New Moon in Cancer – A Potentially Volatile Month and Important Advice on How to Cope (July 5, 2024)

by Anne Reith, Ph.D.
Astrological wheel with symbols and backlighting of brilliant white, pink, purple, and blues
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Astrological wheel with symbols and backlighting of brilliant white, pink, purple, and blues

In the Pacific Time Zone, the New Moon will occur at 3:57 p.m. on Friday, July 5.  This New Moon finds the Moon and Sun conjunct (0°) at 14°23’ of Cancer.  To further clarify how this New Moon will impact you on a personal level, locate 14°23’ of Cancer in your birth/natal chart.  The issues associated with that house are going to be most influenced by this New Moon’s presence.  (NOTE:  Click here to learn how to find the transiting Moon in your chart.)

The month of July

Before we talk about the Cancer New Moon, I feel it’s important to talk about an astrological event that will be impacting us for the entire month of July.  It’s like an energy overlay that will amplify everything else that will be happening. 

On Monday, July 15, there will be an exact conjunction (0°) between Mars and Uranus in Taurus.  This aspect will be impacting us for about 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after this date.  We can think of this like an arch or a rainbow that has July 15 at the top.  The intensity will ramp up as we approach July 15 and gradually decreasing after that date.   

This Mars-Uranus aspect has the potential to be highly volatile but also unpredictable.  Mars is the planet of action, energy, and courage, but also aggression and impulsivity.  Uranus is associated with innovation and necessary change to increase our feeling of independence, but also rebelliousness.  The higher expression of this Mars-Uranus aspect includes heightened levels of intuition, as well as feeling unusually free and uninhibited. 

We may receive downloads of ideas and inspiration that could leave us literally breathless.  However, that difficulty catching our breath is partly due to the highly electrical nature of Uranus.  We may feel like our nervous systems are on overdrive. 

Additionally, as we approach July 15, we may feel a growing sense of urgency and internal pressure.  We may feel that we need to make a major change, especially if we feel there is anything blocking us from freely expressing what we believe and who we are in the world. 

Although it is very important to pay attention to the awareness that change is needed, we should avoid the impulse to take immediate action as a way to discharge the growing pressure.  The energy this month is so unpredictable that we may not clearly see the potential outcome or consequences of our choices.  This is not a good time to take risks.  Instead, we need to slow down and think things through. 

Recommendations for how to cope

Luckily, both Mars and Uranus are moving through Taurus, which provides some excellent advice regarding how to deal with this potentially high voltage energy. 

  • Taurus strongly prefers to feel in control.  Rather than act impulsively, we need to take a deep breath and carefully analyze a situation to determine (a) whether we can truly influence the current situation or (b) whether this is a situation that is out of our control.  If the former, then take action that feels right.  If the latter, then take another deep breath and focus on using some of the recommendations provided in the next 2 bullets.
  • Remember, Mars is about taking action and Uranus is about change.  Therefore, this might be a good time to try something different or to resume an activity that we haven’t done in a while.  Taurus wants to enjoy life, and it does this through activities that indulge our senses or anything that increases the beauty around us (however we define that).  And in addition to wanting to feel in control, Taurus wants to see concrete results.  Example behaviors might include doing the dishes, washing a window, organizing a closet, rearranging the furniture, going to the flower mart and getting a bouquet of flowers that smell great, listening to our favorite music and dancing like no one is watching, indulging in a scoop of our favorite ice cream, visiting a museum featuring our favorite type of art, or engaging in a creative activity (e.g., coloring books). 
  • Taurus also reminds us of the importance of staying grounded and taking care of our physical bodies through the use of our 5 senses.  So perhaps it’s a good time to start or resume activities that reconnect us with our bodies or with Mother Earth, such as getting a massage, going for a walk in nature, hugging a tree, or doing some “earthing” activities (e.g., gardening, walking barefoot). 


For readers in the USA, the Supreme Court just announced on Monday, July 1, its decision regarding presidential immunity. During the coming weeks, this will likely have ramifications, both expected and unexpected. For example, as this post is being written, it appears that Donald Trump’s sentencing hearing will be postponed until after July 11. Additionally, there may be fallout from the Presidential Debates that occurred on June 27, and the Republican Convention begins on July 15. 

Regardless of our political beliefs, it is important to keep in mind that this is a time when strong emotional reactions, arguments, and even protests are possible on either side of any issue.  This isn’t meant to frighten anyone! However, it is important for all of us to consciously choose to use the higher expression of the current astrological aspects.  As discussed above, think about what we have control over and what we don’t.  Review the recommendations I’ve provided regarding how to deal with the current volatile energy. Finally, we should do our best to avoid slipping into thoughts, words, or actions that exacerbate any contentious energy. This is definitely a time when it would probably be best to “agree to disagree.” 

The summer and fall of 2024

Now I want to bring up something that will be influencing all of us through the summer and fall months here in the Northern Hemisphere (winter and spring in the Southern Hemisphere).  It has to do with retrograde planets:

  • Pluto:  Turned retrograde on May 2 (through October 11). 
  • Saturn:  Began its annual retrograde phase on June 29 (through November 15). 
  • Neptune:  The blue planet follows suit on July 2 (through December 7). 
  • Mercury:  The second retrograde phase of the year will begin on August 5 (through August 28). 
  • Uranus:  Will turn retrograde on September 1 (through January 30, 2025).
  • Jupiter:  The ringed planet will turn retrograde October 9 (through February 4, 2025).
  • Mars:  The red planet will begin a very important retrograde period on December 6 (through February 23, 2025). 

In other words, the latter half of 2024 will see many planets in retrograde.  Neptune, which is the ruler of Pisces, will turn retrograde on Tuesday, July 2, at the “critical degree” of 29°55’.  As we discussed in last month’s Moon Update, the 29th degree of any sign usually coincides with endings, culmination, and finishing up any unfinished business.  Given the strong Piscean influence, this may involve wrapping up any lessons related to spirituality, creativity, compassion, faith, trust, surrender, acceptance, and healing any inner wounds related to victimization. 

Saturn and Neptune are the most recent planets to join the retrograde party, and they will both be retrograding in Pisces.  With so much Piscean energy, the summer months (winter in the Southern Hemisphere) will likely be a time of increased contemplation and introspection.  We do need to take care of our earthly responsibilities, but we should also pay close attention to our spiritual development and values, compassionate actions, and creative projects.  If we are willing to do the inner work that is required by retrogrades, there is the potential for great healing during this time.

NOTE:  For more information about retrogrades, see my Blog post Planets in Retrograde and How to Thrive During Mercury Retrograde

The Cancer New Moon

Now, let’s (finally) talk about the New Moon in Cancer, which provides us with an opportunity for a new emotional start in the areas associated with Cancer: 

  • The higher expression of this sign includes being nurturing, sympathetic, and family-oriented.  We often experience increased intuitive abilities.
  • The lower expression can lead to being overly emotional, sensitive, fearful, or moody. 

Cancer is a cardinal water sign.  Cardinal energy wants to be expressed.  Water signs are emotional.  Combine these two, and this means that many of us will want to actively express our feelings.  Now, go back and review the information above about the conjunction (0°) between Mars and Uranus.  Yes, we do need to express our emotional energy, but it may be wise to follow some of the recommendations above regarding how to do so safely. 

Whenever we have a strong Cancer influence, we are likely to be very focused on our home base.  This can include providing nurturing and comfort to both ourselves and those we identify as family.  We become more aware of our personal needs, which can include determining if the needs of our inner child (or inner children) are being met.  A New Moon in Cancer is often a time of gentleness, understanding, kindness, and forgiveness. 

However, if we are feeling insecure or threatened, Cancer is also known for becoming defensive and putting up protective walls.  Or using the symbol for Cancer of a crab, we could retreat into our shell or scuttle backwards in order to hide among the rocks along the shoreline.  And if these tactics don’t work, then we may become so protective of ourselves or those we call family that we use our claws to lash out in an effort to create a safe boundary around us. 

Approaching life from this defensive posture would be a waste of a wonderful opportunity.  Although we are dealing with the overlay of the Mars-Uranus conjunction (as discussed above), at the time of this New Moon on Friday, July 5, we are being supported by several wonderful trines (120°) and sextiles (60°). 

There are so many of these positive aspects occurring at this time that it would be cumbersome to analyze them individually.  Some of the more important ones include:

  • The Sun and Moon will be in trines (120°) to Saturn.
  • Because the Sun and Moon are in a wide conjunction (0°) to Venus, the planet of Love will also be in a trine (120°) to Saturn.
  • Venus will also trine (120°) to Neptune. 
  • The Sun and Moon will be in sextiles (60°) to Mars.
  • Mars will sextile (60°) Saturn. 

In general, many of these aspects provide us with a stable, mature, responsible, compassionate energy, especially when it comes to relationships and finances.  Given Venus is moving through Cancer, we may be thinking about how we can apply these qualities to our home or family (however we define that) in a way that increases our sense of safety and stability.  Saturn helps us slow down, plan ahead, and focus on the “long game” rather than immediate gratification, which could temporarily counter the impulsivity of the Mars-Uranus conjunction.  Neptune’s presence also helps us relax and be more creative.  Our intuition and connection with our spirituality can be heightened. 

And the aspects involving Mars ensure that we will have the energy and courage we need in order to do all of this!  As mentioned previously, given Mars is in Taurus, it’s a good time to focus on getting grounded and make sure we are using our resources effectively.  Saturn’s support ensures that any projects currently being worked on will make slow and steady progress.  It also will help us stabilize any emotional reactions we might experience during this time. 

However, it is important to mention that there is also an opposition (180°) between Mercury and Pluto.  This could bring an intensity to our communication.  Given Mercury is now in Leo, our words could even veer into the dramatic.  Strong opinions could lead to power struggles, and we need to be careful not to use words to overpower, manipulate, or hurt someone.  Additionally, this Mercury-Pluto opposition often coincides with previously hidden information being revealed, which could be constructive if we can reframe it as an opportunity to clear out old energy. 

However, it’s important that one or both parties consciously avoid using control tactics to convince the other person that their perceptions are “right.”  We need to keep our Leo pride at bay and focus, instead, on tapping into the core of Leo’s energy, which is the heart chakra.  If we can come from a place of love, this Mercury-Pluto aspect will help us tap into our inner authority and confidently express ourselves. 

The days following the New Moon

Between July 11-15, the energy shifts.  We will have (a) Venus exactly opposite (180°) Pluto on Thursday, July 11, and (b) the exact conjunction (0°) between Mars and Uranus (as discussed previously) on Monday, July 15.  Although the first 10 days of the month provided a lot of support for relationships of all kinds, these aspects could bring intensity and pressure to bear on relationships, finance, and anything involving something we desire or feel passionate about.  Issues of trust may require new levels of honesty. 

Having Uranus involved means that something may happen that seems to come out of left field.  Whatever happens is designed to shake things up and bring new and important changes.  But given it’s so unexpected, trying to prepare in advance is probably not an option.  All we can do is choose to react in a healthy way.   

Whatever does happen could feel like a cathartic event, and we may feel like we need to take immediate action.  However, it will be best to wait a few days and let the pressure subside before making any major decisions.  Sit back and observe what is happening.  Take in the information but avoid impulsive actions.  A few days later (Sunday, July 21), Mars will trine (120°) Pluto.  This will give us a wonderful surge of energy that will support us in pursuing our ambitions and making changes in our life while still maintaining our inner harmony. 

And one final note:  Toward the latter part of July (when the previously discussed Mars-Uranus aspect is still active), there will be a series of planets aspecting Pluto.  This includes the Full Moon on Sunday, July 21.  At that time, the Sun will be in an exact opposition (180°) to Pluto, which means Pluto will be in an exact conjunct (0°) to Moon (orb of only 20 minutes).  We will obviously talk more about this during the next Moon Update, but be aware that although the influence of the Mars-Uranus conjunction will be waning, the latter half of July will likely involve issues related to control, hidden information being revealed, and the appropriate use of power versus force. 

Planetary changes

Two planets change signs during this 2-week period: 

  • Mercury moved into Leo on Tuesday, July 2 (through July 26).  This placement is associated with thinking, writing, and speaking that is confident and goal-oriented.  We may find that we are more persuasive than usual due to our higher than usual level of confidence.  However, we do need to be careful; our thoughts and words can become overly dramatic, and we may become so self-absorbed that we do not listen to what others are saying.  
  • Venus enters Leo on Thursday, July 11 (through August 4).  Venus is all about love, relationships, beauty (however we define it), harmony, self-expression, creativity, and passion.  It is a very sensual energy.  When in Leo, Venus expresses love through grand gestures, and we may feel more generous with our affection and financial resources than usual.  However, the lower expression can lead to a need for attention, validation, and even an expectation that we be admired, rewarded, or pampered.  As with Mercury in Leo, we need to move out of love expressed from Leo’s lower expression of ego and pride and into the higher expression of unconditional love.   


Overall, the entire month of July could be a potentially volatile time unless we consciously choose to use that Taurean energy described above to ground ourselves and discharge any excess energy.  However, the time around the New Moon (and really the first 10 days of July) provides a lot of positive aspects that create a special oasis.  As long as we don’t allow ourselves to act out in impulsive ways, this is a great time to hunker down and focus on our home/relationships, finances, and security issues.  We may feel more sensitive than usual, but it’s also a time when our intuitive abilities may be heightened.  It’s time to check in and make sure our inner needs are being met, especially emotionally.  We should use these first 10 days of the month to communicate our love and affection to those we care about, as long as doing so doesn’t compromise our own self-care.  Then starting around July 11, we may feel increased pressure to deal with issues related to relationships, finances, and anything that we value or feel passionately about.  It will be important to breathe, ground ourselves, and remember that this, too, shall pass. 

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  • Anne Reith, Ph.D.©


New Moon at 14°23’ of Cancer

  • Friday, July 5, 2024, 3:57 p.m. PDT
  • Friday, July 5, 2024, 6:57 p.m. EDT
  • Friday, July 5, 2024, 10:57 p.m. UT


  • All New Moons and Full Moons influence us for the 3 days before, the day of, and 3 days after the actual event.



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By Anne Reith, Ph.D.

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