Channeling 101 Class and Channel Panel!
Channeling classes are no longer being offered through IMPART.
PRODUCT: Channeling 101 eBook (written by Anne)
What Is Channeling?
When we are channeling, we are giving permission for a spiritual entity to use our vocal cords and sometimes our body to communicate directly with others on the Earth plane. For example, if an angel comes through a channeler, the angel will say “My name is Samuel.” If a psychic connected with the same angel, the psychic would say, “He is telling me his name is Samuel.”
Connecting with spiritual entities during channeling is a very profound and powerful experience. It is also difficult to describe. Words like joy, love, and bliss don’t do it justice.
One of the most famous channelers in the past was Edgar Casey. He was what is called a “trance channeler,” because he had to be in a deep trance in order to connect with spirit. This meant that he had to be lying down and someone had to be there to record what he said because he would not remember.
Today, most people are doing what is called “conscious channeling” or “voice channeling.” Although they do need to learn how to deeply relax and connect with Spirit, they do not need to go into a full trance state. They are in control of the experience and often remember at least some of what they have said.
There are many excellent “conscious channelers” on the Earth plane right now. A good example is Esther Hicks who channels a group of entities known as Abraham. They speak about the Law of Attraction.
- The following products in Anne’s online Store can be very useful for those learning how to channel:
What is covered during Dr. Anne’s Channeling 101 and Channel Panel class
Anne has been teaching conscious channeling (AKA voice channeling) since 2002. This Channeling 101 & Channel Panel class includes:
- A lecture on channeling (e.g., what is channeling, how is it done, what entities can be expected, how to protect yourself when channeling)
- A special guided meditation that is designed to increase the student’s ability to serve as a conscious channel
- Anne will assist those who have been pre-approved to “sit in the channeling chair” to channel. (See “Additional Information” below)
Additional information about the Channeling 101 and Channel Panel class
No previous knowledge about channeling required!
- Everyone is welcome to attend this Channeling 101 & Channel Panel class. No one is ever pushed to try channeling.
- Many people attend this very popular class simply to be in the very high vibrational energy and hear the powerful messages that are brought through by experienced channelers.
- Most Channeling 101 & Channel Panel classes conclude with Anne channeling one of the entities that have chosen to use her as a channel (e.g., Mother Mary, St. Peter, her Council of 12).
- In order to “sit in the channeling chair,” you must be placed on a pre-approved Channel Panel List. In order to be placed on this list:
- You must have previously attended one of Anne’s Channeling 101 classes (including the lecture)
- You must have previously attended additional classes taught by Anne
- Requests to be added to the Channel Panel List must be received at least 48 hours in advance of the Channeling 101 & Channel Panel class (
- Inclusion on the Channel Panel List does not mean you will be required to channel on a specific evening.
Here’s what Anne’s students have to say about the Channeling 101 & Channel Panel class
“I cannot extol the benefits of Anne’s Psychic Development classes and workshops enough. If you find yourself on a spiritual path or are merely interested in various subjects, I would highly recommend these classes. She presents them in a way that gives each person a chance to participate, take an active part, and have questions answered. Besides learning, you find yourself making many new friends with like interests. Because of these classes and Anne’s help and support, I have been able to take my written channeling to a new level . . . channeling live before the class. This has been a huge step for me, and I will be forever grateful.” (M.M., Huntington Beach, California)
“AMAZING!!!! I must say that I have not had a strong desire for channeling and even mentioned to my husband and friends that I felt it was not for me. Well last night was a huge game changer. I was very moved by all the messages brought forth and there was not one that wasn’t for me. I am feeling so blessed today to have been in class last night and glad that I went. I am so glad that I stayed firm in my commitment to go to class last night because it was amazing.” (R.B. Anaheim, CA)
For more information about Anne’s classes, see additional Reviews of what Anne’s students have to say about her classes and FAQ’s About Classes & Workshops.
Registration information for Dr. Anne’s Channeling 101 and Channel Panel class
As of July 2020, Channeling classes are no longer being offered through IMPART.
- The following products in Anne’s online Store can be very useful for those learning how to channel:
- Complete list of classes and workshops that are offered through IMPART
- Frequently asked questions about how to develop your abilities
- Anne’s Blog – Posts in relevant categories
- Testimonials and reviews
- IMPART’s online Store
- Be sure to Join Anne’s Online Community to receive:
- Announcements about class offerings, new Blog posts, and new online products when they become available.
- New & Full Moon Reports.
- If you have additional questions, feel free to email us at or call (714) 599-0017.
Visit our Facebook page to receive Anne Reith’s daily inspirational quotes and announcements.
By Anne Reith, Ph.D.