Advanced Astrology Class: Advanced Natal Chart Interpretation, Transits, and Much More!
Are you ready to dive into the deep end of the astrology pool?
In Dr. Anne’s 10-part Beginning Astrology: Understanding Yourself and Others, she focused on helping you learn about yourself from the perspective of your natal chart. This supported you in building a firm foundation upon which to build a sturdy house (i.e., your future learning in the field of astrology).
During Anne’s 12-part Intermediate Astrology: Aspects, Configurations, Patterns, and Basic Chart Interpretation course, you built your house on that solid foundation! You learned how the different rooms of your house and the “people” (i.e., planets) within the rooms get along (i.e., aspects). You also learned how to pull together all the information into a basic natal chart interpretation.
Continuing with the house analogy, in this Advanced Astrology: Advanced Natal Chart Interpretation, Transits, and Much More! course, you get to decorate your home and do some landscaping (e.g., advanced topics in natal chart interpretation). Additionally, you will learn how to (a) anticipate the ways in which you and the people in the house will evolve and change over time (i.e., transits, progressions) and (b) whether or not your home will get along with other homes in the neighborhood (i.e., composite charts, synastry).
- View a recording of Anne teaching her Beginning Astrology course
- Additional information about Dr. Anne’s Astrology courses
Advanced Astrology course objectives
Although certain topics will be covered (e.g., issues that deepen natal chart interpretations, transits), the content of this advanced-level course will, in part, be determined by the interests of the students who enroll.
It is important to understand that any topics that are included in this course will not be covered in depth, because it can take years of study to master them. Instead, the class will touch on many different subjects with the goal of exposing students to advanced topics that they may or may not wish to pursue in more detail on their own.
Here are some possible areas of exploration:
- Topics that can enhance the interpretation of natal charts and other charts (e.g., solar return charts):
- Mutual reception
- Planets with many aspects
- Planets with no aspects
- Chart rulership
- Planetary power
- Planetary type
- Moon phases
- Indicators of psychic, mediumship, or healing abilities
- 12th house issues
- Midpoints
- Career astrology
- Indicators of karmic or past life issues
- Medical astrology
- Special issues when interpreting natal charts of infants/children
- Techniques for predicting future possibilities and potentialities, such as:
- Transits
- Progressions
- Solar return charts
- Approaches to chart comparisons that help understand relationship dynamics, including:
- Composite charts
- Relationship charts
- Synastry charts
What is included in the Advanced Astrology course
- Numerous handouts or a manual covering the topics discussed
- A copy of all relevant charts and tables
- When taught live (i.e., in-person or online):
- Live instruction with time for questions
- The opportunity to view recordings from each class. Each class will be recorded, and each recording will be made available for the duration of the course and for an additional 2 months after the conclusion of the course. Only those registered for the course will be given access to the recordings. This is a wonderful opportunity for (a) those who were present at the class and would like to review some or all of the class content in order to “lock in the learning” and (b) for those who have to miss a class for any reason.
Registration information for the Advanced Astrology course
This Advanced Astrology course is currently in the planning phase.
However, please be sure to fill out the “Interested Form” below if you are interested in this course.
You may also want to set up a training or mentoring session with Anne. She would be glad to answer any questions you may have about astrology.
NOTE: Dr. Anne’s Beginning Astrology course and Intermediate Astrology courses have been recorded, and she plans to offer them as an online product in the near future.
“Interested Form” for Advanced Astrology course
Please fill out the following form if you would like to be notified:
- If this Advanced Astrology course gets scheduled.
- If this Advanced Astrology course becomes available as an online product.
- Beginning Astrology: Understanding Yourself and Others
- Intermediate Astrology: Aspects, Configurations, Patterns, and Natal Chart Interpretation
- Training and mentoring sessions in astrology with Anne
- Astrology information on Anne’s Blog
- Complete list of classes and workshops that are offered through IMPART
- Frequently asked questions about IMPART’s classes
- Testimonials and reviews
- IMPART’s online Store
- Be sure to Join Anne’s Online Community to receive:
- New & Full Moon Reports.
- Announcements about class offerings, new Blog posts, and new online products when they become available.
- If you have additional questions, feel free to email us at or call (714) 599-0017.
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By Anne Reith, Ph.D.