FULL MOON IN VIRGO – Making order out of chaos (March 12, 2017)

by Anne Reith, Ph.D.


A note to my dedicated readers:  For the next few months, you may notice a shortened version of my Moon Updates.  As soon as time permits, I will return to more a comprehensive coverage of astrological events.

In the Pacific Time Zone, the Moon will be full at 7:53 a.m. on Sunday, March 12.  With this Full Moon, the Sun in Pisces will be in opposition (180°) to the Moon in Virgo.  To further clarify how this Full Moon will impact you on a personal level, locate 23° of Pisces and 23° of Virgo in your birth/natal chart.  The issues associated with those two houses are going to be most impacted by this Full Moon’s presence.

All Full Moons challenge us to find a balance between the qualities of the two signs involved, and this one is no exception.  However, this time, the Moon in Virgo is in opposition (180°) to a group of planets that are very closely positioned together in Pisces (i.e., Sun, Mercury, & Chiron).  The stronger emphasis on one end of the opposition means that it will be easy to get lost in the Piscean energy and ignore the Virgo Moon.  This would definitely be a missed opportunity!  The Moon in grounded, practical Virgo can help us sort through all the foggy and often confusing energy of Pisces.  Although we don’t want to become overly analytical (Virgo), particularly when it comes to our feelings and dreams (Pisces), it can support us in gaining amazing insights into our emotional worlds.

At the time of the Full Moon, Mercury and Chiron in Pisces are in opposition (180°) to the Moon in Virgo.  This means that we will likely be thinking (Mercury) about how we can heal and cleanse (Chiron) some area(s) of our lives.  Virgo has to do with the physical body, and Pisces has to do with our emotions and psyches.  So we have an opportunity to heal, and the best chance at making progress will likely involve thinking about how we can create more balance between our emotional and physical worlds.  Productive actions right now might include adjusting our diets, making medical appointments, cleaning our environment (e.g., office, home), journaling to explore and make sense of our emotional life, and/or starting to work with a counselor or therapist to support us in making changes that are needed.  Overall, our focus should be making order out of chaos by taking necessary steps toward increased clarity.

And we will all have the patience and endurance needed to do this!  Mars leaves its comfortable home sign of Aries and enters grounded Taurus on Thursday, March 9, where it will remain until April 22.  Having Mars in Taurus will slow down the freight train of change that may have been steam-rolling through our lives.  It’s not that actions won’t be taken, but the Taurean energy means that the bull (Taurus) will be moving (Mars) in a slower and more deliberate way.  The steps we decide to make will be carefully thought-out, and we may have the ability to apply a single-minded focus to a specific area of our lives resulting in great accomplishments!  With all the Aries energy swirling around us right now, some of us may find the slower pace a bit frustrating.  It’s important to remind ourselves (and others) that this more methodical approach to change provides stability and a foundation that allows for secure growth rather than just haphazard actions.  The one downside of Mars in Taurus can be procrastination, but because there is so much Aries energy moving around us, it’s unlikely anyone will be able to procrastinate for very long.

Additionally, having Mars in Taurus and Venus in Aries means that they are in something called a “mutual reception.”  This is when one planet is in the ruling sign of another planet, and vice versa (i.e., Mars is the ruler of Aries and Venus is the ruler of Taurus).  When this happens, it allows the two planets involved to fluidly work together.  It also supports the lessons learned in one area to be easily applied in the other area.  Venus in Aries is all about going after whatever we desire, and Mars in Taurus is dedicated to taking necessary actions to get what we want and to do so with patience and perseverance.  This could lead to great strides forward in our lives, and we also have the Taurean gift of patience to let things unfold in Divine Timing.  And as discussed in the last Moon Update, Venus turned retrograde on Saturday, March 4.  This means that what we desire will likely have to do with looking inward and evaluating how we feel about our social relationships and finances.  The Aries energy tells us that our focus in these areas should be on developing our inner independence, courage, and confidence.

Believe it or not, all of this Aries energy will become even stronger toward the middle of March.  On Tuesday, March 14, Mercury will leave watery Pisces and enter fiery Aries, where it will remain until April 1.  Our thinking will become even quicker than usual, and we may have ideas that we would normally consider bold or even outrageous.  But then on Saturday, March 18, Mercury will be conjunct (0°) Venus in Aries, which means the Aries energy will become even more prominent.  That day, it will be like our minds and our mouths are on hyper-drive, and we may gain a level of mental clarity that is delightful and enlightening.  Due to the dynamic, sparkling energy (Aries), our social interactions (Venus) could be very fun and exciting.  We may feel more outgoing and willing to take interpersonal risks at this time.  We can use all this energy to manifest great things, but we need to keep our thoughts positive, watch our steps, and also make sure that we don’t say something spontaneously that we could later regret.

Monday, March 20, is the Equinox, which means the Sun moves into . . . you guessed it . . . Aries.  This is the beginning of the new astrological year, and new growth is emphasized for the next month, which correlates nicely with 2017 being a 1-Year in numerology.  We will likely feel increased enthusiasm, confidence, and energy.  It’s time to become a pioneer in at least one area of our life.  We may feel more spontaneous than at other times of the year, which can veer into being impulsive if we aren’t careful.  Although we do need to remember that planning is important to a successful outcome, we also need to honor our strong urge to initiate something new.  We have the courage now to take risks, if needed.

So, are you seeing the pattern?  Aries, Aries, Aries!  The entire month of March is about this dynamic, courageous sign, and we should all consciously use this energy to take those necessary steps forward.  This trend will continue when we experience the New Moon in Aries on Monday, March 27, which will add even more energy to our lives.  So, strap yourselves in!

Overall, the time of the Virgo Full Moon is an important period for both action and integration.  The two eclipses that occurred during February activated a variety of learning opportunities that will unfold over the next six months.  The Full Moon supports us with (a) the Piscean energy to pull inward and (b) the Virgo energy to help us sort out what this all means.  Therefore, it will be helpful to toggle back and forth between taking action and then retreating to evaluate how things are going, how we are feeling, and what it all means to our psyches.  This will ensure that the next actions we take will be healthy, productive, and aligned with what we truly want.  Then after the Full Moon, it’s time to “settle in” and do the work.  All this Aries and Taurus energy means we are ready to take action and patiently let things unfold.  As more and more Aries energy comes into our lives over the next few weeks, some of us may feel like we are being pushed out of the proverbial nest.  It’s time!  And yes, it can be scary, but we have the support we need to make productive changes that lead to something better.  Finally, it is important to note that Venus is in retrograde this month, so it will be very important to take care of and find new ways to love ourselves as we move forward.  So remember, “It’s not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make your happiness a priority.  It’s necessary.” (Mandy Hale)


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  • Anne Reith, Ph.D. (AnneReith.com)
  • For information about Dr. Reith’s downloadable ebooks and meditations, feel free to visit her online Store


  • The Mountain Astrologer (magazine)
  • Various online sources (e.g., www.cafeastrology.com)


  • New Moons and Full Moons often influence us for the 3 days before and 3 days after the actual event.


Full Moon at 23° of Virgo

  • Sunday, March 12, 2017, 7:53 a.m. PDT
  • Sunday, March 12, 2017, 10:53 a.m. EDT
  • Sunday, March 12, 2017, 2:53 p.m.. GMT

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