Full Moon in Capricorn – Time to Pull on Our Big Girl Panties or Our Big Boy Pants (July 21, 2024) 

by Anne Reith, Ph.D.
Astrological wheel with symbols and backlighting of brilliant white, pink, purple, and blues
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Astrological wheel with symbols and backlighting of brilliant white, pink, purple, and blues

In the Pacific Time Zone, the Moon will be full at 3:17 a.m. on Sunday, July 21.  With this Full Moon, the Sun in Cancer will be in opposition (180°) to the Moon in Capricorn.  To further clarify how this Full Moon will impact you on a personal level, locate 29°08’ of Cancer and 29°08’ of Capricorn in your birth/natal chart.  The issues associated with those two houses are going to be most impacted by this Full Moon’s presence.  (NOTE:  Click here to learn how to find the transiting Moon in your chart.)

Full Moons provide us with the opportunity to check in and evaluate how we are balancing two areas of our lives.  This time, we are looking at Cancer and Capricorn:

  • Cancer:  The higher expression of Cancer includes being nurturing, family-oriented, emotionally sensitive, security seeking, and psychic/intuitive.  The lower expression could mean being overly moody, dependent, fearful, or shy.
  • Capricorn:  The best qualities of Capricorn include being disciplined, responsible, practical, patient, hardworking, organized, and being a leader.  The lower expression can involve being overly critical, conventional, or status-seeking. 

Exactly 1 month ago on June 21, we had the first of 2 back-to-back Full Moons in Capricorn.  The first one occurred at 1° of Capricorn.  The present Cap Full Moon is located at 29°.  As was explained in the last Moon Update, these degrees at the beginning and end of a sign are referred to as “critical degrees.”  The first one (located at 1°) often coincides with major beginnings, and the latter (located at 29°) often occurs around the time of something ending. 

We also discussed that Capricorn is a cardinal sign, which means action is often taken.  Last month, I proposed that these back-to-back events could play out in 2 possible ways:  Either (a) one short-term project beginning and ending during the 4-week time period between these 2 Cap Full Moons or (b) one long-term project beginning around June 21 and a different, unrelated project ending around July 21.  Although the first option is possible, Capricorn tends to move slowly and carefully.  This is why I speculated that second, longer-range option might have been more likely.  Now is the time when we’ll find out. 

Due to several unexpected events in my life, the remainder of this Moon Update will have to be brief. 

  • In the last Moon Update, I discussed the potential impact of the conjunction (0°) between Mars and Uranus in Taurus.  This has certainly appeared to be accurate.  For example, here in the USA, there was an attempted assassination of former President Trump.  This is a perfect example of the lower expression of this aspect.  The lower expression of Mars can be aggression or violence; and whenever Uranus is involved, unexpected events are likely.  At the time of this second Cap Full Moon, we are still under the waning influence of this astrological event.  Here is a link to that section of the last Moon Update, which (a) describes the month-long impact of this aspect and (b) provides recommended coping strategies:  July 2024.  If you’ve read it, great; but you might want to review it.  If you haven’t had a chance, I do recommend it. 
  • Also in the last Moon Update, I explained that this summer and fall will see many planets going retrograde.  This could impact us in various ways, so I also recommend reviewing that section of the last Moon Update:  Retrogrades 2024(NOTE:  For more information about retrogrades, see my Blog post Planets in Retrograde and How to Thrive During Mercury Retrograde.)
  • This second of 2 Capricorn Full Moons is super powerful thanks to the Moon being in an exact conjunct (0°) to Pluto, which means Pluto is exactly opposite (180°) the Sun.  With Pluto recently entering future-oriented Aquarius, the catalyst for any of the endings discussed above (due to this Full Moon’s location at the 29°) may be an awareness that we want our future to be different in some important way. 
  • But in order to bring about our vision, Pluto tells us that we may need to cut away something(s) that is impeding our forward progress.  The Capricorn Full Moon is committed for the long-haul, so our progress may be slower than we might like.  Luckily, both Capricorn and Pluto provide us with the patience, discipline, and energy to overcome any obstacles. 
  • However, Pluto’s powerful presence also means that events occurring at this time may bring up issues related to control and the appropriate use of power (versus force).  For example, in order to move forward, we may need to take back our power in some way. 
  • Pluto’s involvement also means that hidden information or secrets may be uncovered around this time.  Whatever is revealed could be the catalyst for us to either move toward or away from a person, situation, etc.  Either way, it’s likely there is something in our life that needs to become less important. 
  • A wonderful trine (120°) between Mars and Pluto will give us the courage and energy to take any necessary actions.  Where we might have been uncertain, hesitant, or even afraid in the past, we suddenly feel ready to charge ahead, especially if the changes support us in pursuing our personal ambitions and goals. 
  • The strong energy of Capricorn is encouraging us to pursue our goals strategically, practically, and efficiently.  Once we set our mind to something, we won’t be afraid to work hard, and we will feel ready to make commitments and set boundaries, when needed.  It’s important now to keep our “eye on the prize” and avoid being distracted or scattered. 
  • An exact square (90°) between Mercury and Uranus can bring unexpected events that cause us to open our minds to new possibilities.  These may come in the form of intuitive insights.  This could even lead to a feeling of spiritual awakening.  This energy can feel exciting!  However, those of us who are sensitive to energy may also feel jittery and over-stimulated.  It will be important to remember to ground ourselves and find physical outlets for our energy. 
  • There are several other indicators that our intuition will be heightened during this time.  For example, there is a sweet sextile (60°) between Mars and Neptune, which could increase our desire to actively pursue our spiritual development, be of service to others, and engage in creative activities.  Additionally, Neptune is in a supportive trine (120°) to the Sun and a sextile (60°) to the Moon, which increases our interest in spirituality, our sensitivity/empathy for others, and our idealism and imagination. 

Planetary changes

  • The day before the Full Moon (Saturday, July 20), Mars moves into Gemini for a 7-week stay (through October 20).  This can actually be an exciting transit, and we may feel ready to try new activities or actions, especially when it comes to communication and learning.  However, there are some caveats:  We will be motivated to communicate, but when Mars is in Gemini, we need to watch for signs that our words have a forcefulness to them that we did not intend.  We also can find that our thoughts or actions become scattered, or we may become distracted, restless, or pulled in too many different directions.  As mentioned previously, we do need to remember to stay focused on our goals. 
  • The day after the Full Moon (Monday, July 22), the Sun moves into dramatic but loving Leo.  This time of year is often when we feel more playful, generous, creative, and outgoing than usual.  We want to shine our unique light into the world and have our gifts be seen and acknowledged.  The challenge is to have that light come from our heart chakra and not from our ego’s need for attention.  Avoiding this potential downfall may be most challenging during the first few days of the Sun’s transit through Leo because the opposition (180°) between the Sun and Pluto (power versus force) becomes exact on the very day that Sun moves into Leo.  The dramatic nature of Leo means that we all may hear some lions and lionesses roaring in order to be heard and seen.  
  • On Thursday, July 25, Mercury leaves Leo and moves into earthy Virgo.  Because Mercury will go retrograde soon (August 5-28), it will eventually slip back into Leo but then return to Leo in mid-August and then return to Virgo in mid-September.  While Mercury moves through Leo, our thoughts and words might be dramatic and perhaps predominantly focused on our own needs.  Unlike Leo, Mercury likes being in Virgo.  This placement will strengthen our ability to think and communicate clearly and help us carefully analyzing all the recent changes we’ve been making. However, we do need to be careful not to get caught up in “the paralysis of analysis” during this time.  Being cautious and analyzing a situation is appropriate, but getting stuck isn’t helpful. 
  • The next day (Friday, July 26), Chiron begins its annual retrograde phase (through December 29).  The days immediately surrounding this change in direction may see us feeling acutely aware of our vulnerabilities, fears, and inner wounds.  If we aren’t consciously aware of what is happening, we may lash out given that Chiron is moving through fiery Aries.  But if we can recognize what is happening, look inward, and courageously address the needs of our inner child(ren), then great healing is possible during this timeframe.  It may help to remember that although we may feel broken in some way, a broken bone that heals is often stronger than the original. 


Overall, this second back-to-back Capricorn Full Moon is likely to trigger or coincide with the culmination of something in our life.  We may feel ready to “wrap things up.”  There are many positive, supportive aspects to this Full Moon, so it may not take as much effort to accomplish our goals or at least make progress.  However, the Capricorn influence does mean it may take time and patience before we see concrete results.  This is another “slow and steady wins the race” time.  But progress is definitely possible, and we may even find that as we solve one problem, resolution of other issues magically fall into place.  Whatever is being worked on now will likely involve the creation of a practical, realistic structure that supports future growth.  In order to get there, we may need to pull on our “big girl panties” or our “big boy pants” and use our personal power to make necessary changes, cut away anything that is no longer serving us, and set healthy(ier) boundaries.  This may involve some intuitive insights, but we will have the energy and courage to try something that might even be outside our comfort zone.  It’s time! 

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  • Anne Reith, Ph.D.©


Full Moon at 29°08’ of Capricorn

  • Sunday, July 21, 2024, 3:17 a.m. PDT
  • Sunday, July 21, 2024, 6:17 a.m. EDT
  • Sunday, July 21, 2024, 10:17 a.m. UT


  • All New Moons and Full Moons influence us for the 3 days before, the day of, and 3 days after the actual event.



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By Anne Reith, Ph.D.


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