In the Pacific Time Zone, the New Moon will occur at 3:32 p.m. on Tuesday, December 12. This New Moon finds the Moon and Sun conjunct (0°) at 20°40’ of Sagittarius. To further clarify how this New Moon will impact you on a personal level, locate 20°40’ of Sagittarius in your birth/natal chart. The issues associated with that house are going to be most influenced by this New Moon’s presence. (NOTE: Click here to learn how to find the transiting Moon in your chart.)
New Moons always provide us with an opportunity for a new emotional start in the areas associated with the sign. This time, we are focused on Sagittarius:
- The higher expression of this sign includes being straightforward, generous, enthusiastic, adventurous, ethical, optimistic, and fun loving.
- The lower expression can lead to being self-indulgent, self-righteous, or overly blunt.
In general, the annual New Moon in Sag is a time when we feel more adventurous than usual. This could include being a courageous explorer of a new land through travel, but it could also apply to being intellectually open to exploring new ideas through learning. We may feel more hopeful and optimistic about the future. Issues associated with beliefs and ethics, both our own and those of others, can also come to the forefront.
However, the Sag New Moon is being influenced by a number of powerful aspects:
- The strongest aspects are exact (0°45’) inconjuncts (150°) between the Sun/Moon and Uranus. We could encounter some unexpected events or unsettling new information that create a strong impulse to make a major change or try something new or exciting. This could lead to new opportunities that create an increased sense of independence. Having the Moon involved could cause our emotions to be rather unpredictable. Additionally, the influence of such strong inconjuncts means that any decisions or adjustments may leave us feeling like sacrifices were required in order to move forward toward what we want. Another possible influence is that we may begin to wonder if anyone really knows or understands us, or whether we even fully understand ourselves.
- Unfortunately, making changes may not be as easy or clearcut as we hoped they would be. The Sun and Moon are squaring (90°) Neptune, which could cause us to misperceive “the facts.” Therefore, we should take our time and make sure we are seeing things clearly before we take any important actions. But Neptune’s presence definitely increases our creativity, and it can also open the door to increased spiritual communication. These Neptunian messages from the Divine often come in the form of claircognizance or intuition; i.e., that sense of knowing something without knowing how we know it. Although hard to explain this to others, claircognizance can be a great source of information if we can learn how to trust it and make sure it’s coming from a spiritual source and not from our ego or logic.
- However, the risk is that we will likely feel a need to take some type of action because the Sun and Moon will be in a wide conjunction (0°) to Mars in Sagittarius. Sag is a fire sign, and fire signs want to take action. Mars is the planet most associated with energy. Combine the two and we can see how we may feel ready to courageously move forward. And, given the Sun, Moon, and Mars are all located in fiery Sagittarius, that means there will be a lot of impetus! It’s important to remember that we do have freewill choice. We need to consciously choose to avoid the lower expression of Sag’s energy, which can include going to excess, being overly ambitious, and/or pressing our opinions and beliefs on others in a know-it-all, blunt, sarcastic, or self-righteous manner.
- If we can slow down “the change train” just a bit, we actually have the potential to overcome our typical insecurities due to wonderful trines (120°) between Chiron and the Sun, Moon, and Mars. This supportive energy could allow us to courageously share our special talents or abilities without any of our usual hesitancy. In fact, this could lead to healing past wounds and could foreshadow a period of great healing and growth.
- Free-flowing trines (120°) are also present between the Sun/Moon and the North Node, which means the Sun/Moon are also in sweet sextiles (60°) to the South Node. These fortunate aspects provide us with opportunities to use the lessons we’ve learned in the past to move toward expressing our true potential and our soul’s purpose or destiny in this lifetime. To do this, we need to learn to trust ourselves and not rely on the opinions of others. The trines described above to Chiron can provide us with the courage to do exactly that!
At the time of the New Moon, we all should be aware of an opposition (180°) between Venus and Jupiter. Although this can add positive energy to whatever or whomever we love, it is one of the aspects most prone to excess, overindulgence, and misjudging situations. For example, within a relationship, it could result in having an important conversation that deepens a relationship; however, it could also be that this conversation is premature and we could be moving “too fast, too soon.” Our finances could also be impacted by impetuous decisions. For example, we could feel incredibly generous and want to give elaborate holiday gifts that end up harming our future financial situation. Given this is happening during the holiday season, which is when many are attending celebrations and events, we all need to avoid any decisions that could put ourselves or others in harm’s way (e.g., driving under the influence). Again, we have the power to make choices!
The day after the New Moon (Wednesday, December 13), Mercury begins its final retrograde phase of 2023. Interestingly Mercury will turn direct on January 1, 2024, which is New Year’s Day. Yes, whenever Mercury is in retrograde, there is a chance of miscommunication or mistakes, but there is nothing to fear. (Click here to read my blog post Planets in Retrograde and How to Thrive During Mercury Retrograde.) Instead, we need to be aware of the possibility of snafus and make a concerted effort to be careful (e.g., double- and triple-check documents and travel plans). For the first 10 days of this retrograde phase, Mercury will be moving backwards through Capricorn (i.e., until December 23). At that point, it backs up into Sagittarius, which we will talk more about this in the next Moon Update. During this initial sojourn through Cap, our minds will be elsewhere as we spend time reviewing and re-examining our long-term ambitions and responsibilities. It’s a great time to reconsider where we want to go and what we want to accomplish in 2024.
Finally, Thursday, December 21 marks the solstice, when the Sun enters Capricorn and we have the change of seasons to winter in the Northern Hemisphere and summer in the Southern Hemisphere. The Sun in Capricorn is a time of year when we begin to take charge of something in our lives. This may included feeling guided to take on more of a leadership position. It’s a time to use the wisdom we’ve been learning over the past 6-12 months, apply it, and move forward in a responsible, mature way. We may feel an urge to organize something. Also, the solstice is a time when information may be revealed about us to others or about others to us. This could be on a personal or societal level, and it often leads to increased clarity.
Overall, for many people this Sagittarius New Moon will be a time of increased optimism, hope, and inspiration about the future. Although we may feel ready to move forward, we should do so with a modicum of caution. To the strong presence of Neptune, what we see now may be accurate, but it may only be part of the full picture. But Neptune also means that this could be a time of increased creativity and spiritual communication. Many of my readers are interested in developing their psychic/mediumship skills. The “door between the worlds” has the potential to swing open more easily than usual all the way through the end of December. These messages could come from many different sources, such as direct intuitive messages, dreams, or synchronicities. Watch for them. Be open to them. Celebrate them. Express gratitude for them. They could lead to amazing insights about how we can meet our needs and desires in new and exciting ways. Or they could support plans coming together with others that lead to a great adventure of some kind. No matter what happens or where we go, the goal should be to enjoy the ride!
- Anne Reith, Ph.D.©
New Moon at 20°40’ of Sagittarius
- Tuesday, December 12, 2023, 3:32 p.m. PST
- Tuesday, December 12, 2023, 6:32 p.m. EST
- Tuesday, December 12, 2023, 11:32 p.m. GMT
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By Anne Reith, Ph.D.