Have you noticed media’s negative portrayal of Mercury in retrograde? It is very likely that you have heard people say (with a sense of foreboding) that “Oh dear, Mercury is about to go into retrograde.” Sadly, the media has taken …
Astrological Info
What are New Moons? A New Moon occurs about every 28 days and about 2 weeks after each Full Moon. It’s when the Moon and Sun are located at the exact same location in the sky above us. Whenever any …
What does the field of astronomy tell us about eclipses? Astronomy informs us that eclipses always occur in pairs; i.e., if there is a solar eclipse, then there will always be a lunar eclipse 2 weeks later (or vice versa). …
IMPORTANT: Will you be able to use these directions? Unfortunately, identifying the house in which the transiting New Moon or Full Moon is located in your natal chart isn’t a beginning-level skill. For example, if a New Moon is located …