In the Pacific Time Zone, the New Moon will occur at 11:01 a.m. on Sunday, September 9. This New Moon finds the Moon and Sun in conjunction (0°) at 17° of Virgo. To further clarify how this New Moon will impact you on a personal level, locate 17° of Virgo in your birth/natal chart. The issues associated with that house are going to be most influenced by this New Moon’s presence.
Before we talk about the energy of this Virgo New Moon, I think it will be helpful to highlight the energy that will be present during the first three weeks of September. After so many months of being influenced by up to seven planets in retrograde at the same time and 3 powerful eclipses in a row, September brings an important shift. At the time of this New Moon, we will only have 4 planets in retrograde (whew!), and most of us will feel ready to start. Start what? Well, if we’ve done the inner work of the retrograde season and we’re willing to make the changes that were catalyzed by the eclipses, then many of us are more than ready to start taking actions related to what we’ve been thinking about and planning for the last few months.
Where should we start? Overall, September is a month when our energies are best used to clean out anything that is no longer serving us in order to make room for all the new things that are about to enter our lives. All New Moons offer us opportunities for new emotional starts and setting new intentions or goals in areas related to the sign. This New Moon is in Virgo, which is an earth sign in the mutable modality. Keywords for Virgo include practicality, efficiency, precision, analysis, cleansing, purification, and organization.
I encourage you to re-read the adjectives listed in that last sentence because those characteristics of Virgo are HUGE right now. Not only is Virgo an earth sign, but there are a total of 7 planets in earth signs at the time of the New Moon. Additionally, three of those planets (i.e., Mercury, Saturn, Uranus) are in trines (120°), creating an earth grand trine (i.e., equilateral triangle). Grand trines indicate a very easy flow of energy that can be easily utilized, but it can also be ignored. We need to consciously decide to use the energy that is available to us now, and we have an amazing amount of support for any actions that are grounded, down-to-earth, and practical. Additionally, the mutable modality of the sign of Virgo means that we are ready to move!
Consequently, Virgo and the other two earth signs (i.e., Taurus, Capricorn) encourage all of us to take action to bring something into practical, concrete form. And with Virgo, this often means cleaning out, cleansing, and purifying. At the time of the New Moon, we are well advised to take advantage of this wonderful energy by clearing out the clutter in any area of our lives. This clearing could be a physical location (e.g., home, office, car), our bodies (e.g., changing our diet, adjusting our exercise routine), or our minds (e.g., letting go of belief systems, starting new habits). Once we get started on a project, we will very likely feel a great sense of relief, satisfaction, and fulfillment from diving in and making true progress. Focus on whatever needs to be cleaned, cleared, or organized. Then watch as you make progress that feels oh so good!
And there are other aspects that will provide support for our actions right now. The Sun and Moon are in opposition (180°) to Neptune. How I describe Neptune is the continuum between fear and faith. Yes, Neptune’s opposition to the New Moon may bring in some caution (i.e., fear). But this could be a good thing in that it will keep us from moving forward without carefully thinking things through. However, if we have faith in the process, then great progress is possible. Neptune’s influence will also bring in an emotional, psychic, and even magical, mystical quality to our experiences.
But what an amazing opportunity we have due to Neptune being in a sweet sextile (60°) to Pluto, which means Pluto is in a trine (120°) to the Sun and Moon. Pluto provides us with the power we need in order to take actions that will likely lead to rebirth and healing. But again, we have to be willing to use this energy, which Pluto says may require courageously looking deeply into our emotional world to see what needs to be healed. Luckily, the presence of all the Virgo and earth energy means that we will likely come up with very practical and efficient solutions to any issues that are identified during our soul-searching process.
Going back to the overall energetic change occurring during September, the reduction in the number of retrograde planets really is giving us a green light. This began (probably slowly) when Mercury went direct on Saturday, August 18. But many of us have felt a definite quickening since Monday, August 27, when Mars went direct in Capricorn. Around that time, I heard from many people that they were feeling ready to take the first steps toward making changes that they have been thinking about for the last few months. Then on Wednesday, September 6, the urge to move forward likely increased because Saturn stopped its retrograde motion and began moving direct again. Saturn is in Capricorn, which is its home sign and intensifies its power. Once Saturn began moving direct again, we may have felt more serious than usual, but it will provide us with a powerful and strategic energy that will help us move forward in responsible ways.
On Wednesday, September 5, Mercury moved into Virgo. Its stay in Virgo will be brief this time, only until September 21. This quickness of the transit will likely mean that the energy is more concentrated than usual. It will help us pay attention to important details, analyze our situations more effectively than usual, and discern between what is useful and what is extraneous. However, it may also have our minds moving so quickly that we need to make a conscious effort to capture the thoughts when they filter through or they will be lost as the next idea barges into our awareness. The only true cautions when Mercury is in Virgo are (a) to not become overly analytical/critical of self or others and (b) keep the big picture in mind and not get bogged down in too many details.
Then on Monday, September 10, Mars will move back into Aquarius, where it will stay until November 16. Mars has already spent some time recently in Aquarius this year; but due to its retrograde motion, it moved all the way back into Capricorn. It’s now re-entering Aquarius, which will help our actions be focused on friendships and group endeavors, especially those that serve the greater good or humanitarian efforts. We may be attracted to unconventional methods for achieving our goals. Being a team player is important now, but we do need to be careful that we don’t express anger in a detached, impersonal way.
Jupiter and Pluto have been creating a series of sextiles (60°) this year, and the final of three will occur on Wednesday, September 12. Since this pattern began back in January, we have all been discovering that the powerful wizard hiding behind the curtain is really just a person like us. We have been seeking the truths that have been hidden in the shadows and are ready to bring them out into the light. On a personal level, this may have brought a feeling of finally “seeing the light” about an important situation. On a societal level, the misuse of political power is one avenue in which we have seen progress being made, as well as the “Me too” movement.
On Tuesday, September 18, Mars will square (90°) Uranus, which is the final of three squares that have occurred over the last four months between these two powerhouses. All squares mark a turning point, and this series of squares has been a time when many of us came to important conclusions that will help us “take care of business” and release whatever needs to be released. This final square between these two powerful planets will likely create a surge of energy that will make it hard not to do something, and great progress is possible if we direct and focus that energy constructively. The final pieces of a certain puzzle may fall into place during this time.
Finally, on Thursday, September 20, the Sun will be conjunct (0°) Mercury in the last degree of Virgo. On this day, all forms of communication will likely be assisted by this meeting, but especially if the content of any written or oral correspondence is of practical nature. We may also find that we suddenly see things clearly or are able to adjust our belief system to better support our forward progress.
Overall, this New Moon in Virgo is bringing some amazing energy into our lives, and the first three weeks of September is a great time to manifest what we want. It is not a time to think or plan. It is time to DO! We’ve been waiting several months for this green light, and this is it! We should feel free to start taking actions toward that future we’ve been creating during the retrograde season. But first, we should use the energy that is available to clean out, clear up, and organize whatever needs our attention the most. The great amount of earthy energy swirling around us will help us create practical results, and the progress and accomplishments achieved now will feel very fulfilling. There are more opportunities for change coming later this fall, but now is the time to at least get started! And given the strong presence of Saturn, this could be a time when we are creating the solid foundation upon which many wonderful new things are built. The bottom line is that we have the opportunity to take some real, concrete action, but we need to choose to do so! Get to work!
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- Anne Reith, Ph.D. (
- For information about Dr. Reith’s downloadable ebooks and meditations, feel free to visit her online Store
- The Mountain Astrologer (magazine)
- Various online sources (e.g.,
- New Moons and Full Moons often influence us for the 3 days before and 3 days after the actual event.
New Moon at 17° of Virgo
- Sunday, September 9, 2018, 11:01 a.m. PDT
- Sunday, September 9, 2018, 2:01 p.m. EDT
- Sunday, September 9, 2018, 6:01 p.m. GMT