In the Pacific Time Zone, the Moon will be full at 4:38 a.m. on Monday, July 3. With this Full Moon, the Sun in Cancer will be in opposition (180°) to the Moon in Capricorn. To further clarify how this Full Moon will impact you on a personal level, locate 11°18’ of Cancer and 11°18’ of Capricorn in your birth/natal chart. The issues associated with those two houses are going to be most impacted by this Full Moon’s presence. (NOTE: Click here to learn how to find the transiting Moon in your chart.)
All Full Moons invite us to find a better balance between the qualities of the 2 signs involved. This time, those signs are Cancer and Capricorn:
- Cancer: The best qualities include being nurturing, sympathetic, family oriented, sensitive, and intuitive/psychic. The lower expression can involve being overly emotional, moody, dependent, or fearful.
- Capricorn: The higher expression of this sign includes being responsible, practical, disciplined, patient, hardworking, organized, and leadership qualities. The lower expression could mean being overly critical, overly conventional, status-seeking, or materialistic.
All astrological signs that are in opposition (180°) tend to focus on two very different areas of life. Although they may seem unrelated, they are actually intertwined and interdependent in some way. Cancer and Capricorn are not exceptions. Cancer provides us with a solid foundation at “home” (however we define that) and that home base will provide us with the energy to give of ourselves in “the outer world” of Capricorn. Then, we take what we have learned in the Cap public arena and go inward into our Cancer home environment to process and assimilate new information, which makes us stronger and refills our energetic well.
Both ends of the opposition (180°) are equally important. Finding a healthy balance is key. A Capricorn Full Moon is a time when we are invited to explore whether we have a healthy balance between “home” (e.g., family of origin, family that we create, our personal foundation) and “work” (i.e., career, social contributions, public activities). For example, it’s a time to make sure we haven’t been overly engaged in outside activities and allowing our proverbial well to run dry. However, for some people, it could also be that we have been hiding out at home and need to take our gifts out into the world in a meaningful way. Balance is needed between (a) outward accomplishments and contributions and (b) inward nourishment and creating a solid foundation.
This Capricorn Full Moon has Mercury conjunct (0°) the Sun. Consequently, the Moon is in opposition (180°) to Mercury. Full Moons always tend to be emotional times, but this one could be especially so due to both the Sun and Mercury being located in emotionally-sensitive Cancer and both being in opposition to the emotional Moon. Mercury’s influence may provide a clue for managing all of these feelings: The increased emotional sensitivity present in ourselves and others will require being a bit more cautious than usual. We are well-advised to watch our thoughts and words carefully.
However, it is important for us to remember that feeling our feelings and expressing them to others is healthy. Suppressing our emotions tends to lead to short-term and long-term problems. As Shrek would say, “Better out than in.” We just need to be a bit careful in how we do this.
Luckily, we have support to handle all of this. Having the Moon located in grounded Capricorn will likely help us express our emotions in responsible ways and/or to be patient when others need to emote. But even more important is the fact that the opposition (180°) between the Sun/Mercury and Moon is part of a minor planetary configuration called a cradle. Although cradles are typically not as powerful as major configurations (e.g., t-square, grand cross), this one is pretty powerful because it involves 5 planets (instead of the required 4) and the orbs are relatively tight, including one that is exact (i.e., trine [120°] between the Moon and Jupiter).
If the word “cradle” sounds familiar to my regular readers, it’s because we discussed this configuration in the Moon Update on May 19, 2023. They are rather complex because they involve quite a few aspects. With this cradle:
- The Sun/Mercury are in an opposition (180°) to the Moon
- The Sun/Mercury and the Moon are in trines (120°) to Saturn and Jupiter, respectively
- There are sextiles (60°) between (a) the Sun/Mercury and Jupiter, (b) Jupiter and Saturn, and (c) the Moon and Saturn
Visually, a cradle looks like a basket, and they provide a lot of support for working out the issues of the opposition, which in this case is the Full Moon that was discussed earlier. I always think of a cradle like a basket that is there to catch all the energy generated by the opposition. It’s like a safety net underneath a trapeze act.
This time, the safety net is created by the planets Jupiter and Saturn:
- Jupiter is in Taurus and will provide optimism that is grounded and practical. We may be ready to expand in some area(s) of our life, and Jupiter may even bring us good luck! Taurus tells us that this expansion might have something to do with slowly building our finances and/or expanding our pleasurable activities.
- Saturn is in Pisces, so it brings in compassionate responsibility. Given all the emotional sensitivity that may be present during the Full Moon, Saturn can help us remain calm and rational. It will also help us be patient as we build a solid foundation for the future.
At the time of the Full Moon, Venus is conjunct (0°) Mars in passionate, loving Leo. Intimate relationships will likely benefit from the dance occurring between them. However, even if we aren’t in a romantic relationship with someone else, all relationships could benefit, including our relationships with ourselves. This pairing can also provide us with a lot of creative energy, and we may feel guided to bring more beauty into our world. We will likely be ready to take necessary action that supports harmony in all our relationships and/or to go after whatever we desire. As we do all of this, we are less likely to feel as vulnerable as usually because both Venus and Mars are in supportive trines (120°) to Chiron.
However, it should be noted that Venus and Mars in Leo are also in squares (90°) to Uranus in Taurus. Squares and Uranus both indicate that changes may be needed, especially if we feel that something or someone is blocking our freedom or independence. The lower expression of this set up could include feeling agitated, frustrated, or prideful. This may even devolve into bullying or manipulation. But the higher expression has a lot of potential! Yes, Uranus could present us with an unexpected event, but it’s likely to bring a difficult situation into acute focus. This grouping of planets is great for problem solving and moving gracefully in a new direction. Although we may feel restless, it’s up to us to consciously choose the higher expression of this Venus-Mars-Uranus cluster. However, it best to avoid making any sudden, risky, or impulsive decisions, especially those that would impact our relationships or finances. If we are feeling confused or uncertain, we should take a breath, take a break, and/or wait a few days for clarity.
On Monday, July 10, Mars leaves Leo and enters Virgo for a 48-day visit (through August 28). We may feel energized to take better care of our physical health and/or deal with important day-to-day activities, especially in our work environment. This can be a very productive time, and we will feel a great deal of satisfaction from a job well done. Attention to detail and precise actions are often hallmarks of Mars traveling through Virgo. Although this can be a good time to strive toward high quality work, we should avoid (a) being overly critical of ourselves or others and/or (b) getting bogged down by a need for perfection. Actually, it’s likely we will feel the greatest satisfaction when we engage in activities that focus on providing humble service.
Later that same day (Monday, July 10), Mercury will make a brief trip through Leo, remaining there until July 29). Our thoughts and words tend to be unusually self-confident, self-expressive, and persuasive when Mercury is in Leo. It’s definitely a good time for expressing whatever is in our heart. We may also be thinking about our creative endeavors (e.g., art, music, writing, children). Some of our ideas may seem grand, but the grander the better. However, anything we put out into the world needs to come from a loving place, and we need to avoid words that are overly dramatic or focused on getting recognition.
Overall, this Capricorn Full Moon is an interesting and potentially very productive blend of practicality and hope for the future. There is quite a bit of support for making sound decisions and even taking a leadership role, if needed. Progress is very possible, and we could feel ready to move forward in at least one area of our life. Although eventual success is likely, the influence of Taurus and Saturn tells us that this may require patience. This is also a time when we need to choose our words carefully and speak from our heart. But in general, we should use the inspiration and energy provided around the time of the Full Moon to “get going” on a pre-existing project or perhaps start something new. Now is a good time!
- Anne Reith, Ph.D.©
Full Moon at 11°18’ of Capricorn
- Monday, July 3, 2023, 4:38 a.m. PDT
- Monday, July 3, 2023, 7:38 a.m. EDT
- Monday, July 3, 2023, 11:38 a.m. GMT
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By Anne Reith, Ph.D.