What is channeling?
The following message is from a group of entities who refer to themselves as my Council of 12. It was communicated to me using automatic writing, which is a form of channeling. The Council of 12 guide my work as a spiritual teacher and provide information that is useful to humanity and especially Lightworkers.
If you are NOT familiar with channeling, I recommend the following Blog post: What Is Channeling and Are There Different Types of Channeling?

Channeled Message from Dr. Anne’s Council of 12
We are Anne’s Council of 12, and we are a group of non-physical entities that work with Anne.
We are here today to elaborate on a topic that often comes up in Anne’s classes. Namely, how Lightworkers can deal with darkness on the Earth plane.
What is a Lightworker?
If you are reading this message, it is very likely that you are a Lightworker. Being a Lightworker is an esteemed role. They are souls who chose to come to the Earth plane in order to bring joy, peace, and healing to humanity. Most importantly, they are dedicated to using their Light to extinguish darkness.
Because of the amazing efforts of the Lightworkers who are present on Earth right now, there is an increasing amount of Light shining. As you pursue your spiritual nature and your vibrational rate increases (AKA you are “ascending”), each of you is becoming more and more of a “Light being.” This means that your personal aura is shining brighter and brighter.
Dark energy versus the Light
As your individual Light and the collective Light of humanity shines brighter on the Earth plane, the darkness begins to be exposed. Darkness cannot hide when the Light is shining on it.
Darkness cannot exist where there is Light. Consequently, as you shine your personal Light on these areas that have been hidden in the shadows, they begin to emerge into the Light and will eventually disappear. Light replaces the darkness.
However, the process of bringing the darkness out of the shadows and into the Light is often messy. The darkness is being exposed for what it really is, and there is often a period of time when the darkness will fight for its very survival.
Therefore, things may seem to get worse before they get better. But because darkness cannot exist in the presence of Light, as soon as it is touched by the Light, its power begins to dissipate. With time, it is inevitable that it will be absorbed by the Light and the Light will predominate.
How darkness can manifest in our personal lives
In your personal lives, darkness can take many forms. It often involves issues that you are aware of but have been “ignoring,” “denying,” or “putting on the back burner.”
As you become more spiritually-minded and your Light begins to shine brighter, it becomes increasingly difficult for most Lightworkers to avoid these issues. Their Light shines on any life issue that has been hidden in the shadows.
Here are just a few examples of issues that may need to come into the Light in order to be healed:
- Psychological/emotional issues
- Interpersonal relationship challenges
- Medical problems
- Financial situations
- Work situations or environments
- Spiritual or religious issues
NOTE: Some of these issues can be very difficult to deal with. If needed, please be sure to seek out assistance from trained professionals, such as medical professionals, counselors, or legal/financial advisors.
How darkness can manifest in society
On a societal level, darkness can seem to be much more apparent or obvious. This is because it impacts a far greater number of people.
Just a few examples of how darkness is expressed on a societal level:
- Leaders who misuse their power
- Social injustices, such as inequalities due to gender, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious beliefs, etc.
- Senseless violence toward individuals or groups of people
Social and political systems that support inequalities of any kind are being exposed to the Light. Eventually, they will fade from existence, but it will take time and much Light will be needed to reach this goal.
The role of Lightworkers
What is your role as a Lightworker at this important time in humanity’s history?
There is no one answer to this question. You will each need to find the answer(s) that feels right to you. Some options include the following:
- For some, you will need to take an active role in fighting injustice or inequalities in order to feel you are fulfilling your life purpose at this time.
- For others, your “action” may involve shining your Light from the sidelines and thereby helping to bolster the Light of those who are taking a more active role.
Neither approach is right or wrong. All roles are equally important and worthy of respect!
8 suggestions for Lightworkers
Regardless of the role you play, we want you to hear one message very, very clearly:
The most important thing you ALL must do, regardless of the action you choose to take, is to keep your Light shining as brightly as possible.
Therefore, your “job” is to monitor your vibrational rate (i.e., your Light) on a daily, even hourly basis. You need to make sure that the choices that you are making are enhancing your Light and not dimming it. Humanity needs your Light more now than ever.
How do you maintain your Light in the face of darkness? Here are 8 suggestions:
- Maintain your connection to Spirit. This is THE most important recommendation we can make to you, but we recognize that this can be difficult in the face of unsettling events. How do you do this? We recommend two things:
- Maintain a daily spiritual practice (e.g., prayer, meditation, reading uplifting material).
- Spend time with like-minded others (e.g., attending lectures or classes, working 1-on-1 with a spiritual coach).
- Raise your current vibrational rate. Regular participation in any of the activities listed above will do this. A daily spiritual practice will gradually increase your vibrational level. However, taking metaphysical and healing arts classes (e.g., psychic development, mediumship, Reiki) or participating in spiritual coaching sessions tends to”jump start” your vibrational rate.
- Maintain your current vibrational rate. When your natural compassionate nature leads to a desire to help, remember that to truly help, you do not need to join the person or group in their emotional state (e.g., fear, anger, despair, sadness). Instead, the best way that Lightworkers can help anyone who is in pain (whether an individual or a group) is through maintaining your current vibrational space. By maintaining your higher vibrational state, you help shed more Light on the darkness so it cannot exist. Additionally, you can then serve as an “anchor” or “beacon” for those in turmoil.
- Remain as detached as possible. Do your best to observe what is happening rather than becoming entangled in it. And if you do become entangled, then get back to your centered space as quickly as possible.
- Provide compassionate support. A few ways you can help others include saying kind words, taking compassionate action, smiling with a sincere heart, volunteering, making donations, and sending energy, prayers, and healing energy (e.g., Reiki).
- Look for the lesson. Remember that with every event that occurs to an individual or to a group, there is a spiritual reason for it. The greatest lessons often come from the most challenging events that you encounter during your lifetime on Earth. You may not understand what the lessons are as the events are unfolding, but the lessons will become apparent in retrospect.
- Work with the Law of Attraction. If you focus on what you want to see happen, then the chances increase that you will draw into your life what you are envisioning (e.g., resolution of a specific problem, a peaceful world). One very simple tool that will quickly shift your point of focus comes from the spiritual-Earth authors Abraham-Hicks: Identify what you are concerned about and then ask yourself, “What do I want?” Or they also recommend asking yourself “What if?” and then envisioning what you want.
- Limit your contact with the media. Although it is important for most people to stay informed, the media’s sensationalism can be both addictive and deceptive. In order to stay in a positive place, stay informed but do your best to limit your exposure to written and broadcast media.
In conclusion
We acknowledge that there is much darkness that needs to be exposed to the Light. The present turbulent times are not yet over for humanity. But by working with other Lightworkers, you can do much to make sure that the Light continues to shine brighter and brighter, both on the Earth plane and throughout the Universe.
Thank you for all you are doing for humanity at this critical time in its evolution.
We send you our love!
The Council of 12

- Channeling 101 (eBook)
- Psychic Protection 101: How to Feel Completely Safe Connecting with Spirit (eBook)
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Channeled by Anne Reith, Ph.D.