Testimonials and Reviews!

Since 2002, Anne has periodically requested testimonials from her students. Some of these are presented below. For your convenience, they have been grouped by topics. Feel free to click on the link that interests you:

- Anne – As a teacher & spiritual coach
- Anne – As a psychic, medium, & healer
- Astrology – Courses
- Astrology – New & Full Moon Updates
- IMPART – Community & support
- Psychic development & mediumship classes – Beginning & intermediate
- Psychic development & mediumship classes – Advanced
- Reiki classes
- Special topic – Classes & workshops
- NOTE: Click here to see list of special topics

NOTE: Reviews of Dr. Anne’s products
- Reviews of Anne’s products are available on her online Store.
- To find the reviews, go to the page for the product, scroll down about one-third of the way down the page (under the picture), and you will find a “tab” that says REVIEWS.

Anne – As a teacher & spiritual coach
- Information about Anne’s background.
- Information about Anne’s training and mentoring sessions.

Anne’s personal story is such an inspiration, the epic triumph of following societal expectations to realize that Universal guidance had even bigger plans! Her classes have transformed my life in a very positive way. I, too, was on the journey society had laid out for me, but Anne’s story touched me and gave me the strength to look within to a higher form of guidance. I learned to trust my intuition and further develop my own connection to be led moment by moment to my true purpose. Anne provides a loving and safe environment for people new to spiritual growth as well as advanced courses for those looking to continue to hone their skills. Because of Anne’s classes and advice, I have followed my inner guidance to allow each moment to unfold as it happens. I have had the opportunity to work with many powerful spiritual teachers and am now a published author. Anne is a loving teacher, guide, friend, and a reminder to us all that, anything is possible if we just listen to our own inner wisdom and Universal guidance. (V.H., Newport Beach, California)

As a potential teacher myself, I’m learning so much by observing Anne as a teacher. She is truly a Master Teacher! She is SO thorough! It’s like her mind is moving 1,000 mph. Just as questions come into my head, she answers them! And with all students, Anne is patient, respectful, and gracious, which is the sign of an exceptional teacher. (C.Y., Riverside, California)

Watching Anne teach last night, all I could think of was, “She is completely in her element. What a teacher! A true master.” How lucky we are to have her! (C.S., Claremont, California)

What a gifted woman Anne is! Every class that I attend, a part of me shifts and I see so many of her students go home transformed. It’s so incredible to witness how deeply Anne impacts each of our lives – each and every day. I feel such gratitude to have met her and to have her in my life. Thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart, Anne!!! (C.C., Fullerton, California)

I just wanted to thank Anne for all the hard work she does with all of her classes and the amazing opportunities she offers to her students. I feel so blessed to have found IMPART. All of Anne’s students love her very much and greatly appreciate all the work she does. I have been so grateful to have had the opportunity to have her in my life. She is a true angel for all those who have the wonderful opportunity to meet her. Thank you again! (R.N., Diamond Bar, California)

After attending Anne’s class today, I am feeling so joyful, wide open, and welcomed! Anne has played such an important role in my life. I feel so deeply connected to myself, and so endlessly optimistic and hopeful for the future to come. I have such profound gratitude for Anne and the work she is doing. (M.D., New York City, New York)

The first time I attended Anne’s class, I immediately knew that she would be my teacher. I have been feeling the last few years that part of my purpose is in helping others heal (emotionally, physically). I have been asking Spirit for guidance and to put the right people in my path so that I could learn and become clear on what that purpose was. I am so grateful that I was lead to Anne’s classes. I am learning about everything I’ve been wanting to learn…intuitive work, healing work, connecting with spirit, and basically almost everything to do with metaphysics. I spend almost all of my free time reading, meditating, attending Anne’s classes, and I can feel it’s paying off. Thank you Anne! (K.C., Tustin, California)

Anne is such an inspiration and a living example that love truly does heal all things in all ways! I am so grateful for the wonderful healing experiences that occur during her classes. She is an amazing teacher who helps so many of us on our life journeys!!!! I have much gratitude and admiration. (T.K, Palos Verdes, California)

Anne Reith’s classes are as impressive as they are surprising. With any subject Anne teaches, whether it is creating a successful business or something along the metaphysical line (e.g., Reiki, psychic development), you can be certain that the material is going to be well-organized, clearly presented, and open to frank discussion by you and your classmates. This alone rivals many of the college courses I have taken in schools on both coasts. (R.D., Newport Beach, California)

I can’t say enough about Dr. Reith. There are so many facets to Anne and what she does and how she does it. Her experience in the spiritual world, academic world and mental health services gives her the ability to recognize many different aspects of the human condition. She always knows what to say and how to say it. She makes you feel comfortable, blessed, safe and at peace. I’m honored to have her in my life as a counselor, confidant and colleague. Bless her! (S.E.A., Placentia, California)

I can see such amazing and tremendous growth within myself, both spiritually and personally, since starting to take classes from Anne. I think the most important thing I have learned from her is this: “There is no right or wrong way. Everyone is different, everyone has a different perspective. What works for some might not work for others. Find your own way, your own voice, your own level of comfort. Find what is right for you.” I will use this framing to relate to every new teacher I learn from and every new student I teach. I will use this for my everyday life. She has given me new glasses to see the world, and myself. (C.M., Corona, California)

Anne is a wonderful teacher, reader and healer. With everything that she does, there is so much love, laughter and light! Her connection to spirit is such a gift to us all. Her teachings and guidance have changed my life completely and I am so blessed to have her as a mentor and friend. (E.G., Long Beach, California)

I love taking classes with Anne because she makes you feel safe to allow experiences to just happen. Thank you for keeping us safe during all of our growth experiences! (M.G., West Covina, California)

Anne is a caring, compassionate, highly gifted Spiritual Teacher. With every class, Anne teaches you more than you ever imagined. She is one of the most profound teachers I have ever known. She speaks from the heart and shares a wealth of knowledge and wisdom. ( J.P., Huntington Beach, California)

If you are wondering about your psychic gifts and/or just want a better understanding of the metaphysical field, Dr. Anne Reith is by far the best teacher I have come across. Her way of teaching allows you, as the student, to explore your gifts in a safe and comfortable environment. She’s always a resource of information and help when you need it. I never thought I would eventually work professionally as a psychic, medium, or healer, but all of these became my destined journey. IMPART became my home away from home. (M.W., Buena Park, California)

From what I’ve observed, word of mouth is what brings most students to Anne’s classes. Many of them travel long distances to hear what she has to say. It is apparent that Anne works hard, loves doing what she’s doing, and we students feel safe expressing ourselves in her classroom. Many thanks to Anne for creating an inclusive environment for people to learn new things about themselves. (M.C., Anaheim, California)

Attending classes with Dr. Anne was a major turning point for me in my life. I learned that there wasn’t anything “wrong” with me. I wasn’t crazy or mentally ill. I was just an empath and a highly sensitive person who had psychic and healing abilities that weren’t being understood or properly used. Once I came to this realization, the transformation began. Now I am free to simply focus on further developing my abilities without any blocks or self doubts. It’s like a ton of emotional/mental bricks have been lifted off me. Thanks to Anne! This was the best therapy I’ve ever had!!!! (N.V., Irvine, California)

Anne – As a psychic, medium, & healer
- Information about Anne’s background.
- Information about Anne’s training and mentoring sessions.

Anne’s ability to open the door between our world and the world of angels, guides and deceased loved ones has healed and opened my heart. If she is your teacher, expect your abilities and knowledge to grow beyond your expectations. If she communicates messages to you from the other side, expect to be enlightened and awed by the accuracy and wisdom. Her warmth, gentleness and unconditional love makes you feel at ease and trustful of whatever comes through. If you only ever reach out to one messenger from God, Anne is the one it should be as she is a true Earth Angel. (K.S., Upland, California)

Anne has been a source of empowerment and strength in my life as I’ve been going through my own personal transformation. I’ve had several readings with her that brought inspiration and much needed validation. I believe God and my Angels work through Dr. Anne in a way that gives me information to lead me down my path to my Higher Self. I consider Anne an Earth Angel in my life. (C.J., Los Angeles, California)

I have had several in person readings and healings with Anne, and I have taken many of her classes. She is nothing short of amazing! It all began with my very first reading with her, which was astounding and overwhelming. When I set up the appointment, I only told her my name because I was a complete skeptic. At the time of the session, I would not even tell her why I was there. Without giving her any clues, Anne quickly connected with my father, which was the reason I was pursuing the session with her. She was supportive, even when I became upset and was crying. She knew exactly how to handle the delicate situation. That was a complete turning point in my beliefs and way of life. Dr. Anne was there to help me as a spiritual coach, reader, healer, and eventually my teacher. I can honestly say that she has helped me to become the loving and, most of all, forgiving person that I have become. I will be forever grateful. (A.B., La Habra, California)

I met Anne after the passing of my mother. My heart and spirit were truly broken, but through her amazing mediumship abilities, she was able to connect with my mother. That connection has helped me tremendously through the grieving process. She helped me realize that my parents are still with me even though they are no longer on the Earth plane. I’ve had several sessions with Anne, and she is highly intuitive and accurate in what she sees. She has given me messages from Spirit that have helped guide me through my spiritual journey. I’ve come to rely on her intuition, insight, and spiritual integrity. She is my spiritual advisor and my dear friend. I am so grateful to have Anne in my life. (B.A., Garden Grove, California)

During her readings, Anne conveys the messages she receives from Spirit with clarity, peace, and grace. She is someone who is full of light. Anne has the wonderful gift of making you feel at ease, comfortable, and eager to learn the joy of Spirit. I personally have been blessed to know her. (J.F., Seneca, Illinois)

At my first reading, I was skeptical, to say the least. I had never been to a psychic before. Within a few moments, the legitimacy of the information provided to me by Anne pierced me to my core. Frankly, I was stunned! Her messages were very clear, and she is a confident channel. Emotionally sensitive issues were addressed in a loving, gentle, but direct and honest way. I derived direction and clarity from our meeting and a connection/perception into my past that provided necessary healing and forward motion. I left feeling a connection with angels, guides, and deceased loved ones. Feeling I am not alone in this world was a healing gift that shines light into my daily life. (D.T., Long Beach, California)

I apologize in advance for the length of this story about Anne, but I feel it conveys so much about her professionally and as a person. I have two beautiful daughters who are always by my side. Kirsty was killed in a car accident. Before her passing in 2003, I hardly ever thought about Heaven. I really had no reason to! But after she passed, I had so many questions. I needed to talk to someone who knew about life-after-life. I could feel Kirsty was pushing me to learn about the other side. I began looking into classes in spirituality and was particularly drawn to Anne’s Psychic Development class. The first night that I went to class, I was so nervous, but I knew I was in the right place. I instantly made new friends, and Anne made learning fun. I had never met a teacher like her before! When I left class, I couldn’t wait until next week. Anne is funny, caring, and compassionate. She has been given this incredible gift from God, that’s one thing I’m sure of!! Little did I know that Anne would counsel me through some of the most difficult days of my life with love and support. In early January 2005, I got a phone call telling me that my youngest daughter, Hollie, had also been in a car accident, and she was in a coma. When Anne found out what had happened, she immediately offered to come to the hospital. She brought her healing energy, love, and support, which I needed so badly. Anne described how the room was filled with Hollie’s angels, guides, and deceased loved ones. She said that Hollie was surrounded by their love. So many miraculous things happened while Anne was there, all of which showed us that Anne was truly communicating with them and with Hollie, who was still in a coma. At that time, Anne said that Hollie was still deciding whether she wanted to cross over or not. However, about 30 minutes after Anne left the hospital, she left a message on my cell phone with a new message from Hollie: “Mum, it’s time to let me go.” My heart ached, but I knew it was God’s perfect timing. Anne also told me that the family would all be gathered around Hollie at 8 p.m. and that something important would happen at that time. Just after 8 p.m., Hollie crossed over to a new life with her sister, Kirsty. I believe that a reading with Anne can bring you healing that could never be attained through traditional grief counseling. And through her classes and individual readings, Anne has taught me so many truths . . . how to develop my own gifts and how to look for signs from my girls, of which I’ve seen many. Now I am to return this gift by helping others who have lost children. I will be eternally grateful to Anne, and her love and support will never be forgotten. (J.S., Canyon Lake, California)

Astrology – Courses
- To begin receiving Dr. Anne’s New & Full Moon Updates, please join Anne’s Online Community today!
- Information about all of Anne’s Astrology courses.

I highly recommend Anne Reith’s remarkably informative Beginning Astrology course. Anne’s approach to teaching this complex subject was very methodical and easy to digest. Once students had a strong understanding of the fundamentals, she then guided us in the exploration of our own natal charts. Anne provided a comprehensive manual, charts, and tools; and the recorded online classes allowed me to review content at my own time and rate. I am grateful for this class as it has provided me with a deeper understanding of my innate traits and clarified my relationships with others. I’m excited to take the next Intermediate and Advanced classes! (D.S., Marina Del Rey, CA)

The content of Anne’s Beginning Astrology course was exceptionally detailed and thorough. The excellent examples in every session brought the content to life. I was especially grateful for all the reference material in the appendices. The tools Anne provided for analyzing charts really resonated with me. The sample script that provides ways to explain charts to someone new to astrology is an incredible gift that showcases her years of experience and expertise. (L.P., Yorba Linda, California)

As with every subject she teaches, Anne explains astrology in simple and easy to follow steps. Yet, her depth of knowledge about this subject is profound, and she does not teach it on a superficial, shallow level. What I like about her approach is that Anne looks at astrology and the interpretation of natal charts from the perspective of a Psychologist, which gives the information deeper meaning. I enjoyed attending the live online classes, which allowed me to ask questions. It was also very helpful to learn how to find the New and Full Moons in my natal chart so I can gain even more from her Moon Updates. There is much more I could praise and have learned in Anne’s Beginning Astrology class. I greatly recommend it and cannot wait for her next Intermediate Astrology course. (P.D., Costa Mesa, California)

Beginning Astrology course is like being given a treasure map that allows you to explore your life’s journey. Anne provides easy step-by-step directions, uses simple-to-understand language, and excellent analogies that facilitate the learning process. This, combined with a unique psychological perspective, makes this a great course. (K.S., Toronto, Canada)

I highly recommend Anne’s Beginning Astrology course. Her manual and all class presentations are very easy to follow. Regardless if you are a beginner or an experienced astrologer, by the end of the course you will have learned a lot! (M.P., Irvine, California)

I have learned so much from taking Anne’s Beginning Astrology and Intermediate Astrology courses. Through Anne’s simple and clear explanations of complex topics, I now have a strong foundation for understanding basic chart interpretation. In the Intermediate course, I was able to do a deeper dive into the influence of major and minor aspects, planetary configurations, and planetary patterns. This helped me understand their influences on my chart, along with the possibilities and potentialities of my journey on earth. If you are ready to change your life for the better by opening your mind and heart to your own self-discovery and understanding of those around you, then I would HIGHLY recommend taking Anne’s astrology courses. Not only have I acquired a deeper understanding of astrology, but my sense of love/compassion/empathy for myself and others has deepened as well. (B.A., Garden Grove, California)

I’ve actually been a student of astrology for many years, and I already provide readings to clients. I am largely self-taught, although I have received some training from family and friends. However, I had never taken a formal course before taking Anne’s Beginning Astrology and Intermediate Astrology courses. In addition to covering the nuts and bolts of astrology, she also included how to approach a solid chart analysis and interpretation. Due to taking this course, I discovered that my previous knowledge base was like “swiss cheese.” Anne’s comprehensive class helped me to strengthen my fundamental knowledge and gave me the language I needed to better express the principles of astrology to friends and clients. She teaches in a way that is clear, entertaining, and informative to the beginner and to the more experienced student. There are plenty of online astrology websites, but I don’t think there is a replacement for a solid foundational learning experience like the one provided by Anne’s courses. (A.O., Orange, California)

I have taken Anne’s Beginning Astrology and Intermediate Astrology courses. I must say that not only is she a breathtaking astrologer, but she is also a brilliant and thorough teacher. She takes something as complex as astrology and breaks everything down so carefully and thoroughly that each of her students understands the concepts completely. By using your natal chart, she gives many examples that result in you not only learning about astrology but you are learning about yourself. I have recently provided several astrology readings to people and had great results. I now have a wonderful confidence in my abilities thanks to having a supportive and methodical teacher. I could not ask for anything more! (A.B., La Habra, California)

Anne’s Intermediate Astrology course was the perfect addition to her Beginning course. Learning some of the more complex concepts in astrology can be overwhelming when done by yourself. Anne guided us as we delved into the astrological aspects (e.g., trines, squares), which add so much richness to a chart reading. She then taught us about the planetary patterns and planetary configurations. Anne did this while supplying us with extensive yet concise information, which made the process of learning so enjoyable! (V.W., Mission Viejo, California)

I’m so grateful I had the opportunity to take the Intermediate Astrology course. Anne’s experience and knowledge, along with her generosity of spirit, make her the perfect person to lead classes on a subject matter that can be difficult to understand at times. Thanks to Anne, this class opened my eyes to new levels of information, which have provided me with deeper connections to the patterns, events, and relationships in my life! (B.C., Huntington Beach, California)

Through Anne’s Intermediate Astrology course, I had come to understand complex concepts and approaches. She breaks complex information down in ways that simplify and guide her students through chart interpretation. Although I don’t plan on becoming a professional astrologer, Anne has given me enough information and deepened my understanding of astrology to the point where I can interpret astrological charts for myself and my family. (E.T, Dana Point, California)

Astrology – New & Full Moon Updates
- See the most recent New & Full Moon Updates.
- To begin receiving Dr. Anne’s New & Full Moon Updates, please Join Anne’s Online Community today!
- Information about all of Anne’s Astrology courses.

I want to thank Anne so much for her New & Full Moon Updates. I appreciate her taking the time to gather together exactly what is going on, what we might be experiencing, and how we can deal with these energies in practical ways. Anne is able to communicate all of this (sometimes unsettling) information in a very reassuring way. I wonder how many people she has helped with this information? Spirit is giving me the picture of a pebble dropping into a still pond, with the ripples reverberating on and on. Thanks. (C.S., Claremont, California)

I love Anne’s bi-monthly Moon Updates! Her gift of eloquence combined with simplicity is a bright light in the sea of complicated astrological interpretation. A majority of reports are so far out there in cosmic language land that the majority of readers have no clue what’s being communicated. Anne’s are perfect!!! (C.T., New York City, New York)

Anne often provides the single most valuable explanation for our current astrological happenings that I have found. I refer back to her New & Full Moon reports time and time again. I have forwarded it to friends and family upon request. It is always very clear, precise, detailed, and easily understood. It is never doom and gloom, and is always optimistic and completely informative. Thank you! (P.K., Anaheim, California)

One of many things that I admire about Anne is her willingness to FREELY share her knowledge with others through her New & Full Moon Updates. I have had teachers in the past who charged for everything they did. I am always eager to forward the information to my friends. Anne’s most recent Full Moon report held so much pertinent data . . . not only for me but for many of my friends. (J.J., Anaheim Hills, California)

IMPART – Community & support
- Information about IMPART.
- Information about Anne’s training and mentoring sessions.

The Institute for Mediumship, Psychic, Astrological, and Reiki Training (IMPART) is constantly making my life purpose expand, regenerate, and flow. I actually had started my healing practice just before meeting Anne, but without the unconditional support (both human and spiritual) and the constant exchange I experience from her and my fellow IMPART students, I believe I would have drained myself to the point of not being able to practice healing anymore. Anne has taught me how to set boundaries and take care of myself. To me, the IMPART community is not just a place where I learn, it is also a sanctuary where I regenerate because I feel safe to expand the boundaries of my intuition, my mediumship, and my connection to Source. (G.D., Mission Viejo, California)

My experience with Dr. Anne has been beyond my wildest dreams. Due to her classes and support, I have healed in ways I never imagined I could or would. What an amazing spiritual journey! Anne is a wonderful teacher who just keeps on giving of herself. The classes are “college like” and informative. I’ve taken everything that Anne has to offer. It’s also been great to be able to socialize and connect with like-minded people of all ages, genders, sexual orientations, ethnicities, etc. I love how eclectic IMPART’s student population is! I will be forever grateful! (B.S., La Habra, California)

Anne has a downright passion for building connectivity in the healing community, which I admire greatly! It’s such a blessing to have met her and many thanks for all she does for the community – awesome. (I.B., Mission Viejo, California)

I make my living with my credible reporting of provable observational facts. Fear, skepticism, and self-doubt were powerful adversaries to my participation in a Psychic Development class or workshop. The information Anne provided on protecting ourselves was invaluable, and my fears were quickly dissolved by the professional, organized content and structure of the course. I found the class to be a realm where all could feel comfortable. Not only are the classes informative, but Anne creates an atmosphere of open-minded, non-judgmental, intelligent conversation were I soon found camaraderie in shared experiences with other students. The knowledge I gained shed light and recognition into the everyday communications that surround our lives that we either second-guess or completely disregard. My thanks to Anne for turning on the light. (D.T., Long Beach, California)

Anne has been an amazing teacher for me. She has provided a platform for me to feel comfortable, and with each class that I attend, I learn new things. I have been attending for about a year, and she now encourages those of us who have been in class for a while to reach out to those who are just learning to develop their skills. I just think it is so important for all of us to help each other feel comfortable and safe. Anne is such a blessing! She has helped me in so many ways! The work that she does is so very important!! (S.S., Anaheim, California)

I’ve been lucky . . . I’ve had the chance to study at excellent universities here and abroad. Now, I work at one of the most prestigious colleges in the country. Along the way, I’ve learned a thing or two about what makes a good instructor. Anne Reith is one of the best. She combines decades of teaching with very finely tuned intuitive skills, plus lots of warmth and humor. If you want to learn in her classes, rest assured – you will learn. Better yet, you’ll have fun doing it and be part of a community of like-minded students and practitioners, getting a chance to explore your new found skills in an environment filled with the warmth and support that Anne brings to every class she creates. Join us! (C.S., Claremont, California)

With Anne as your teacher, you can be sure you are in the competent hands of an experienced, fair-minded and dedicated educator. There is a hidden bonus to taking classes with Anne. Regardless of the topic under consideration or your previous exposure to the information, you will receive a wealth of new information and resources with which to broaden your horizons. However, you also have the rare chance to meet a handful of like-minded souls in her classroom. The eager exchange of information and ideas between fellow seekers and the teacher may be the added reward that keeps you returning to Anne for additional instruction through the years! (R.D., Newport Beach, California)

You get to know Anne very well during her classes, because she is not afraid to share her personal experiences if it means growth for the class. We all get to share each others experiences, and I feel strongly that is what makes any of her classes such a success because we get to share the experiences with our classmates, and in return, from Anne, we get to discover which tool or technique will work best for us. As long as Anne continues to teach classes, I will forever be a student of hers. To have a teacher such as her is a rare find. Anyone who can take a class or course with Anne will never be the same again. Your life will change . . . for the better. (M.G., Chatsworth, California)

I think that sometimes you reach a point in your life when you want to change things. It takes tremendous courage to shift, to grow, to find the person you can be. By attending IMPART’s classes, you will have the support to take the next step. It truly is a circle of love. Take your 1st step – if you want to change your life. Be the person you were meant to be – live in courage!! Be free!! (J.P., Anaheim Hills, California)

Anne’s classes are always such a warm and inviting place. They are a place where you can learn about your gifts in a professional and loving way. I have met many great people in her workshops and classes. I very much look forward to each visit, and the prices are very reasonable! (L.K., Walnut Park, California)

For 3 years, I attended classes with Anne. Even though I lived over an hour away from her Center, when I got there, I was always so happy to be among “birds of a feather.” The drive was well worth it. I made what will be life-long friends during those years. About 9 months ago, I moved to Northern California. It’s become even more apparent just how unique and special Anne and IMPART were to me! I have not found anything even remotely close to what is offered by Dr. Anne. I really do miss being a grateful, happy student with IMPART!! (T.Z., San Jose, California)

Psychic development & mediumship classes – Beginning & intermediate
- Information about all of the classes Anne offers.
- Information about Anne’s training and mentoring sessions.

Thank you for all of your classes, teachings, and guidance. I am so grateful for the journey I began at IMPART over a year ago. I have grown so much more than I could have imagined. Intially, I was just hoping to increase my personal intuition a bit. I had no idea what it would turn into. I now hear my inner voice regularly. I recognize it, trust it, and even follow it! Each time I leave an IMPART class I love the heightened awareness and intuition that I feel due to my closer connection to my guides and their messages. I look forward to the journey ahead and continuing my growth! (C.V., Irvine, California)

I am so grateful for the opportunities that Anne provides in her psychic development and mediumship classes! I just can’t stop thinking about how high the vibration is during each class. Last night, it was a wonderful experience working with our small group and our group leader was awesome! Thank you so much, Anne! Your classes enrich my life, and you are truly a wonderful teacher! (S.S., Santa Ana, California)

Anne helped me find a community of people in which I can be myself. This allowed me to connect with my life purpose of bringing light, love, hope, peace, comfort, and healing to others. I also learned that self-care is the foundation upon which I can provide those services to others. I will always remember the first class I ever attended with Anne. I suddenly recalled a dream that I’d had many years ago. In the dream, Dr. Anne was there, and she was presenting a classroom full of students through a guided meditation. I immediately knew I was right where I was supposed to be! Through the next few years, she created a safe community in which to explore and manifest my gifts. I learned that I truly am not alone. And now that I’ve started working professionally, a day doesn’t go by that I don’t use the skills I learned at IMPART. I am so blessed and grateful for Dr. Anne and the IMPART community! (A.R., Las Vegas, Nevada)

Thank you for all of your informative and educational classes. You have been such a positive change in my life, and I feel truly blessed to have found IMPART. My life has changed in a way that I never even knew was possible. I feel more loving and clear minded than I have ever felt. My family life has shifted in such a positive way. It’s as if we see each other’s souls. I feel so much more connected to my husband, which is amazing. My kids are more loving and happier. I’m really trying to be more in the moment with everyone, and I now realize how truly blessed I am. (L.L., Mission Viejo, CA)

I cannot extol the benefits of Anne’s Psychic Development classes and workshops enough. If you find yourself on a spiritual path or are merely interested in various subjects, I would highly recommend these classes. She presents them in a way that gives each person a chance to participate, take an active part, and have questions answered. Besides learning, you find yourself making many new friends with like interests. Because of these classes and Anne’s help and support, I have been able to take my written channeling to a new level . . . channeling live before the class. This has been a huge step for me, and I will be forever grateful. (M.M., Huntington Beach, California)

I’ve learned so much in such a short period of time. I feel that Anne has opened doors that would not have been opened had I not participated in her Psychic Development class. She helps make the experience natural, comfortable, joyful, and an adventure. Anne draws a wonderful and talented group of people to her class, many of whom were curious about their “ability” but also fearful and skeptical. The class is a loving, expansive journey of self-awareness and growth. I know that I have been generously blessed by this experience. (F.T., Long Beach, California)

I stumbled into Anne’s Psychic Development class by accident, completely unaware of her wonderful gifts and ability to bring out the same in her students. Her classes are filled with humor, love and encouragement. They have covered a wide variety of psychic subjects in a safe and friendly environment. It was my lucky day when I found Anne and her classes. (N.B., Walnut, California)

I’ve just recently stepped into this “brave new world” of psychic development and feel great trust in working with Dr. Anne Reith’s guidance. I find her belief in our ability to pull away from our lower, frightened selves and learn to grow in enlightenment with our higher selves very encouraging. I feel I’ve been guided to this opportunity. (P.J.M., Santa Ana, California)

I look forward every week to Anne’s classes, because she affirms the innate ability in each of us to access intuitive knowledge. She gently guides us through the steps necessary to tap these gifts and reveal our true power. Most importantly, everything Anne engages us in, she anchors in love and light, so that our discoveries always serve the greatest good of all involved. (D.P., Tustin, California)

IMPART classes with Anne are by far the best. I did a ton of research to find the very best learning environment with the highest caliber of staff, support, and content. I haven’t found anything yet that beats IMPART. It is such a fantastic environment for newbies. Everyone makes every effort to welcome beginners and help them feel at home. I can’t recommend this program enough. It sure changed my life! (C.C., Fullerton, California)

During Dr. Anne’s Psychic Development and Mediumship classes, she begins by giving an oral lecture and topical instructions. Then there is a guided meditation led by Anne. After that, the class is divided into small groups to practice our skills. There’s an advanced student in your group to help out and there’s also your classmates to assist you. It’s safe to practice with everyone in your group, and the feedback from others helps you gauge how you are doing at developing your skills. I’ll be going back again and again, and I recommend it to anyone who really wants to learn. (J.O., Long Beach, California)

Psychic development & mediumship classes – Advanced
- Information about all of the classes Anne offers.
- Information about Anne’s training and mentoring sessions.

It hit me a day or two ago that it’s almost exactly two years since I began taking Anne’s classes. It was hard, but it was definitely time to find support for this part of myself. That first night was the beginning of two years of solid classes, development circle work, discussion, homework and journaling. I knew I had found an excellent teacher, and I was bound and determined to learn as much as possible! And what a teacher I had found! So much information and such solid instincts: Always supporting her students, she gets them to stand on their own two feet – never missing an opportunity to laugh or encourage. I am so very privileged – and believe me, I know it. (C.S., Claremont, California)

Anne is an impeccable teacher with a heart of gold. I came to her classes starting about 3-1/2 years ago. I have learned so much that it has resulted in a life altering turn of events in my life. Learning what I have in her classes has really allowed me to open my heart and learn more about myself than I ever even knew was possible. She is a supportive and constructive teacher who is there for her students. She really helped me to realize that I had been living a life where psychic phenomenon had been going on around me and I was just unaware of it. She helped me to harness that intuitive information and turn it in to clear communication with my angels, guides and loved ones. I can now tune into my “Self” whenever I am feeling down or just need some guidance. Before Anne, I was unable to even meditate. But Anne’s calm and soft nature helped me to meditate the first time that I tried in her class. She is incredible, and I would and have recommended her in a heartbeat. If you would like to learn how to open your heart and listen with it, then Anne would be a great choice! (A.B., La Habra, California)

About a year ago I was looking for a class to learn more about opening up spiritually and becoming more centered in my life. I had come from a very structured religious background so I was a bit skeptical to say the least. I chose Anne’s Psychic Development class because it said there would be “fun and laughter!” From the very first class I instantly felt like part of the group. Anne was so warm and friendly in addition to being very respectful of people’s various religious backgrounds. She completely encourages listening to yourself to find out whether something is right for you or not. What a breath of fresh air. She is such a natural teacher. (School would have been so much more fun if the classes were like this!) I went alone to the first class and since then I have become friends with so many great people. I have now participated in Anne’s advanced-level training classes, which has broadened and deepened my abilities. What a blessing to have met Anne. I do believe that it was Divine guidance that led me to her. (S.B., San Clemente, California)

I’m doing things in Anne’s classes that I would have not even given myself credit for being able to do before. Things that I used to think, “Wow, I wish I could do that!” For one thing, I’m channeling! I thank God everyday for finding Anne and her classes and everyone that I have met. I truly feel, for the first time in my life, that I am on my life path and I look forward to helping others. (D.N., Cypress, California)

Before I found Anne, I went from one metaphysical class to another, trying to find that perfect fit between teacher and student. I am so glad I found her! I am proud to say, I have been a continuing student with Anne for almost 2-1/2 years now, and I’ve taken all of her psychic development and healing arts classes. She is accommodating, professional, intuitive, and possesses a genuine desire to see ALL of her students accelerate towards their own personal, spiritual paths. Anne has helped me immensely, in making that “deeper connection with Spirit.” (M.R., Mission Viejo, California)

Reiki classes
- Information about Reiki.
- Information about all of the classes Anne offers.

One of the biggest highlights of attending Anne’s classes is that as you attend her classes, you begin to heal yourself on many levels. If you chose to go forward with Reiki, it will help you to resolve deep issues that can finally come to the surface and allow you to embrace your true self. I highly recommend attending her Reiki classes. There are students here that travel from all over Southern California and some out of state, just to learn from Anne. You will forever be grateful for your journey with Dr. Anne. What a tremendous blessing she is to all of us! ( J.P., Huntington Beach, California)

If anyone is interested in working with a Reiki teacher who will lovingly and professionally teach you the healing art, then Anne is your teacher. She will not only teach and transfer the skills necessary to be an effective and confident healer, but she will also infuse within you an element of the sacred connection to the “divinity within.” I highly recommend Anne as a teacher in every area of curriculum she has to offer. (M.W., Long Beach, California)

I thank you so much for helping me to recognize my inner voice and expand my abilities through your Reiki classes and attunements, and so many other classes that have helped me to be in a much better place after this year of change. Not to mention the wonderful healing modalities that I didn’t even expect to learn about! Each time I leave an IMPART class, I love the heightened awareness and intuition that I feel due to my closer connection to my guides and their messages. I look forward to the journey ahead and continuing my growth! (C.V., Irvine, California)

I felt like I was re-awakened in Anne’s Reiki I class. I heard many things that I’ve known since I was very young (I am quite lucky to have a very spiritual Mom); but somehow, they really clicked for me on a deep and extremely personal level in class. It has only been a few days since my attunement, but I feel like I have been untouchable since receiving my attunement. So far, things just don’t get to me like they used to. And I know the more I travel down this path, the better it will all get. My relationship has improved, I’ve slept better, and I just feel so deeply special and fiercely passionate. I can’t wait for more, more, more! Many thanks to Anne and her beautiful class!!! (E.C., North Hollywood, California)

I just loved my Reiki I class and the students who were in class with me. Dr. Anne’s teaching style is both very professional and fun! It was immediately clear that she focuses on providing quality training, which was evident in her articulate, lucid, and organized way of teaching. And I loved her flexibility and humor! I cannot wait for Reiki II and beyond! (M.C., Long Beach, California)

From the beginning, I was so impressed with Anne’s Reiki I class. The manual covered a great deal of content. After years of trying other Reiki Master/Teachers, online attunements, and even self-attunements, I immediately knew that I was going to take all my Reiki classes with Anne. I felt like I was in a college lecture hall and the topic was Reiki. I loved the handouts, cheat sheets for the symbols, and the way she taught. (My mom is a teacher so I do recognize the hard work that goes into educating people.) (M.C., Anaheim, California)

I am so happy that I took Anne’s Reiki I class on Saturday. I learned so much! Anne’s thoroughness, teaching and psychology background make such a difference in the teaching of Reiki. I love the way she put things in writing in a book to give us, even things we would not think to ask . . . and she does because of her generosity and “over-developed responsibility muscle.” All this makes the difference between being a good teacher and a great one. Anne has definitely found her niche, and we are all so lucky to have the opportunity to be her students. I am so grateful that she puts her heart and soul into her work. I know I will be a better teacher myself because she is such a great role model. And I had so much fun in class . . . I came home in a great mood and with tons of energy! (A.G., Diamond Bar, California)

I am definitely blessed to have Anne as my teacher!!! Reiki II was such a powerful and overwhelming experience for me. God bless Anne and all the work that she does for us. She is such an amazing teacher! (D.B, Riverside, California)

I was so nervous when I enrolled in my first Reiki class with Dr. Anne. In spite of my lack of experience and confidence, I achieved immediate results. I have since practiced religiously and seek to achieve the Master level Reiki training under her tutelage. It was difficult to find the appropriate words to express my esteem and gratitude for her work. Anne is a fantastic teacher. Her giving nature and enthusiasm is inspirational. I feel deeply grateful and blessed that our paths have crossed. (D.T., Long Beach, California)

Taking Anne’s Reiki I class put many things into perspective for me. She did an excellent job of training and actual practice. I decided to follow it up with Reiki II. It has opened up a whole new world for me. I not only use it for healings but have also discovered how easily I can use it on myself. It’s something I have with me at all times, available and at the ready. I have found that the use of Reiki is not merely limited to healing . . . I use it on almost a daily basis to calm myself and to promote sleep and relaxation. I’m eager to continue my training with Reiki III/ART and eventually the Reiki Master class. She’s opened up an entirely new world to me! (M.M., Huntington Beach, California)

The information that I learned during my Reiki III/ART with Anne prepared me for the past year, which has been the most challenging year of my life. I truly believe I was guided to take this advanced course and can’t imagine being able to have survived without it. The changes in me after the class were immediate, but my healing ability, intuition, and clarity (even now) continue to grow as I use the loving energy of Reiki on a regular basis. Her classes are so transforming and inspiring – I recommend them to everyone! Anne is even my daughter’s Reiki Master. (D.H., Huntington Beach, California)

I took all my Reiki classes from Anne, including Reiki Master. I taught my first Reiki I class yesterday, and it went amazing!! Everyone loved it and I had an immense feeling of gratitude. Anne taught me how to teach Reiki and how to conduct classes in a truly thorough way. She is such an inspiring example! I owe her so much! No amount of words can explain the impact she has had on my life and on my healing work. Thank you, thank you, thank you! (G.D., Mission Viejo, California)

I’d like to express my gratitude to my spiritual teacher, Dr. Anne Reith. Without her encouragement, I would not have realized some of my own potentials. I’m happy to say that I’ve now taken all levels of Reiki with Anne. She’s a very loving and patient person, which comes through in her teaching style. She provides a peaceful and safe environment in all of her classes, and her manuals are easy to read and understand. Through Anne’s guidance and her knowledge of Reiki, I have been given the opportunity to take control of my own mental, spiritual, and physical well-being. I would recommend Anne to anyone who is interested in discovering their path on their spiritual journey and is interested in healing themselves or others. (B.A., Garden Grove, California)

Special topics – Classes & workshops
- Information about all of the classes Anne offers.
- Information about Anne’s training and mentoring sessions.
- These reviews represent just a sample of the many received by Dr. Anne over the years.
- You can click the link below for reviews of specific classes or workshops:
- Business 101: How to Create and Run Your own Profitable Business
- Connecting with Your Angels and Guides
- Law of Attraction
- Mastering Challenging Situations: How to Effectively Deal with Difficult People and Events
- Pendulums 101 and Muscle Testing
- Psychic Development 101: The Clairs
- Tarot 101
- Understanding Grief: How to Assist Those Who Are Grieving

Business 101: How to Create and Run Your Own Profitable Business
I found the Business 101 class to be extremely valuable. The most important lesson for me was that Anne helped me pinpoint my current strengths and weaknesses. As she said, knowing your weaknesses is one of your most important strengths, because then you will know what you can tackle on your own, what you might need to hire help for, and/or what you could delegate to a partner. (D.P., Santa Ana, California)

If you are planning to start a business of your own, you owe it to yourself to take Dr. Anne’s Business 101 class. Anne has already “walked the path” and gone through the process herself, and she has a proven track record of success! You show up for class, receive your personal manual, and then Anne expertly walks you through every step and answers your questions along the way. Excellent classes – excellent teacher!! (J.J., Anaheim, California)

I always appreciate Anne’s teaching. As a teacher myself, I know how important a good teacher is. The contents of the Business 101 class provided me with everything I needed to know about starting my own business. And there is a lot you need to do and be aware of before you start! I was introduced to the Law of Attraction in this class, and that was another gift from Anne. She is the best teacher ever! (J.B., Huntington Beach, California)

The Business 101 class was amazing!! I was a deer in the headlights before, but now I see the other side of the road and can navigate my way across it. I truly had so many thoughts in my head about which direction to take in terms of marketing myself. Those thoughts debilitated me! Now I can focus on the most effective strategy and move forward. Thank you Anne! (D.N., Cypress, California)

Connecting with Your Angels and Guides
Small steps in the right direction . . . this has been my path and Anne has been a tremendous help in my learning and growth. Each of her classes has been an integral step in the right direction, particularly her class Connecting with Your Angels and Guides. Anne has an unmatched style to personally help others attain their best selves. I truly appreciate Anne’s trust in each of her student’s discerning ability. Anne’s fun personality, the concise and complete information that she provides in her classes and handouts, as well as her down-to-earth approach to spirituality makes her one-of-a-kind. Thank you, Anne, for changing my life for the better! (E.G., Orange, California)

Dr. Anne’s workshop Connecting with Your Angels and Guides is a “must” for anyone wanting to learn how to connect with our spiritual support team. Anne’s Psychic Development 101: The Clairs class is also essential, because it teaches you HOW to communicate with the other side. But this class teaches you WHAT (or WHO) you are communicating with, and that adds depth and understanding to the communication. (P.E., Bakersfield, CA)

Connecting with Your Angels and Guides provided so much information! The time flew by because each section of the class and the manual was filled with important and fascinating information about angels, guides, earth angels, avatars, deceased loved ones, etc. Anne is so generous with the information she provides to her students, and she explains things in such a clear and yet concise way. I cannot wait to take many of her other courses because I know they will be just as informative and well-presented. (T.R., Santa Ana, California)

Anne’s extensive knowledge base and experience as a psychic, medium, healer, and teacher allows her to know exactly what her students need and want to learn. This Connecting with Your Angels and Guides course again proves that she is a master teacher for those of us who are ready to begin or deepen our spiritual practice. I travel a long distance to take her courses, and it’s always well worth it. (V.E., San Francisco, California)

I just have to say that all of the manuals that Dr. Anne creates for her classes, including the Connecting with Your Angels and Guides and Psychic Development 101 workshops, are incredibly informative, easy to read and understand, and very thorough! Her writing style and the format she uses are so effective. I love how Anne always shares her story, defines terms, and focuses on building her students’ confidence. Bravo! (D.L., Modesto, California)

Law of Attraction
I wanted to send a huge thank you to Anne for her Law of Attraction classes. I could go on and on for days listing the changes this class has brought into my life. I took her classes 3 years ago, and my life has changed dramatically due to their teachings. I left a long term relationship, decided to quit my job, and went back to school. One day, they introduced Lola . . . the Law of Lavish Attraction . . . the manager of the Universe. We loved this concept so much that my best friend and I even tattooed Lola on our wrists! So 2 or 3 years ago, I wrote a letter to Lola telling her what I wanted to have in a life partner. The letter was quite long and very detailed about the type of partner I would like. I even thought to myself a few times that no person could possibly fit all these traits. Well, recently, when I was 20 weeks pregnant, I opened my letter to Lola to review my list. I had looked at it perhaps 3 times in 3 years, and I only looked at it to add more stuff. To my surprise and delight, my partner fit every single item on my list! So, without Anne’s classes, it may have taken me years or even a lifetime to find Kent, or I may never have. We are so blessed that Mehdi (our son) has joined us, and we have now moved to Ecuador. This is yet another event that fit closely with my intentions. Even though I thought I’d stay in America to accomplish my dreams, Ecuador is even more lovely! I cannot thank Anne enough for the happiness she has helped bring to my life! So much love to you! Keep shining your light; you are an angel! (P.H., Ecuador)

THANK YOU – THANK – THANK YOU for the wonderful Law of Attraction, Life Scripts, and Karma class! Anne is a great presenter. I am eager to “move up” the emotional scale of desire. When you’re in the RIGHT VIBRATION, you are filled with JOY!! It makes me laugh…from my heart…just to type these words. Bowing deeply in gratitude, I say again — thank you for YOU, Anne. What a blessing you are to my life. (J.J., Anaheim, California)

The Law of Attraction classes with Anne have been amazing. My understanding of and application of the principles has grown to a point where I am now consciously manifesting even more incredible things (“rockets of desire”) in my life. My business has grown, my personal relationships are richer, and my ability to connect with “all that is” makes each day feel wonderful. I now embrace contrast as it makes my desires crystal clear. My re-connection with Source and who I am has helped me find peace with all that is around me. And I have a deeper understanding of my purpose. Now when I look at the stars, instead of feeling small, I feel part of a larger context that supports everything I want to be, do, and have. Thanks for creating our group and sharing the teachings of Abraham-Hicks which allowed me to discover who I am. I am extremely grateful and consider it a privilege to attend, create, manifest, share, contribute, and allow for possibilities that were once a dream and are now becoming realities. I love you all. (J.B., San Dimas, California)

A family friend recommended Anne’s Law of Attraction class , and I had no idea how much the class would change my life! With Anne’s guidance, I have achieved a level of prosperity and happiness unimaginable in such a short period of time. By the use of the processes and techniques that we discuss. I am now able to have the life I want. I now love my job (and nothing has changed at my place of employment). I am now more prosperous and have acquired awesome relationships with new friends, old friends, and family. I recommend this class to EVERYONE! Anne’s comprehensive but casual approach to teaching The Law of Attraction has changed my life forever. (S.K., Rancho Mirage, California)

This has been a truly life-changing class for me. A number of people have told me how much happier and more positive I seem. I know that I feel better and my life is going much more smoothly now. This is really a training ground on how to think more positively, and life improvements seem to naturally flow from this. It’s invaluable to have a place to come to that encourages this kind of growth; it has really helped me stay motivated and on track. I was a student of Law of Attraction before this class, but I had questions that I couldn’t quite figure out on my own. This class has helped me to clarify so many things; and from that clarity, I’m able to move ahead more easily. Anne is a great teacher and facilitator, and I often feel like I’m in a graduate-level class. The discussions are great, and I so appreciate the perspectives and insights from each person in the group. It’s great to be in a supportive, like-minded group of people like this. (A.B., Orange, California)

Using the Law Attraction has helped me understand that the way I think is the way my life turns out! In other words, what I believe about myself and my environment is what comes to me. I now only think happiness, prosperity, and beauty. That understanding has changed my attitude for the better towards my job, my healing work, and my relationships. Anne has a way of presenting Abraham’s Law of Attraction in workable understandable steps. (K.F., Anaheim, California)

The people we meet that are drawn to practicing Abraham and the Law of Attraction are a friendly type and are happy to share examples of how it is working in their lives. There are so many folks following this thinking that I don’t know what I was doing when it started, but am so happy to have this information now. Many people are learning from the books and recordings, but it is wonderful to have a live class. When questions come up or when a manifestation comes forth, we can share with our like-minded friends. Anne is a wonderful leader and had answers to our questions as we began to learn how to apply the processes to our daily lives. It certainly is uplifting to know we can have a positive experience anytime we choose. I am turning my life around with positive thought and looking forward to great things coming my way just for the asking! (R.S.; Santa Ana, California)

I would like to share with you how much I have enjoyed Dr. Anne’s Law of Attraction classes. The setting and the format have all combined to make this experience enlightening and joyful. I find the processes helpful, especially as I would probably not do them on my own. Since starting the classes, I have new tools and a new support system to improve the quality of my life. Thank you so much! (L.L.; Anaheim, California)

I always look forward to Anne’s Law of Attraction classes. The biggest change this class has brought to me is that I now know there is a way out. What I thought was doomed to happen is no longer in my thought process. I AM IN CONTROL. I can change my life into a positive, at any given second, just by changing the way I think. Everyday there is an opportunity to make a choice of being in control by changing a situation either at work, with a stranger, or with a family member, by using my new and liberating thought processes. I no longer feel like a victim and will no longer wear others heavy feelings. I am me, I am free, and Anne, plus all the wonderful people in our group, got me there. I thank all of you and was so happy to hear from others personal examples . . . how they were changing their lives. We all have our issues. Now, we have come to realize that we can use those to point us in the right direction of flowing downstream effortlessly! Thank you group and may we continue our friendship and bond. I am looking forward to many manifestations in my “new” life. (R.S.; Santa Ana, California)

My kids and I really enjoyed creating our vision boards, which was taught during Dr. Anne’s Law of Attraction class. One of things on my board was a phone. It was a symbol for promotion because I have never had a company phone. I have been working for my employer for almost ten years with only one promotion early on. In the last month, I have received a phone, and there is a renewed conversation regarding career opportunities/promotions. I say this is a miracle – thank you for the space to create the unexpected. (A.E.H., Fullerton, California)

So many things started happening after I attended Anne’s Law of Attraction class, which included the teachings of Abraham-Hicks. Things I have manifested due to taking this course include:
- I have a much better, stronger, and healthier relationship with myself
- I now trust that the Universe is taking care of me
- I feel more joy and happiness, in all things
- Someone is paying me back money that was owed to me, without doing anything to make this happen
- I acquired a new computer
- I found a wonderful place to live that gives me the freedom to be ME
- Without much effort on my part, I will soon start teaching a class on a subject a love
- I now welcome contrast because I know that without contrast, we do not grow.
(M.G., Chatsworth, California)

It has been exciting to witness the transformations that have been created by all that have attended the Law of Attraction class. Anne has created a format that makes it easy and fun to incorporate the principles of creating exactly what we desire into our everyday existence. It is wonderful to be in the company of like-minded people who choose to create well-being into their lives and, in turn, make the world a better place. Thank you all. (P.C.; Fullerton, California)

Mastering Challenging Situations: How to Effectively Deal with Difficult People and Events
I found this Mastering Challenging Situations workshop to provide me with practical guidance for situations that I encounter in my everyday life. I work in a high stress environment. This class provided me with tips and tools regarding communication and decision making strategies with both clients and coworkers. But I can also see how the information provided in the class will help me communicate more effectively with my family and friends. I appreciated the discussion about the overlapping but different issues involved in various moral, ethical and legal dilemmas. I already know that I will be using the 62-page manual on a daily basis as my cheat sheet. Overall, I loved this class and would recommend it to anyone. (B.G., Garden Grove, California)

Mastering Challenging Situations is a class that everyone should take. This is my second time repeating the class, and I would take it again because there’s so much to learn. There are so many great techniques to use for your professional and private lives. It helps you be more prepared for everyday and rare situations. Thank you Anne for sharing your knowledge! (J.M., Orange, California)

Thank you Anne for teaching yet another phenomenal class! You are a wellspring of knowledge, insight, and experience! As is the case in all your classes, this Mastering Challenging Situations was organized, clearly communicated, and helpful for both beginners and advanced. It was so helpful to learn about what helps people change, such as instilling hope, practicing effective communication, and/or increasing self care so you can be an effective change agent in someone’s life. (K.C., San Diego, California)

I highly recommend Anne’s Mastering Challenging Situations class to anyone who wants to learn how to deal easily and ethically with difficult people/situations. Dr. Anne shares very valuable and easy to remember tools that help you to master any situation instead of perceiving yourself as a victim of the unfortunate circumstances by making excuses. Great class!!! It is one of my favorites, and I wish I’d taken it sooner! (M.P., Irvine, California)

What a great class! I wish Anne’s Mastering Challenging Situations class was a requirement for all of Earth’s inhabitants! This is a must for anyone in counseling or customer service. I have found it exceedingly helpful in dealing with certain family members. Overall, this is an amazing class! (M.R., Huntington Beach, California)

Pendulums 101 and Muscle Testing
Anne Reith is a wonderful teacher. I always enjoy her classes. She provides metaphysical and spiritual material in an understandable, organized, and detailed manner. In this Pendulums 101 class, I appreciated the instructions regarding how to verify which swing means yes, no, and maybe. It was also so important to learn about asking permission to see (a) if the pendulum is the correct tool for this reading and (b) if the pendulum will be allowed to answer the questions at this time. The do’s and don’t’s of pendulum use were invaluable! The technique of “layering” of questions, including the examples provided for how to do this, helped me understand how to structure my questions so I would be sure to receive reliable answers from the pendulum. I have taken this class several times because I keep learning new things! (C.V., Irvine, California)

This Pendulums 101 and Muscle Testing class was by far one of my favorites! Dr. Anne’s incredible knowledge and expertise allowed me to increase my confidence and effectively use pendulums in my healing practice. I also am now incorporating muscle testing (aka Kinesiology) into my sessions. Regarding pendulum use, Dr. Reith covers a variety of topics including the history and uses of pendulums, your relationship with your pendulum, advantages and challenges of using pendulums, clearing and attuning your pendulum, establishing a secure connection, techniques for increasing accuracy, “layering” questions to improve accuracy, intuitive pendulum use, and how to use pendulum charts. Regarding muscle testing, Anne covers possible uses, techniques, and methods, along with detailed instructions to practice. A much appreciated class! (K.C., San Diego, California)

Pendulums 101 is so much more than a basic introduction to pendulums. Anne covers everything you could possibly think to ask about pendulums and even information that you didn’t know to ask about. I had previously received instruction from Anne about how to use a pendulum to check the health and balance of chakras. However, this Pendulums 101 class offers so much more than that. Anne has been in the realm of the metaphysical for many years. She really knows what she’s talking about, and she willingly shares her knowledge and experience with her students. (S.H., Seal Beach, California)

I highly recommend Anne’s Pendulums 101 and Muscle Testing class. She offers concise information and clear demonstrations regarding how to use both of these tools/techniques, including many useful and easy to follow examples and charts. You will be pleasantly surprised to learn the many possible uses of pendulums in everyday life situations! (M.P., Irvine, California)

Psychic Development 101: The Clairs
Anne’s class, Psychic Development 101, was a real eye-opener for me . . . literally! My third eye expanded immediately after her excellent guided meditation, and I was able to see auras and also became claircognizant. Thank you, Anne, you are a wonderful teacher! (P.M., Santa Ana, California)

Psychic Development 101: The Clairs was invaluable for me. It shed light on and provided clarity to questions I have grappled with for many years. It also addressed some concerns I had regarding how to make sure I am safe while doing psychic work. Although the entire class was packed full of useful information, I was grateful that Anne provided guidance regarding how to overcome blocks to receiving Divine guidance and how to discern between true versus false guidance. I also learned so much from covering each of the clairs in depth. I realized I am already using several of them and didn’t know it. I also found the meditation that focused on enhancing our clairs to be very effective and powerful. Thank you Anne! (L.F., Placentia, California)

Taking Anne’s Psychic Development 101 course was “third eye opening”! I literally felt my clairs being awakened during this class, and I’m now continuing to take note of each of them as I move throughout each day. Anne was extremely knowledgeable. She is a patient and thorough teacher, and I would recommend this course to anyone looking to build understanding and strength of their own psychic abilities. (K.P. Garden Grove, California)

I came into this Psychic Development 101 class with a lot of anxiety. My primary concern was that I might connect with something that I shouldn’t be taking guidance from. I left this class feeling more confident about how to practice discernment and feeling much less anxious about using my gifts. Thank you so much, Dr. Anne! (C.C., Burbank, California)

Tarot 101
I’ve never really felt drawn to Tarot cards, but I thought I might become more interested if I took Anne’s Tarot 101 class and learned more about them. It was amazing! Once she explained the symbolism in the cards, I was hooked! It also helped when she showed us that there are traditional and non-traditional decks. Anne covered so much in this class about using cards of any kind to do psychic readings that it really should be called “Card Readings 101.” So much helpful information I always learn so much in Dr. Anne’s classes. Thank you! (J.M., Orange, California)

I highly recommend Anne’s Tarot 101 class. Dr. Anne generously shares her knowledge of the tarot language by explaining in detail the symbology of all 78 cards in the deck. This class taught us when it’s appropriate to use tarot to receive guidance, how to cleanse and charge your deck, how to position and verify accuracy of every card, and also which spreads to use for different questions. Anne’s examples from her previous readings were also incredibly helpful! (M.P., Irvine, California)

I thoroughly enjoyed Dr. Reith’s Tarot 101 class. It is well prepared and organized, which is vital since it covers so much ground. Furthermore, her presentation is clear and steady; it is evident she understands the subject matter on both an academic and personal level. I am fairly new to Tarot and this class sparked my interest to learn more of the art of reading tarot cards, which I hope to do for years to come. Well done. (E.S., Huntington Beach, California)

This Tarot 101 class was amazing. It focuses on enhancing your natural psychic abilities and learning to deliver accurate spiritual tarot readings. Dr. Anne once again presents a professional, organized, energetic workshop that will intrigue and inspire you! (K.C., San Diego, California)

I thoroughly enjoyed the Tarot 101 class! I have taken many of Dr. Anne’s classes and workshops, and I continue to be impressed with (a) how much Anne knows and (b) how she is able to share that information in a very logical and organized manner. I am looking forward to using my new tarot skills and improving the accuracy of my readings by applying what she has taught us. (S.H., Seal Beach, California)

Understanding Grief: How to Assist Those Who Are Grieving
When I signed up to take this Understanding Grief class, I thought it would help me in my job as a healthcare professional, which it did. What I didn’t expect was that it helped me process some of my own grief, which was invaluable. Overall, I learned that listening to a person who is going through grief can be difficult but is so important. Dr. Anne explained what to say and what NOT to say to someone who is grieving. Based on her experience as a Psychologist who specialized in grief and loss, she also helped us understand that there is an important difference between normal grief and complicated grief. Anne also presented information about how to interact with children of different ages who are grieving. This course should be mandatory for everyone! (B.S., La Habra, California)

Dr. Anne’s Understanding Grief course helped me both personally and professionally. I found it particularly beneficial to learn about what not to say to someone who is grieving. Now, thanks to Anne, I better understand what to expect in my own healing and grieving process. I also learned what signs might indicate that someone needs to seek professional help for complicated grief. As a medical professional (and human being!), I feel better equipped to assist those who are experiencing grief, and I have a much better understanding of how different types of loss might manifest. I know that Anne’s extensive manual, which is filled with useful information, will serve as an invaluable reference book for years to come. And I learned all of this from the best–Anne has professional expertise in this topic and has assisted many, many people over the years. Thank you, Anne. I highly, highly recommend this course! (C.S., Mission Viejo, California)

I have now taken Dr. Anne’s Understanding Grief workshop twice! This class is very information heavy, and I have learned so much each time. It has helped me realize how much grief we all go through that does not necessarily involve the death of a loved one. There is so much that can trigger feelings of loss. This class is perfect for anyone who is going through difficult times, those who are supporting loved ones who are grieving, or anyone who is working in a field that supports others. Dr. Reith has a diverse background in psychology, grief counseling, and mediumship. Her manual helps you help yourself and others, and it provides great handouts that can be given to others, as needed. This class is a “must” for all those in the helping professions . . . actually, for everyone! (J.M., Orange, California)

Dr. Anne’s Understanding Grief workshop was invaluable. Her teachings are always incredibly clear, concise, and inspiring. However, Anne’s background as a Psychologist and her extensive experience as a medium make the perfect combination to communicate how to best support those who are grieving. This was a beautiful class. (M.W., Long Beach, California)

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