New Moon in Scorpio – Emotional Intensity and a Sneak Peek at the Upcoming Mars Retrograde (November 1, 2024) 

by Anne Reith, Ph.D.
Astrological wheel with symbols and backlighting of brilliant white, pink, purple, and blues
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Bell Curve in black lines
Bell Curve

The impact of all New Moons and Full Moons can be depicted by a bell curve.  The impact begins about 3 days before the lunar event, steadily increases until the day of the event, and then gradually decreases for 3 days after the actual event.

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Scorpio New Moon

Astrological wheel with symbols and backlighting of brilliant white, pink, purple, and blues

In the Pacific Time Zone, the New Moon will occur at 5:47 a.m. on Friday, November 1.  This New Moon finds the Moon and Sun conjunct (0°) at 09°35’ of Scorpio.  To further clarify how this New Moon will impact you on a personal level, locate 09°35’ of Scorpio in your birth/natal chart.  The issues associated with that house are going to be most influenced by this New Moon’s presence.  (NOTE:  Click here to learn how to find the transiting Moon in your chart.)

All New Moons provide us with an opportunity for a new emotional start in the areas associated with the sign.  This time, we are focusing on Scorpio: 

  • The higher expression of this sign includes being intense, passionate, determined, using investigative approaches, and the potential for transformation and healing. 
  • The lower expression can lead to being intolerant, overly secretive, and even jealous. 

Scorpio New Moon – Highlights

  • Scorpio is about emotional intensity.  If we find ourselves reacting emotionally to something, the lesson is to learn how to manage our reaction and not instinctively react (i.e., use the stinger at the end of that scorpion’s tail to lash out).    
  • Wherever we put our intention will be filled with more passion than usual.  Therefore, our job is to consciously choose where we direct that focus and tap into our personal power to effect change in our lives. 
  • This can be a time when we have the courage and determination to face unpleasant issues that we normally avoid.  If doing some shadow (e.g., inner child) work or in-depth research is required, that’s even better. 
  • This can be a time when hidden information or secrets can be revealed.  The scorpion has many burrows under the ground.  It is very good at hiding, and it can get lost in the darkness if it fails to come to the surface occasionally.  Luckily, Scorpio is one of the most multidimensional signs.  Another symbol associated with this sign is the horse, which is a majestic animal that looks down at that ground from above.  And yet another symbol is the eagle or dove that soars even higher.  Overall, our goal is to let the scorpion find any hidden information and then bring those secrets up to the surface for perspective, and grace that can be provided by the horse and eagle/dove.  If we use the determination of Scorpio (a fixed sign), we may even be able to tap into the transformation, regenerative, and healing power of the additional symbol of the phoenix.  We get to use our personal power to consciously decide which level of Scorpio we want to express in our lives. 
  • This New Moon is being strongly influenced by a close trine (120°) to Saturn.  This is a serious energy, but the trine brings support for being honest with ourselves and others, possibly about something from the past.  Saturn also will support us in making sure these revelations lead to responsible, mature decisions.  These may be about a structure in our life given that Pluto, which is the ruler of Scorpio, is in the final days of its 16-year transit through Capricorn, which is the ruler of Saturn.  The supportive trine with Saturn will help us make any final changes or adjustments.    
  • At the time of the Scorpio New Moon, there is a very powerful water grand trine (i.e., equilateral triangle).  This is formed by trines (120°) between Mars in Cancer, Mercury in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces (all orbs less than 2° apart).  Grand trines allow energy to flow freely; and with water grand trines, this means emotions can be easily accessed.  It is likely that emotions will also be freely expressed given that Mercury (communication) and Mars (action) are both involved.  Luckily, having Neptune as part of this grand trine brings in compassion and intuitive insights.  Hopefully, we all will express our emotions from a loving place that helps us feel supported and connected to each other on a deeper level.  Remember, Scorpio loves depth!  (NOTE:  The Sun/Moon-Saturn trine discussed in the previous bullet should help ground our emotions and help us feel less scattered.) 
  • An opposition (180°) between Mercury and Uranus can help us find creative solutions to problems, but it may leave highly sensitive people feeling mentally over stimulated and/or jittery.  This aspect could also result in people having diametrically opposed opinions about an issue.  When differences like this become apparent, it will be important to maintain that perspective discussed earlier (i.e., we need to choose to be the horse, eagle, or dove).  Actually, the wisest course of action around the time of the New Moon may be to avoid any intense conversations until after the impact of the New Moon has passed (which happens to be after the Presidential election in the USA). 
  • Avoiding interpersonal conflict is reinforced because we will still be under the powerful influence of a series of oppositions (180°) between Mars and Pluto.  The first of three exact oppositions will occur on Sunday, November 3, but the planets are within the range of being considered exact (orb of 0°30’) at the time of the New Moon.  (NOTE:  Pluto is the modern ruler of Scorpio, but Mars is the classic ruler of this sign.  This intensifies the impact of the Mars-Pluto aspect at this time.)  Because Mars will be turning retrograde soon (see below), the Mars-Pluto opposition will occur two more times and will continue influencing us through the first part of 2025.  As mentioned in previous Moon Updates, the lower expression of this aspect can result in power struggles, emotional reactivity, the need for emotional control, jealousy, manipulation, and even aggression or violence.  But the higher expression, if we choose to use it, includes having the courage and increased energy to deal with obstacles and challenges, some of which may be long-standing.  The goal of Mars is action and the outcome desired by Pluto is transformation/healing.  Our challenge is to release attachment to any specific outcome and choose to trust in our capacity to handle whatever happens. 
  • An opposition (180°) between Venus and Jupiter is a mixed bag.  It could actually bring a heightened sense of satisfaction, optimism, and joy.  However, some of us may reconsider certain relationships, financial investments, and/or creative endeavors, especially if (a) they don’t align with our inner values and/or (b) we have previously over-idealized someone or something. 
  • A trine (120°) between Venus and Chiron also indicates the possibility of healing any wounds within our relationships.  And finally, a sweet sextile (60°) between Jupiter and Chiron will help us take a step back and see those wounds from an optimistic, hopeful, and even spiritual perspective. 

Planetary Movements

NOTE:  Although I refer to the November 5 election in the USA, events throughout the world are being impacted by all of this.  

  • Saturday, November 2 – January 9, 2025:  Mercury moves into Sag.  As you can see from the dates, Mercury will be in this sign for longer than the typical 3-week visit.  This is because it will be going retrograde in Sagittarius from November 25 through December 15.  When Mercury is in Sag, we often experience improved communication, a sharpening of our mental abilities, and an increase in our capacity to think intellectually and philosophically with curiosity and an open mind.  It can even bring some much-needed humor!  Hopefully, this will help those in the USA gain some Sagittarian perspective as we experience the Presidential election on November 5 and any fall-out that occurs in the weeks that follow.  Unfortunately, Mercury in Sag can also result in people becoming dogmatic, self-righteous, and prone to being too blunt or oversharing.
  • Sunday, November 3 – January 7, 2025:  Just 2 days before the Presidential election in the USA, Mars enters Leo.  Looking ahead, Mars will go retrograde in Leo as of December 6, and it will eventually back up into Cancer on January 7.  The red planet won’t leave Cancer and return to Leo until April 2025.  But over the next month while moving direct through Leo, Mars could help us feel more playful, powerful, confident, and willing to express our individual talents/gifts without our usual insecurities.  However, Leo can also be hot-tempered, overly dramatic, overbearing, and seek attention as a way to feel worthwhile.  Rather than being ego-driven during this time, we need to remember to tap into Leo’s heart-centered energy in order to help bring people together and become more aware of their common goals (e.g., a pride of lions exists to support each other).    
  • A SNEAK PEEK AT MARS RETROGRADE:  Mars only goes retrograde every two years, so it’s always a big deal.  To further clarify how this Mars retrograde (December 6-February 24) will impact you on a personal level, locate 17° of Cancer through 6° of Leo in your birth/natal chart.  The issues associated with the house or houses that are involved will most likely go through a period of major review or revamping.  This month’s initial foray into Leo may give you a glimpse of what might need to be renovated in your life.  And, if you have planets within these degrees, then this Mars retrograde will be particularly powerful.  Due to the impact of the ongoing Mars-Pluto oppositions, any changes will likely involve facing deep truths, letting go of what is no longer serving you, and exploring where you want to use your personal power in a new way.  

NOTE:  Click here to read more about Planets in Retrograde.  

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  • Anne Reith, Ph.D.©


New Moon at 09°35’ of Scorpio

  • Friday, November 1, 2024, 5:47 a.m. PDT
  • Friday, November 1, 2024, 8:47 a.m. EDT
  • Friday, November 1, 2024, 12:47 p.m. UT



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By Anne Reith, Ph.D.

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