Automatic Writing and Intuitive Art Class!

Come learn how to communicate with Spirit using the right side of your brain!
Our brains are made of two hemispheres, and each region is responsible for very different functions in our lives:
- Left hemisphere: This half of our brain is important for skills such as logical or analytical thinking, mathematics, and attention to detail.
- Right hemisphere: This area is responsible for non-verbal communication, symbolism, abstract thought, and creative expression.
Research shows that psychic communication of all kinds relies heavily on the right hemisphere of the brain. When receiving information from Divine sources, we need to learn how to “turn off” the left hemisphere and allow the right hemisphere to be more active.
Automatic Writing & Intuitive Art class description
* * * All supplies will be provided* * *
During this playful and colorful class, you will learn about two powerful skills that some psychics and mediums use to communicate with those on the other side (e.g., angels, guides, ascended masters, deceased loved ones):
- Automatic writing (AKA psychography): This skill truly requires no ability in creative writing. It occurs when someone produces written words that do not come from the conscious thoughts of the writer. Automatic writing can be done with a pencil/pen, when typing, or even when texting.
- Intuitive Art: This skill truly requires no artistic ability. Stick figures are fine! It is the process of tapping into intuitive impressions and representing them through the use of color, lines, and shapes, without interference from the analytical mind (i.e., left hemisphere). Intuitive art can be done with any type of writing instrument and art supplies (e.g., pencils, pens, charcoal, pastels, paint).
Especially when learning how to use the skills of automatic writing or intuitive art, our job is to learn how to get our “selves” (AKA left hemisphere, ego) out of the way and let the creative energy of God/Source/Spirit flow through our right hemisphere. Our goal is to be a clear conduit or channel for spiritual expression. All that is required is to approach these skills with an open heart and the willingness to try something new.
NOTE: Ironically, having a special talent in writing or art actually can work against you when initially learning these new skills. For those gifted in these areas, you may have to temporarily “unlearn” what has worked for you in the past.
Automatic Writing & Intuitive Art class objectives
This 2.5 hour class will cover both automatic writing and intuitive art.
During the class, you will:
- Learn about how the skills of automatic writing and intuitive art can be very effective forms of spiritual communication
- Be provided with:
- Insights regarding what can interfere with these abilities
- Tricks that can enhance these skills
- Explore personal and collective interpretations/meanings of certain colors, shapes, and symbols
- Participate in a very special guided meditation that will connect you with one or more guides that will specifically work with you as you bring through written and symbolic messages from the other side
- Practice using both automatic writing and intuitive art skills
Registration information for Automatic Writing & Intuitive Art class
Dr. Anne has resumed teaching her monthly 2.5-hour Psychic Development class (2nd Tuesday of the month). She does cover the topics of of automatic writing and intuitive art during this class.
If you are interested in taking the Psychic Development class (or her Mediumship class that meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month), click on the link for more information. Each class includes a short lecture, handouts, guided meditation, time to practice your new skills, and a question and answer period. They meet through Zoom from 7:00-9:30 p.m. (Pacific Time). The tuition is $40 (US Dollars) per class. (NOTES: Appropriate for beginning, intermediate, and advanced students. New students are welcome at anytime. Space is limited. Preregistration is required.)
- A more in depth version of this Automatic Writing & Intuitive Art class may be offered again in the future. However, it has been recorded, and Dr. Anne plans to offer it as an online product very soon. It covers more information than is briefly covered during the current 2.5-hour Psychic Development class.
If you are interested in this Automatic Writing & Intuitive Art class, please be sure to fill out the “Interested Form” below.
Also, you may want to set up a private training or mentoring session with Anne. She would be glad to help you learn more about automatic writing or intuitive art and/or answer any questions you might have.
“Interested Form” for Automatic Writing & Intuitive Art class
Please fill out the following form if you would like to be notified:
- If this Automatic Writing & Intuitive Art class gets scheduled.
- If this Automatic Writing & Intuitive Art class becomes available as an online product.

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By Anne Reith, Ph.D.