling. The Council of 12 guide …
What is Ho’oponopono? The word Ho’oponopono is often translated to mean “to cause things to move back into balance” or “to make things right.” It is a simple but powerful ancient Hawaiian spiritual practice that is sometimes described as “a …
Why is there a challenge when it comes to definitions in the metaphysical field? If you haven’t figured this out yet, let me break it to you gently: Within the field of metaphysics, the definitions used by authors/teachers for certain …
What are Ouija Boards and how are they used? Ouija boards (also known as spirit boards or talking boards) have been around for a very long time and available for purchase for well over 100 years. They are used to …
How was this message received? The message presented in this Blog post was channeled by Rev. Margaret McCormick. NOTE: If you are NOT familiar with channeling, I recommend the following article: What Is Channeling and Are There Different Types of …
How was this message received? The following message is from a group of entities who refer to themselves as my Council of 12. It was communicated to me using automatic writing, which is a form of channeling. The Council of …