How to Create an Energy Grid for Psychic Protection or Empowerment

by Anne Reith, Ph.D.
Triangle of bright light with protective energy around it
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Triangle of bright light with protective energy around it

Can energy gridding be used for psychic protection and to empower spaces?

I have found that creating energy grids is the most effective way to protect or empower a geographic location (e.g., home, office, room). Personally, I personally used gridding since 2002.

It is such a simple technique that I teach it to all my students. I even include directions in the handout that I provide to all new students.

NOTE: For much more information about psychic protection, please refer to the following resources:

What is an energy grid?

An energy grid is created by placing crystals or stones in a geometric shape and then empowering them (see directions below).

Energetic grids can be created for many reasons (e.g., healing, manifesting). In this article, we will discuss how to use them for 2 purposes:

  • Protecting a Space: You can use a grid to keep unwanted energy from coming into an area (e.g, home, office, hotel rooms when traveling).
  • Empowering or Energizing a Space: The qualities of the crystals used to create the grid will permeate the space. For example, if rose quartz is used to create the grid, then the space will be infused with loving energy.

NOTE: An energy grid can be created without crystals or stones. However, crystals and stones are strongly recommended because they anchor the energy. This creates a grid that will last longer.

DIRECTIONS: How to create an energetic grid

There are many ways to create an energy grid, but here is how I do it:

Triangle with feet impressions on the outside facing toward the triangle
Place 1 crystal in each corner of a triangle & stand outside the triangle when energetically creating the grid
  • Select 3 crystals or stones of the same kind (e.g., 3 clear quartz, 3 sodalite).  Size does not matter; i.e., they can be very small or very large. However, all 3 must be the same kind in order to have the same type of energy.
  • You should select the type of crystal or stone based on the type of energy you need to create. Here are (a) some typical needs and (b) common crystals and stones associated with that type of energy:
    • All-purpose – Clear quartz
    • Business decisions – Tiger’s eye
    • Communication – Sodalite
    • Creativity – Carnelian
    • Grounding – Red jasper, black tourmaline, tiger’s eye (gentle grounding)
    • Healing – Green aventurine, malachite
    • Love – Rose quartz
    • Protection – Hematite, black tourmaline (NOTE: Obsidian is not recommended due to the “volcanic” nature of the energy)
    • Psychic abilities – Lapis lazuli, amethyst
    • Self-esteem enhancement or Self-Confidence – Citrine
    • NOTE: I always recommend including clear quartz because it can be programmed to take on the properties of any type of crystal or stone. For example, if you didn’t have 3 pieces of carnelian but wanted to include creative energy in your grid, you can ask the clear quartz to take on the properties of carnelian. As your needs change, you can reprogram the clear quartz to be whatever you need.
  • Place the crystals and/or stones around the area that you wish to protect and/or empower. Create the shape of an equilateral triangle (see picture above). 
    • If an equilateral triangle isn’t possible, the grid will still work. Just do the best you can to get it as close to equilateral as possible. Equilateral triangles create the strongest grids, but any triangle shape is OK.
    • The crystals and/or stones do not need to be placed on the same level.  For example, you could have one on the top of a bookcase, but another in the corner of the room on the floor.
    • The crystals and/or stones do not need to be visible, but just be sure each one is in a location where they will not be moved. For example, inside a drawer may seem logical; however, whenever the drawer is opened, the crystal or stone will likely move, which breaks the energy of the grid.
  • Stand on the outside the triangle and between 2 of the points on the triangle (see picture above). 
    • You can stand on any side of the triangle.
    • You only need to empower the grid from 1 of the 3 sides of the triangle.
  • Ask your guides to help you to empower this grid.  If you are trained in Reiki or other healing modality, you can also call on your healing guides to assist you.
  • Begin imagining white Light/energy above you. Pull that energy down through your crown chakra (top of your head) and let it flow down your arm and into the palm of your dominant hand. Then, direct your palm toward the crystals and/or stones as described below:
    • Start by crossing your dominant arm across your body (i.e., start to your left if you are right-handed or to your right if you are left-handed).
    • Direct your palm/hand toward the crystals and/or stones in that corner of the triangle.
    • Move your palm/hand toward each of the crystals and/or stones in a clockwise direction (see arrows in the picture above).
    • Send this white Light/energy to each corner of the triangle for as long as you are guided to do so, but a few seconds per corner is usually all that is needed.
    • Continue around the triangle for 3 complete circuits. This means that your last position will be when you return to the same corner of the triangle where you started (i.e., you will finish with your dominant arm crossing your body).
  • Thank your guides for helping you to empower this grid.

How often should you re-grid?

You can re-grid as often as you wish.  However, if the area is subjected to negative or toxic energy, then re-gridding will be needed more often. 

For example, given my home is generally a very positive area, I tend to re-grid once a month.  However, when I was working in a very stressful office, I would re-grid my office on a weekly basis (or more often if I felt it was needed).

There are many different ways to determine when an area needs to be re-gridded.  Just a few of these include:

  • Sensing Energy: If you are sensitive to how energy “feels,” then re-grid whenever you feel that the energy in the space isn’t quite as positive as it used to be.
  • Thoughts: If you are not as sensitive to energy or you are highly claircognizant/intuitive, then I recommend re-gridding whenever you think about it. Although I am able to sense energy, I usually think about re-gridding before I sense that the energy is “off.” Thoughts are my guides way of “whispering in my ear” or “nudging me” with a reminder that it’s time to re-grid.
  • Pendulum: If you are skilled in the use of a pendulum, you can ask your guides if the space needs to be re-gridded.

Other times when you should consider re-gridding:

  • Grid is Broken: You should re-grid if the crystals and/or stones are moved because this breaks the energy circuit you’ve created.
  • Physical Changes to Space: You probably should re-grid if there has been a disruption of the energy or space. Just some examples might include:
    • Visitors in your home for an extended period of time
    • People moving between spaces (e.g., moving to a new office)
    • Major spring cleaning
    • Changes to furniture (e.g., rearrangement, new furniture added)
    • Renovations or major repairs to the building

Tips when creating energy grids

After teaching people about gridding multiple times each year since 2002, here are some answers to typical questions:

  • Spiritual energy can go through walls/barriers/objects.  It’s like listening to a radio; even if you are in a closed room, the radio waves move through the walls.  Without getting scientific, this is basically because everything is made of atoms that have space in between them. 
  • You can grid the entire house or you can grid each individual room within the house.  Just be sure not to overlap grids in a way that would result in areas being influenced by more than 3 crystals/stones. If you grid the entire house, one suggestion is to bury the crystals outside the house so that a larger portion of the empowered space covers the entire house and so the crystals or stones are less likely to be moved.  However, if using this approach to gridding a large building, either (a) you will need do the actual gridding from a distance using Reiki OR (b) you will need to do the gridding after dark so no one observes you and wonders what you are doing!
  • You can use more than one type of crystal and/or stone in each corner. For example, you might place 1 hematite in each of the 3 corners for protection, 1 rose quartz in each of the 3 corners for love, and 1 amethyst in each of the 3 corners to increase psychic communication. However, I do not recommend using more than 3 different crystals or stones per grid because:
    • The energies involved may begin to interfere with each other.
    • The energies could be too stimulating for those located within the grid.
  • If you are trained in Reiki, then you can grid from a distance using the Distance Symbol. But if you are using crystals or stones, then you have to be sure that (a) they are placed in advance and (b) they are not moved.
  • Although the area inside the triangle is the most powerful area in the grid, you can ask your guides to broaden the protected and empowered areas to areas outside the triangle (see next bullet for a suggestion).
  • While doing the gridding, you may choose to recite a prayer or mantra of some kind.  Any prayer or spiritual saying is fine.  For example, when I create my grids, I repeat the following phrase:  “I empower this grid and the surrounding area with Christ’s white light.” This phrase becomes a rhythmic chant as I continue around the 3 corners of the triangle.
  • If you are guided to do something in a way that differs from the directions above, please trust that guidance (e.g., using your non-dominant hand, starting with a different crystal, moving in a counter-clockwise direction).
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By Anne Reith, Ph.D.

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