Why do some souls choose to not go to the Light?
When someone dies, their soul still has Free Will. Most souls choose to go to the Light, and they find immediate peace, love, compassion, healing, and forgiveness.
However, some souls may choose to not cross into the Light for a few days, weeks, or possibly forever. A soul can never be forced to cross into the Light. It always has to be their choice.
Here are some of the most common reasons why a soul would choose to remain “in between worlds”:
- They are concerned about leaving their loved ones behind. They believe that if they “leave” (by going into the Light), then they will be unable to help and support them.
- Souls who experience an unexpected and sudden death (e.g., murder, accident, sudden heart attack) can sometimes be disoriented or confused. You can think of this as similar to Patrick Swayze’s character in the movie Ghost; he didn’t know he was dead after he was murdered.
- Souls who may have made questionable choices during their lifetime and were raised in a religious community that believed in a retributional God, hell, or purgatory. They may fear that they are going to be punished.
- NOTE: My guides have repeatedly told me that these concepts and ideas were created by people in authority to control the behavior of others. There is ONLY love, forgiveness, and understanding in the Light. There is no punishment. No matter what choices a soul made during their lifetime, there is NOTHING to fear!
How do we recognize if a soul hasn’t gone into the Light?
As a medium, we have the ability to connect with souls who have left their physical body. As we begin to communicate with them using the language of Spirit (i.e., “the clairs”), our first step is to determine if this soul has or hasn’t crossed to the Light.
We do this by watching for certain “signs.” Luckily, they are pretty apparent once you learn what they are.
Here are some of the most common signs that a soul hasn’t (yet) crossed to the Light:
- Their energy is agitated, and they don’t feel peaceful.
- They express strong negative emotional states, such as fear, anger, worry, etc.
- They will often re-live or re-tell their death experience over and over again.
- They will be “stuck” on negative events that occurred during their lifetime.
- They want to convey messages that are based on anger, retaliation, or retribution.
- And many other signs, but the bottom line is that they are not coming from a loving place and they are not at peace.
Any one of the above signs can serve as a “red flag.” One sign is enough, but often more than one will be present.
It may also help to review the characteristics of false guidance that are provided in the Blog post True Guidance Versus False Guidance – The Skill of Discernment.
Should we convey messages from a deceased loved one who hasn’t (yet) crossed to the Light?
When we connect with a deceased loved one that is “in the Light,” our role as a medium is to convey messages to those still on the Earth Plane. Those messages are meant to be reassuring and healing. The deceased loved one wants them to be reassured that they are OK.
However, if (a) you refer to the Categories of Contact Table provided in the Blog post Which Spiritual Entities Should and Shouldn’t We Communicate With? and (b) you are pretty sure that you have connected with a soul that hasn’t yet gone into the Light, then you should “Proceed with Caution” when it comes to sharing communication with those on the Earth plane.
Because the deceased loved one is not (yet) at peace, their messages are almost always frightening to those who are still on the Earth plane. Although their loved ones want to be reassured that they are OK, their messages convey the exact opposite.
Additionally, the soul isn’t yet “plugged back into Spirit.” Consequently, even a message that sounds reasonable isn’t necessarily coming from a spiritual perspective. The soul’s message is likely based on his or her Earth-centered opinions, biases, and judgments. It isn’t true guidance, as is discussed in the Blog post True Guidance Versus False Guidance – The Skill of Discernment.
Our goal as a medium should ALWAYS be to facilitate healing. We should NEVER share anything that would interfere with the healing process. Given the reasons stated above, we should not share messages that come from deceased loved ones who haven’t yet crossed into the Light, no matter how tempting it is to do so.
What is a medium’s role when connecting with deceased loved ones who haven’t (yet) crossed to the light?
If we aren’t to communicate messages between the deceased love one and those here on the Earth plane, then should we communicate with them at all?
When we begin to suspect that a soul hasn’t yet crossed to the Light, our focus shifts. Rather than sharing messages, our role is to do what we can to help the soul cross to the Light and find peace.
Assisting souls to the Light
Because this topic is so important, I have created a separate Blog post providing direction on How to Help Souls Cross into the Light. This will explain that you can either:
- Assist the deceased loved one to cross
- Contact someone who can assist them to cross
Although there are exceptions, those who did something to “contribute to their own passing” almost always cross immediately. Why? Because they wanted to die. They have no hesitation with continuing their “spiritual journey.”
However, one of my life missions to to help survivors of suicide. I want you to know that once they die, they do cross into the Light and they do find peace.
Here is what I’ve been repeatedly told by my guides and by the souls of those who have contributed to their own passing:
- These souls are handled with extreme love and care by those on the other side.
- They are often met by guides who are specially trained in how to help them process what has happened and support them in their recovery.
- These special guides usually take them to the equivalent of a “hospital setting” where the soul can heal.
- During this time, it may be harder for a medium to connect with your loved one. However, once they have time to recover, they will be ready to communicate.
If you have lost someone through suicide, please believe me when I say that there is no retribution or punishment. I know there are some authors who disagree, but I have spoken to hundreds of souls on the other side who have contributed to their own passing. EVERY SINGLE SOUL has reported that they were met with ONLY love and understanding.
Regardless of their size or species, all animals have souls. And just as with humans, they have guides that will meet them when their physical body dies, and the guides will invite them to cross into the Light. But they also have Free Will and can choose whether or not to go into the Light.
However, unlike humans, I have been repeatedly told that it is exceedingly rare for an animal to not cross to the Light. Most go into the Light immediately.
My guides have explained that there are two primary reasons why they so easily go into the Light:
- Animals do not have the large frontal lobe that human beings have. This part of the brain manages higher level functions, including planning, decision making, and determining action plans to achieve a goal. Because the frontal lobe is so small in animals, they don’t have the capacity to “think” about whether or not they should go to the Light. They just go!
- While alive, animals maintain their connection to Spirit much more than humans do. Because they are still connected with the other side, they instinctively know the way home.
Although there are many theories about animals who cross into the Light, it is believed that they, too, will be met with only love. I have done a lot of animal mediumship over the years, and all animals convey that they are at peace and actually enjoying themselves immensely.
For more information about losing a pet and what life is like for animals on the other side, please refer to my Blog post Saying Goodbye to Our Beloved Pets – The Rainbow Bridge & Waiting at the Door.
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By Anne Reith, Ph.D.