NEW MOON IN SAGITTARIUS & SOLAR ECLIPSE – Plus the very important Great Conjunction (AKA Great Mutation) of Jupiter and Saturn (December 14, 2020)

by Anne Reith, Ph.D.

Intermediate Astrology CourseIn the Pacific Time Zone, the New Moon will occur at 8:16 a.m. on Monday, December 14.  This New Moon finds the Moon and Sun in conjunction (0°) at 24° of Sagittarius.  To further clarify how this New Moon will impact you on a personal level, locate 24° of Sagittarius in your birth/natal chart.  The issues associated with that house are going to be most influenced by this New Moon’s presence. 

In this Moon Update, I will be presenting information about two important astrological events: (1) the Sagittarius New Moon and Solar Eclipse and (2) The Great Conjunction or Great Mutation of Jupiter and Saturn.  Much could be written about both events; however, because I know all of us are busy preparing for the upcoming holiday season, I will do my best to be brief and concise. 

Sagittarius New Moon & Solar Eclipse

As is true with all New Moons, this one allows us the opportunity for new beginnings and new emotional starts in the areas associated with the sign.  The higher expression of Sagittarius includes being straightforward, generous, enthusiastic, adventurous, ethical, fun-loving, and optimistic.  However, it’s lower expression can include being self-righteous, self-indulgent, tactless, pushy, and blunt. 

Unlike the (very) partial Lunar Eclipse two weeks ago, this Sag New Moon is a total Solar Eclipse, which makes it very powerful.  It will only be visible in the far Southern Hemisphere.  All eclipses are basically “wake up calls” regarding what we individually and collectively need to do in order to progress on our spiritual paths.  They indicate needed adjustments that will likely play out over the next six months, which is when the next eclipse cycle occurs.  With Solar Eclipses, we tend to see things more clearly, and this may spark a decision(s) that brings about a new beginning. 

Any Eclipse intensifies the meaning of the New Moon, and this includes our choice to use either the higher or lower expression of the sign.  With a Solar Eclipse, the Sun’s light is temporarily blocked by the Moon.  Some believe that the lack of light (Sun) allows the lower expression of the sign to creep out of shadows and be more prominent.  Sagittarius is a sign associated with what we personally believe to be “the truth.”  Given the lower expression of Sag can be self-righteousness, it will be important to be very conscious of any tendency toward judging the beliefs of others as “wrong.”  We all have a right to our own beliefs, and I think we all would agree that it is infuriating and disrespectful when someone tells us that what we believe is “wrong.”  Rather than imposing our beliefs on others, we need to use the higher expression of Sag by taking a step back to gain perspective and doing our best to see the world through the other person’s eyes.  The Sagittarian goal is to expand our perspective so that all individuals, cultures, and nations can transcend duality and seek unity as a human species. 

Along the way, though, remember to find ways to laugh and be light-hearted, which are hallmarks of the higher expression of Sag’s energy.  This will help us tap into other higher expressions of Sagittarius:  optimism and hope!  Additionally, Sagittarius is a fire sign, which means we will feel energized to do something.  New Moons mean our focus is on our emotions, so it will be important to do things that help emotions move through our body.  Movement and exercise will be helpful.

Mercury and the South Node are also in Sagittarius and are conjunct (0°) this New Moon.  Mercury in Sag tells us that our minds will be active, and we may be able to solve problems easily.  However, remember that Sag can be a bit too straightforward at times.  This means that we need to be careful and think through how the receiver of the information might feel about what we want to say.  The involvement of the South Node is also important, especially given that the Nodes are activated whenever there is an Eclipse.  We need to let go of any old beliefs that block our progress (South Node in Sag) and strive for new ways to communicate and understand (the North Node in Gemini is in opposition to the Sun, Moon, Mercury, South Node). 

Luckily, the New Moon, Mercury, and the South Node are all in supportive trines (120°) to Mars, which is powerfully placed in its home sign of Aries.  This can reignite (Sun) our interest (Mercury) in exploring new lands, both internal and external (Sagittarius).  But, Aries can be the warrior, so we once again need to consciously decide to use our words to support a Sagittarian “higher perspective” and not use them as weapons to further our insistence that “we know what is right or true.”   

During the time of the New Moon/Eclipse, we do need to be patient with ourselves and with others.  Neptune is in a challenging square (90°) to the New Moon, Mercury, and both of the Nodes.  This could cause everything to be a bit “foggy” at times.  Although Mercury is definitely active in the fire sign Sag, it may be that a combination of rational thought (Mercury) and intuition (Neptune) will provide the best solutions.  For example, we may get an intuitive “hit” about what to do, but then we can use our minds to evaluate if the idea is worth pursuing.  There may be times when things don’t go exactly as we had hoped, we have the mutable (i.e., flexible) energy of Sagittarius to help us adjust and adapt. 

During the time of this Sag New Moon, Saturn is located at 29° of Capricorn, and Jupiter will be at 29° of Capricorn several hours later.  29° of any sign is referred to as a “critical degree.”  We can think of it as the “do or die” point of a planet’s movement through a sign.  When taking into consideration the qualities of Jupiter, Saturn, and Capricorn, one way to look at this is that we are all being given a last chance to make changes (or wrap up changes) related to structures, responsibility, beliefs, values, and even leadership. 

However, it isn’t long before both planets move out of Capricorn and into Aquarius.  Saturn is the first to make this shift on Wednesday, December 16.  It will remain in Aquarius for about 2.5 years (until 2023).  Jupiter is next on Saturday, December 19, where it will remain until the very end of 2021 (i.e., about 1 year).  And then on Monday, December 21, these two powerful planets meet up for the long-anticipated Great Conjunction (see next section).

NOTE:  For the star-watchers out there, if you look at the sky on December 21, you’ll see that Jupiter and Saturn are so close together that they almost look like 1 planet.  Given the proximity of this event to the Christian celebration of Christmas, some are referring to this astronomical event as the Christmas Star.  The last time Jupiter and Saturn were this close together was in the year 1226, so it’s definitely a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence.    

Just a few other quick but relevant notes.  All of the following shifts in planetary signs/movement occur between the time of the Full Moon/Eclipse and The Great Conjunction/Solstice.  This adds to the overall feeling that a major shift of some kind is imminent!

  • On Tuesday, December 15, Venus will move out of Scorpio and into Sagittarius, where it will remain until January 9. Both Scorpio and Sag can be intense.  Sag is a fire sign, which means it can go overboard when it comes to what it wants and/or believes in.  However, unlike Scorpio, the Sag energy will approach issues in a straightforward manner and with truthfulness, authenticity, humor, and hope, particularly when it comes to relationships and finance, which are the purview of Venus. 
  • The same day (Tuesday, December 15), Chiron will change direction and begin moving direct again. This influence could be subtle, but we may feel a bit more vulnerable around this time.  But over the next few weeks, we should find it easier to make changes that lead to increased self-esteem and self-worth. 
  • Finally, on Sunday, December 20, Mercury enters Capricorn, where it will remain until January 9. For the next 3 weeks, our thoughts and communication will become more serious, organized, logical, and methodical.  We will be focused on very practical and realistic matters. 

The Great Conjunction or Great Mutation

On Monday, December 21, the Sun enters Capricorn, which marks the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere.  The Solstice is seen as a time when an energetic doorway opens, and we have the opportunity to “shift gears.”  So, just as the seasons change with the Solstice, it is believed that change often happens for society and for us individually. 

But this year, Monday, December 21, is also the same day when Jupiter and Saturn will be exactly conjunct (0°) in Aquarius.  Although Pluto will remain in Capricorn until 2023, Jupiter and Saturn have now moved into Aquarius, and they aren’t looking back.  Things are going to start to accelerate now. 

Different authors are referring to this as The Great Conjunction or The Great Mutation.  Let me begin this discussion by explaining why this conjunction is so significant:

  • Jupiter and Saturn are only conjunct (0°) every 19.6 years. When they come together, it is believed to mark the beginning of a new 20-year cycle for us individually but especially collectively.
  • But with this conjunction, it’s also important to talk about a 200-year elemental With only a few exceptions, Jupiter and Saturn meet up every 20 years in signs of the same element (i.e., fire, earth, air, water).  For the last 200 years, Jupiter and Saturn have been primarily conjunct in earth signs (i.e., Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn).  The earth element involves slow, methodical movement toward building foundations.  Its focus is on creating what is needed to live successfully in the physical world (e.g., cars, telephones, apartment buildings).  With this conjunction, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius, which is an air sign).  For the next approximately 200 years, they will be conjunct in air signs (i.e., Gemini, Libra, Aquarius).  The element of air brings change, intellectual energy, and lightness.  Its focus is on the future and on the blending of technology/science and spirituality.
  • Additionally, the orbits of all the planets in our solar system are not perfectly circular. Because of this, their distance when they pass each other can vary.  The current conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn is unique in that they will be traveling much closer to each other than during most conjunctions, which means it’s more powerful.  To give you some perspective, the last time they were so close was the year 1623. 
  • And one final note: The conjunction is happening in the first degree of Aquarius.  The first degree of any sign is considered a powerful point of new beginnings. 

Numerous articles are being written on The Great Conjunction, and I encourage you to research it further, if you are interested.  I will try to summarize some key points.  Keep in mind that astrology is all about possibilities and potentialities.  This means there’s no way to predict exactly how the energies will play out.  However, it is very clear that this is a major paradigm shift that will impact us on a personal and societal level. 

Jupiter and Saturn are classified as the two “social planets.”  When they change signs or are in aspect with each other (i.e., conjunct, square, trine), this often correlates with changes to social institutions, such as social norms, businesses, governments, cultures, and society as a whole.  However, because we all deal with these social institutions on a daily basis, any changes in these arenas will often impact us individually.  Given that both of the social planets are changing signs at the same time and are also meeting up in a conjunction (0°), it is believed that this time period represents a major evolutionary shift that will unfold over the next two decades.  Additionally, given it’s also the beginning of a new 200-year elemental cycle, it is believed that we have encountered a “tipping point,” and there is no going back to how things were.  

The sign of Aquarius is represented by the symbol of the water bearer, which pours nurturing water over parched earth.  It does this through innovation and humanitarianism.  Aquarius is a very progressive, future-oriented sign that can also be rebellious and revolutionary.  Its goal is freedom and individuality, but it also feels responsible for serving all of humanity.  New, creative solutions are very possible.  It’s also a very intuitive sign that is interested in the connections between the body, mind, and spirit. 

The ruler of Aquarius is Uranus, which is the planet of change.  This further reinforces that it’s time for change!  Uranus is the planet most associated with things like technology, energy, and vibration.  It’s likely that during the next 20 years, science will shift its focus and play a significant role in “proving” much of what those in the metaphysical fields have known all along about how energy impacts the body-mind-spirit connection.  For example, there will likely be more research done to show how energy (e.g., Reiki, sound, light, color) can be used to heal the body.  Science may also provide support for how we can use our minds to influence energy (i.e., manifesting). 

I wish I could say that we were entering a golden era in which problems won’t exist.  It’s not that old issues will disappear.  Challenges will happen in all areas of our lives, such as business, home, finances, relationships, health, etc.  However, this shift to air energy means that we will approach these issues in new and different ways.  Given Uranus is involved as the ruler of Aquarius, breakdowns are possible, especially for those trying to hold onto the old structures (i.e., the old Capricorn/earth energy).  However, those breakdowns will likely lead to breakthroughs, and the shifts could be sudden and rapid. 


Overall, this Sagittarius New Moon and Solar Eclipse are opening a doorway that leads to The Great Conjunction on December 21.  The New Moon and Eclipse remind us that we need to make sure we aren’t approaching this new era in humanity’s history from a place of self-righteousness or judgement.  We are encouraged to become the centaur/the archer who shoots its arrow into the sky to gain a broader perspective.  If we use this Solar Eclipse energy appropriately, the next six months could be spent leaving behind outmoded beliefs, judgements, and/or perspectives.  And there is reason to hope.  A new era is on the horizon!  Having the Great Conjunction occur on the same day as the Solstice is like opening a cosmic doorway that has sign on it that reads, “Come with me to new dimensions, learn new things, and then bring them back down to the Earth plane to help humanity.”  Although the full impact will play out over 20 years, this Great Conjunction could be a life-changing event for us individually and collectively.  Let’s carry with us the hope and optimism of the Sagittarius New Moon as we enter that doorway with the belief in a new future that will serve humanity in glorious ways.    

NOTE:  My next Moon Update will include my annual summary of the astrological and numerological influences for the upcoming year 2021.  That Update should be published on the 26th of December.  Until then, Happy Holidays to one and all!  Thanks for reading!!


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  • Anne Reith, Ph.D. (
  • For information about Dr. Reith’s downloadable ebooks and meditations, feel free to visit her online Store


  • The Mountain Astrologer (magazine)
  • Various online sources (e.g.,


  • New Moons and Full Moons often influence us for the 3 days before and 3 days after the actual event.


New Moon at 24° of Sagittarius

  • Monday, December 14, 2020, 8:16 a.m. PST
  • Monday, December 14, 2020, 11:16 a.m. EST
  • Monday, December 14, 2020, 4:16 p.m. GMT

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