Directory of IMPART Certified Practitioners.

All of the Practitioners included on this Directory have been trained by Dr. Anne Reith through IMPART.

What services are provided by Practitioners?
Depending on certification(s) earned through IMPART, services provided by each Practitioner may include psychic readings, mediumship sessions, energy healings, spiritual coaching/mentoring, and/or classes.
How to use this Directory
- Practitioners are listed alphabetically by FIRST NAME.
- To learn more about each Practitioners: Please consult their website, social media accounts, and/or contact them directly through email or phone.
- To set up a session with a Practitioner: Please contact them directly. IMPART is not involved in scheduling sessions or classes that are offered by the following Practitioners.

Allison Perks
IMPART Certifications
- Medium
- Psychic
Languages Spoken
- English
Services Offered
- Mediumship Readings
- Psychic/Intuitive Readings
- Spiritual Coaching/Mentoring
Classes Offered
- Mediumship Classes
- Psychic Development Classes
Contact Information
- Website:
- Email:
Summary of Training & Offerings
Allison Perks says she feels blessed to assist her clients to re-connect with themselves via readings and healings conducted through a loving and compassionate lens. She believes that when we are aligned with ourselves, the path becomes clear, and this allows us to connect to our purpose and love others more fully.
Allison has been a psychic medium from her earliest memories. She connects with guides, departed loved ones, ascended masters, angels, and other beings of the light that are available to help you return to your soul’s path. As a trained therapist with over 20 years of experience providing psychotherapy services, she is able to communicate messages in a healing manner.
Allison’s services include psychic readings, mediumship sessions, Akashic Records readings, and remote healing sessions as an Usui Reiki Master and Karuna Reiki® Master. She has taught at the graduate level at two major universities, and Allison currently offers psychic development classes, Reiki classes, and mediumship classes.

Barbie Moreno. C.N.H.P.
IMPART Certifications
- Healer
- Medium
- Psychic
Languages Spoken
- English
Services Offered
- Mediumship Readings
- Psychic/Intuitive Readings
- Reiki, Karuna Reiki®, & Energy Healings
- Spiritual Coaching/Mentoring
Classes Offered
- Mediumship Classes
- Psychic Development Classes
- Reiki Classes
Contact Information
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Instagram:
- YouTube:
- TikTok:
- Email:
- Phone: (949) 462-4538
Summary of Training & Offerings
Barbie Moreno is a Resilience Coach and Speaker who helps people understand the intricacies of trauma, the science behind our responses, and the pathways to healing. She uses her IMPART Certified training as a Reiki Master and Karuna Reiki© II Practitioner during her healing sessions to support healing from trauma, release emotional blockages, and heal physically.
Barbie has practiced professionally since 2015, providing guidance and healing to countless individuals. She empowers her clients by forming strong connections to guide them through challenges and uncover their inner strength. As a published author, she offers wisdom on healing, personal growth, and self-discovery to the world.
Recognizing the importance of sharing her knowledge and gifts, Barbie is also a public speaker and workshop facilitator. Her work is grounded in practicality and compassion, allowing those who work with her to cultivate their own intuitive and healing abilities while fostering a strong connection with their higher selves.

Charlotte L. Holmes, Msc.D.
IMPART Certifications
- Psychic
- Healer
- Medium
Languages Spoken
- English
Services Offered
- Psychic/Intuitive Readings
- Reiki, Karuna Reiki®, & Energy Healings
- Spiritual Coaching/Mentoring
Classes Offered
- Psychic Development Classes
- Reiki & Karuna Reiki® Classes
Contact Information
- Website:
- Instagram: @CharlotteHeals
- Facebook: @CharlotteHeals
- YouTube: @CharlotteHeals
- TikTok:
- Email:
- Phone: (949) 838-6069
Summary of Training & Offerings
Charlotte L. Holmes is a best-selling author and internationally recognized healer who is passionate about guiding people to realign to their true selves. With expertise in various healing practices and metaphysical disciplines, she empowers clients toward profound transformation. She believes in the power of the individual and that each person has the ability to heal themselves.
In addition to her IMPART Certifications, Charlotte has a Doctorate in Metaphysics, is an Usui Reiki Master, Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher, Oncology and Kundalini Reiki Master, Board Certified NLP Master Practitioner, Master Hypnotherapist, and Certified Soul Realignment® Practitioner.
Charlotte’s services include Reiki and Crystal Healing, Oncology Reiki, and Soul Realignment®. She also offers in-person Reiki Certifications and Healing classes, as well as Spiritual Development classes, both in-person and online.
To learn more about Charlotte and the services and classes she offers, please reach out directly or visit her website.

Christina Courtney
IMPART Certifications
- Healer
- Medium
- Psychic
Languages Spoken
- English
Services Offered
- Reiki, Karuna Reiki®, & Energy Healings
- Spiritual Coaching/Mentoring
Contact Information
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Instagram: @christinabcourtney
- Email:
Summary of Training & Offerings
Christina Courtney is a long-time certified psychic, healer, and medium through IMPART. Additionally, she is trained in nearly a dozen different energy healing modalities and has a long career in business, highlighted by her travels running healing seminars all over the globe.
During her sessions, Christina taps into your soul’s unique journey during this lifetime and provides constructive insights designed to facilitate the removal of blockages that may be hindering you from living the happiest, healthiest, and most fulfilling life of your dreams!
Christina is best known for her psychic work as an Intuitive Artist, which includes the ability to channel the energies of your soul and dreams onto a canvas to supercharge your manifestations. Many of her clients continue to seek her services as a coach and energy healer.
Questions? Give her a call to learn more about how one or more of her wide variety of services may be able to help you reach your next level of success, happiness, fulfillment, and bliss.

Courtney Kimmick
IMPART Certifications
- Medium
- Psychic
Languages Spoken
- English
Services Offered
- Mediumship Readings
- Psychic/Intuitive Readings
Contact Information
- Website:
- Email:
Summary of Training & Offerings
Courtney Kimmick is a compassionate and accomplished medium who is known for her ability to bring through accurate evidential messages from loved ones in spirit. She works with the spirit world using her abilities as a clairaudient, clairvoyant, clairsentient, and artist, with the goal of bringing her clients peace, closure, and healing.
Courtney is an accomplished Spirit Portrait Artist. This is a unique way in which “spiritual mediums” are able to connect with your friends and family who reside within the spiritual realm. During your Spirit Portrait session, Courtney allows spirit to work through her and assist her in drawing very accurate images of loved ones in spirit. This is a lasting gift, providing proof of their survival after death and that we are never alone in our journey!
To see examples of the photographic accuracy that the spirit world draws through Courtney, feel free to visit her website.

Debbie Hamilton
IMPART Certifications
- Healer
- Medium
- Psychic
Languages Spoken
- English
Services Offered
- Mediumship Readings
- Psychic/Intuitive Readings
- Reiki, Karuna Reiki®, & Energy Healings
- Spiritual Coaching/Mentoring
Classes Offered
- Mediumship Classes
- Psychic Development Classes
Contact Information
- Website:
- Email:
- Phone: (949) 244-1447
Summary of Training & Offerings
Debbie Hamilton is a nationally known psychic and medium, as well as a certified Reiki Master and a registered Karuna Reiki® Master. Debbie gets great joy out of bringing through a deceased loved one and watching the healing process that unfolds while communicating messages that were not heard and/or not said while still on the Earth-plane. Through the use of cards, runes, and intuitive abilities, she is able to give her client’s great insight and guidance.
Debbie also provides one-on-one coaching to other healers, psychics, and mediums, helping them work through blocks, trust themselves, feel protected while doing spiritual work, and much more. Her goal is to help them understand and enhance their unique gifts. Debbie also holds demonstrations and runs workshops.
Sessions can be provided over the phone or in-person at Debbie’s Lake Forest office in California. Healings are typically conducted using distance healing practices. Learn more about Debbie’s services at her website.

Dixie Tantardini
IMPART Certifications
- Healer
- Medium
- Psychic
Languages Spoken
- English
Services Offered
- Mediumship Readings
- Psychic/Intuitive Readings
- Reiki, Karuna Reiki®, & Energy Healings
- Spiritual Coaching/Mentoring
Contact Information
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Instagram: @dixietantardini
- Email:
- Phone: (714) 735-7233
Summary of Training & Offerings
Dixie Tantardini is a Reiki Master, Karuna Reiki® Master, animal communicator/healer, Sai Maa Diksha Practitioner, and holds certification as a Psychic, Medium, and Healer through IMPART. Dixie utilizes all of her “clairs” during her sessions to give beautiful messages from deceased loved ones and pets, angels, guides, animal spirits, and interdimensional beings. She also uses a variety of divination tools (e.g., tarot, angel/oracle cards, runes, pendulums) to give clear and accurate readings.
During her healing sessions, Dixie taps into her clairsentience ability to feel in her physical body where energy needs to be extracted or placed within the client’s body or aura, while balancing the person’s chakras and clearing out any negativity that no longer serve’s that person. Dixie’s mantra is “I feel what you feel.”
The overall goal of Dixie’s work is to assist her clients in the healing of the body, mind, and spirit while providing spiritual support and motivation to help increase her client’s self-worth and to tap in their inner power so they can be their own hero.

Emily Celis, M.S., LMFT
IMPART Certifications
- Healer
Languages Spoken
- English
Services Offered
- Reiki Energy Healings
Contact Information
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Instagram: @sagewellnessctr
- Email:
- Phone: (714) 391-3853 (Ext. 0)
Summary of Training & Offerings
Emily Celis is the Executive Director and Founder of S.A.G.E. Holistic Health & Wellness. She has a true passion for helping others find holistic well-being so they can feel more alive. She offers Reiki healing sessions that combines her work as a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist with over a decade of experience as a healer and her ability to channel “Angel energy.” Her clients are given specific ways to energetically strengthen themselves, as well as practices/exercises that will support them in aligning with Source. She also offers Reiki classes at her center using IMPART’s manuals and style of teaching.

Lisa Mercier
IMPART Certifications
- Healer
- Medium
- Psychic
Languages Spoken
- English
Services Offered
- Mediumship Readings
- Psychic/Intuitive Readings
- Reiki & Energy Healings
- Spiritual Coaching/Mentoring
Contact Information
- Facebook:
- Instagram: @MediumLisaMercier
- Email:
Summary of Training & Offerings
Lisa Mercier holds IMPART certifications as a Psychic, Medium, and Healer. She is a Reiki Master and Sai Maa Diksha Practitioner. Lisa has a diverse background in the non-profit, helping profession, crisis response, victim advocacy, and law enforcement. Through her study at IMPART, Lisa has gained extensive knowledge and practice in connecting with deceased loved ones, psychic readings, and Reiki healings. She prides herself on providing accurate and validating information during readings and creating a comfortable atmosphere to connect with Spirit. Additionally, Lisa is certified in Past Life Regression Therapy and enjoys guiding people through their soul’s memories.
Lisa offers sessions via Zoom and in person in Westminster, California. Please see Lisa’s Instagram page for more information.

Nicole Higashi
IMPART Certifications
- Healer
Languages Spoken
- English
Services Offered
- Reiki, Karuna Reiki®, & Energy Healings
Classes Offered
- Reiki & Karuna Reiki® Classes
Contact Information
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Instagram: @higashihealing
- Email:
- Phone: (714) 510-2773
Summary of Training & Offerings
Nicole Higashi is a Reiki Master/Teacher, Karuna Reiki® Master/Teacher, IMPART Certified Healer, Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki® Master/Teacher, and EFT Master Practitioner. She finds true joy through helping others, and sharing Reiki has enabled her to do so on a whole new level. Nicole is passionate about assisting people of all ages to experience the peace and clarity that comes from receiving the unconditional love of Source energy. For over a decade, she’s had the opportunity to witness the truly limitless ways in which Reiki has supported those she’s blessed to share with!
Nicole works with national and international clients by offering both in-person and distance healing sessions. Each session includes an in-depth intuitive reading. Nicole teaches all levels of Reiki (including Reiki for Kids), Karuna Reiki®, and Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki®. She also loves sharing the benefits of combining Reiki with movement/meditation, and she has created several unique class formats: RESET Movement Method (Reiki-EFT-Somatics-Exercise-Together), Reiki + Relax, and Little Mindful Movers.

Shereece D.
IMPART Certifications
- Medium
Languages Spoken
- English
Services Offered
- Mediumship Readings
- Spiritual Coaching/Mentoring
Contact Information
- Website:
- Email:
- Phone: (323) 806-5138
Summary of Training & Offerings
Shereece is a Certified Evidential Medium. She has studied mediumship extensively at the prestigious Arthur Findlay College in the United Kingdom. Shereece is also a Certified Spiritual Advisor with LWISSD (Lisa Williams International School of Spiritual Development) and an IMPART Certified Medium (Institute for Mediumship, Psychic, Astrological, and Reiki Training). Readings can be done in-person at her office in Connecticut or through Zoom, FaceTime, phone, or Skype.
Shereece’s clients span across the United States, as well as overseas. She is known for her accuracy, ethics, and compassion. During the reading, Shereece will create a picture of your loved one, leaving no doubt about who she is connecting with. Messages are always filled with love, guidance, and reassurance, as she bridges the gap between our two worlds.
In addition to mediumship, Shereece loves empowering her clients by helping them to understand their own innate psychic abilities and intuition.

IMPART is dedicated to providing the public with highly skilled, ethical, caring, and compassionate Practitioners who can deliver high quality psychic readings, mediumship readings, energetic healing sessions, spiritual coaching/mentoring sessions, and classes. Each practitioner has completed all IMPART Certification requirements in order to be listed in our Directory.
Working with an IMPART Certified Practitioner is not meant to replace appropriate professional psychological or medical care, and psychic/mediumship readings are provided for “entertainment purposes” only. When contacting an IMPART Certified Practitioner, you understand that the services you receive are based on an agreement created solely between yourself and the Practitioner. Furthermore, you understand that you created this agreement entirely apart from Anne Reith, Ph.D./IMPART and that you do so at your own risk and responsibility.

- Training and mentoring sessions with Anne
- IMPART Certification requirements
- Complete list of classes and workshops that are offered through IMPART
- If you have questions, feel free to email us at or call (714) 599-0017.
- Be sure to Join Anne’s Online Community to receive:
- Announcements about class offerings, new Blog posts, and new online products when they become available.
- New & Full Moon Reports.

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By Anne Reith, Ph.D.