Psychic Development Classes with IMPART!
Laugh and have fun while developing your intuitive abilities within a caring and supportive environment!
Do you want to learn how to receive or expand your ability to receive Divine guidance? Would you like to do this within a Psychic Development class setting where you can receive guidance from a master teacher and encouragement from classmates on a similar mission?
Join us as Dr. Anne Reith provides a supportive environment in which to safely explore your gifts. You really can make amazing connections with your “spiritual team.”
Here’s a sample of Dr. Anne teaching about “the clairs,” which are skills used by psychics, mediums, and healers (e.g., clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance)
- View a sample of Anne explaining the important skill of discernment (i.e., determining the difference between Divine messages vs. our own thoughts, feelings, body sensations, etc.)
Description of online Psychic Development classes
* * * Classes are suitable for beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels.* * *
For almost 25 years, Dr. Anne has been teaching a very popular and effective Psychic Development class. Her goal is to assist in the process of developing or expanding your ability to accurately communicate with angels, archangels, guides, ascended masters, etc.
Anne provides lectures on a wide range of topics that are relevant to those wishing to explore the metaphysical field. Most classes include detailed handouts, a guided meditation, and opportunities to practice new skills.
The general topics include the following (but see next section for a more detailed list):
- Psychic Skills: Different psychic skills are explored (e.g., runes, tarot, angel cards, perceiving auras). The goal is to connect with and receive messages from angels, archangels, guides, ascended masters (e.g., Jesus, Buddha, Krishna), etc. Each class includes a lecture, guided meditation, and time to practice.
- Metaphysical Topics & Tools: The focus of these classes is to explore a metaphysical topic or tool in more depth (e.g., past lives, crystals, dream interpretation, Law of Attraction). A detailed, fact-filled lecture is always provided. Depending on the topic, sometimes skills are practiced with classmates (e.g., using a pendulum), but other times an extended meditation is provided (e.g., past life regression).
- NOTE: Many of these “Metaphysical Topics & Tools” classes have been recorded, and Anne plans to offer them as online products in the near future. Be sure to Join Anne’s Online Community so you can be notified when new products become available.
- First-time students receive a FREE handout on psychic protection.
- Regular attendance is recommended but not required. Feel free to “come when you can and miss when you must”!
- Click here to learn more about Anne’s Psychic Development: Guided Meditation. This is the same highly effective meditation that is used in the Psychic Development and Mediumship classes, in addition to many of Dr. Anne’s other classes.
- Click here to learn more about Anne’s Psychic Protection 101 eBook.
Topics typically covered in Dr. Anne’s Psychic Development classes
- Angels, Archangels, & Ascended Masters (e.g., Jesus, Buddha, Krishna)
- Animal guides & totems
- Aura readings
- Automatic writing & channeling
- Crystals & stones
- Discerning messages from Spirit from your own thoughts, sensations, etc.
- Dream interpretation
- Emotional Freedom Techniques or “Tapping” (EFT)
- Guides (aka Spirit Guides)
- Intuitive art
- Karma & fate
- Law of Attraction
- Life between lives
- Life scripts
- Meditation & guided meditation
- Mediumship
- Muscle testing (AKA: kinesiology)
- Orbs (pictures of Spirit)
- Past lives
- Pendulums & dowsing
- Psychic protection
- Psychometry (e.g., with objects or billets)
- Runes
- Tarot
- “The Clairs” (i.e., clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance)
- Using metaphysical tools in readings (e.g., cards, runes, tarot)
- And much, much more
Psychic Development class objectives
- Provide a safe environment in which to learn how to receive Divine communication from angels, archangels, and guides
- Learn how to use one or more of “the clairs” to communicate with Spirit (e.g., clairvoyance, clairaudience)
- Instruct students in how to use a variety of divination tools in order to enhance their ability to connect with those “on the other side”
- Learn the essential skill of discernment, which involves knowing when messages are being received from Divine sources versus when information is based on a person’s thoughts, visual impressions, or body sensations
- Develop a clear understanding of which entities Lightworkers choose to communicate with and what their role of different entities are in our lives
- Explore a wide range of psychic protection techniques that can be used while doing psychic work
- Actively practice using the new skills being learned
- Receive support and be able to ask questions during skill development and the ascension process
Psychic Development class outline
The class meets from 7:00-9:30 p.m. (Pacific Time). Times listed below are approximate:
- 7:00 – Welcome & any quick announcements
- 7:05 – Short lecture on a topic related to psychic skill development
- 7:30 – Guided mediation
- 7:45-9:15 – Practice (see IMPORTANT note below)
- 9:15-9:30 – Time for questions
- Practice will involve breaking up into smaller groups that are led by advanced students.
- Different psychic tools or skills will be used each month.
- IMPORTANT: In order to assist those who are developing their clairvoyant abilities, everyone will be expected to have their video camera turned on during the practice portion of the class. However, during the lecture and Q&A portions of the class, students can elect to have their video camera turned on or off. Everyone will have their video turned off during the guided meditation.
Here’s what students are saying about Dr. Anne’s Psychic Development classes
“I’ve learned so much in such a short period of time. I feel that Anne has opened doors that would not have been opened had I not participated in her Psychic Development class. She helps make the experience natural, comfortable, joyful, and an adventure. Anne draws a wonderful and talented group of people to her class, many of whom were curious about their “ability” but also fearful and skeptical. The class is a loving, expansive journey of self-awareness and growth. I know that I have been generously blessed by this experience.” (F.T., Long Beach, California)
“Thank you for all of your informative and educational classes. You have been such a positive change in my life, and I feel truly blessed to have found IMPART. My life has changed in a way that I never even knew was possible. I feel more loving and clear minded than I have ever felt. My family life has shifted in such a positive way. It’s as if we see each other’s souls. I feel so much more connected to my husband, which is amazing. My kids are more loving and happier. I’m really trying to be more in the moment with everyone, and I now realize how truly blessed I am.” (L.L., Mission Viejo, CA)
To read much more about what Anne’s students have gained from attending her psychic development and mediumship classes, please visit Testimonials and Reviews page.
Registration for Dr. Anne’s Psychic Development classes
- DATE: 2nd Tuesday of each month
- TIME: 7:00-9:30 p.m. (Pacific Time)
- NOTE: If you are not located in the Pacific Time Zone, then be sure to use the following Time Zone Converter:
- LOCATION: This is an online course offered using Zoom.
- NOTE: Preregistered students will be sent logon information the morning of the class (Pacific Time).
- PREREQUISITE: NONE! (Beginning, intermediate, and advanced students are always welcome!)
- TUITION: $40 per class (US Dollars)
- PREREGISTRATION REQUIRED: Must prepay for the class by 10 a.m. (Pacific Time) the day before the class
- REGISTRATION PROCESS: Because class size is limited, please contact us at or (714) 599-0017 to find out if there is still room available in the class.
- NOTE: If the class is full, a wait list will be created. If added to a wait list, you are encouraged to “save the date.”
“Interested Form” for Psychic Development classes
If you are unable to attend the upcoming Psychic Development class but would like to be notified when future classes are open for registration, please fill out the “Interested Form” below.
NOTE: If you cannot attend these Psychic Development classes but want to develop your skills or have questions, you are invited to set up a training or mentoring session with Anne. She would be glad to support you in exploring your abilities.
Disclaimers for Psychic Development classes
Anne is dedicated to providing high-quality, ethical, and compassionate services. She follows IMPART’s Code of Ethics.
Once registration is complete for this class, it is understood that you are agreeing to the following stipulations:
- Information or readings provided in this class are NOT intended to replace (a) appropriate medical or mental health care, (b) professional legal advice, or (c) professional financial advice.
- Psychic or mediumship information that is shared by Anne or any member of this class is for “entertainment purposes only.”
- You are solely responsible for all the decisions made based on any information or perceived advice given by Anne or any member of this class.
- What you decide to do with the information that is given to you, including any actions you take, is up to your own personal responsibility and choice.
- Anne, IMPART, and individual members of this class do not assume any liability for actions taken by you that result in loss or damage to you or any other entity as a result of the information given to you during this class.
- Anne has recorded the meditation she uses in all of her Psychic Development and Mediumship classes. Her students report that using it regularly helps them develop and maintain their ability to connect with Spirit: Guided Meditation for Psychic Development.
- Training and mentoring sessions with Anne
- Anne’s Mediumship classes
- Complete list of classes and workshops that are offered through IMPART
- Frequently asked questions about IMPART’s classes
- Frequently asked questions about how to develop your abilities
- Anne’s Blog – Posts in relevant categories
- Testimonials and reviews
- IMPART’s online Store
- Reiki training classes are recommended by Anne for her psychic development students because Reiki will often “jump start” and “expand” your intuitive abilities. The reason for this is that the attunements, which are part of the Reiki training process, are designed to open up the same energy channels (i.e., meridians) within the body through which psychic information is received (e.g., clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance).
- Be sure to Join Anne’s Online Community to receive:
- Announcements about class offerings, new Blog posts, and new online products when they become available.
- New & Full Moon Reports.
- If you have additional questions, feel free to email us at or call (714) 599-0017.
Visit our Facebook page to receive Anne Reith’s daily inspirational quotes and announcements.
By Anne Reith, Ph.D.