In the Pacific Time Zone, the New Moon will occur at 4:13 a.m. on Sunday, August 4. This New Moon finds the Moon and Sun conjunct (0°) at 12°34’ of Leo. To further clarify how this New Moon will impact you on a personal level, locate 12°34’ of Leo in your birth/natal chart. The issues associated with that house are going to be most influenced by this New Moon’s presence. (NOTE: Click here to learn how to find the transiting Moon in your chart.)
All New Moons provide us with an opportunity for a new emotional start in the areas associated with the sign. This time, we are focusing on Leo:
- The higher expression of this sign includes being self-confident, heart-centered, loving, idealistic, loyal, and serving as a leader.
- The lower expression can lead to being overly dramatic, self-centered, or in need of attention to feed our ego.
Leo is a fixed fire sign. Fixed energy is determined, but can also be stubborn. Fire signs are action-oriented, bold, creative, and . . . well . . . fiery. Combine these two, and this means that we may feel very motivated to move forward with our plans, especially if they allow our unique gifts to be seen. The question with Leo is always whether we are sharing these gifts to feed our ego’s need for attention or are we tapping into our heart-chakra which will guide us to share our talents as a gift to others.
After the incredibly intense energy that we all experienced during July, the first few weeks of August may feel like a breath of fresh air, at least relatively speaking. Leo does love to entertain, be entertained, and have fun. Mars and Jupiter are conjunct (0°) each other in Gemini, and they are both in sextiles (60°) to the Sun and Moon. Sextiles are supportive, but they often provide opportunities that are fleeting and easy to miss. In order to make the most of them, we have to be vigilant and ready to take advantage of them.
Mars and Jupiter are located in Gemini, so those opportunities may involve forming a new relationship of some kind, communicating with others in oral or written forms, or learning something new. For example, we may be able to find the right words to have that important conversation or we could feel ready to write that email that we’ve been putting off. Given Leo provides us with an extra dose of self-confidence, we might begin a project that involves either writing, speaking, or teaching. Mars always provides us with extra energy, and Jupiter may support us in expanding and moving beyond our usual limits. But again, we have to be ready to take action when an opportunity or inspiration knocks.
However, all is not sweetness and light. Mars and Jupiter are both squaring (90°) Saturn. These aspects will actually strengthen in intensity and importance as we approach the Aquarius Full Moon on Monday, August 19. (NOTE: This Full Moon falls on the first day of the Democratic National Convention in the USA.) Because they aren’t yet up to full power, around the time of this New Moon they may simply manifest as slowing down (but not stopping) our forward progress. However, squares often mean that a change in direction is needed, so it is possible that we end up going in a very different direction than originally planned.
Being willing to change and make adjustments will be important for the entire month of August due to the impact of Uranus, the planet of change. At the time of this New Moon in Leo, Uranus will be squaring (90°) Venus. Again, squares often indicate moving in a different direction, so we may find that we make a course correction in one or more of the areas associated with Venus, such as relationships, finances, and whatever we desire. Uranus is designed to break up stagnation or stale energy. It uses disruption to wake us up to our true potential, which may include our ability to deal with the unexpected.
On the same day as the Leo New Moon (Sunday, August 4), Mercury will begin its second retrograde phase of 2024 (turning direct on August 28). Remember, I firmly believe that there is nothing to fear about Mercury retrograde! (NOTE: For more information about retrogrades, see my Blog post Planets in Retrograde and How to Thrive During Mercury Retrograde.) Each year, we go through 3 (and sometimes 4) of these retrograde phases with Mercury. They are times when we are encouraged to turn our attention away from external events and focus inward for review and reflection. We are being given an opportunity to reassess what has been happening recently to see if adjustments are needed. We also are encouraged to make sure that our current projects are aligned with our core identity, values, and vision for our future.
This time, Mercury will turn retrograde in Virgo, which tells us that whatever is the subject of our reexamination may involve making sure we haven’t missed any important details. We may also need to reassess areas associated with Virgo, such as our physical health and service. Of course, anytime Mercury goes retrograde, we are all encouraged to double and triple check any important documents. And we are always encouraged to bring our patience with us when Mercury is in retrograde because mistakes may happen because everyone’s attention is turned inward. Even someone who is typically detail-oriented has a greater chance of missing something important if they aren’t careful.
At the time of this Leo New Moon, Venus will also be in inconjuncts (150°) to both Neptune and Pluto. Additionally, Neptune and Pluto are in a sextile (60°) to each other. This group of 3 planets (i.e., Venus, Neptune, Pluto) form a planetary configuration called a yod or Finger of Fate. Given Neptune and Pluto are both located at critical degrees (i.e., 29° and 0°, respectively), this adds power to what might normally be considered a minor configuration. Yods often are experienced as a feeling of urgency to complete something, but doing so is often met with frustration because there doesn’t appear to be an easy way out or a satisfactory compromise. With yods, forward movement is very possible, but it usually involves accepting that one or more sacrifices will need to be made.
Given the focal planet in this yod is Venus, any adjustments may involve a relationship, financial situation, or creative activity. Issues of trust or integrity could also be involved. But having Venus as the focal planet is aligned with Leo’s emphasis on approaching situations from a heart-centered place. If we can come from a loving place, this may soften the impact of any sacrifices that need to be made.
And if all of this weren’t enough, Venus moves into Virgo on the same day as the Leo New Moon (Sunday, August 4). It will remain there through September 18. When in Virgo, Venus becomes more discriminating in matters related to anything we desire (e.g., relationships, goals, finances). Becoming more selective can be positive, as long as we don’t veer into perfectionism, either with ourselves or others. Venus in Virgo often indicates a time when expressions of love will be made through practical gestures. We have a stronger than usual need for things to make sense; if they don’t, then we would rather not be involved. Providing service to someone we care about or to a cause that we are devoted to can be particularly fulfilling during this time.
Overall, this Leo New Moon may feel like a breath of fresh air or even a fresh new start after the intense energy of July. We do have the choice to coast through the first 2 weeks of August and just enjoy the lighter, more playful energy. But there are indicators that we may be given an opportunity of some kind that could feel like a lucky break, especially if it allows us to serve those we care about and/or express our gifts to the world from a heart-centered place. But if nothing else, this can be a time when we let the dust from July settle and use Mercury’s retrograde phase to support us in sorting things out. It is likely something (or several things) have recently shifted in a major way or have come to an end. New things are beginning to take form, and the month of August is a good time to turn inward and determine if our plans are realistic and our goals are aligned with our soul’s purpose.
- Anne Reith, Ph.D.©
New Moon at 12°34’ of Leo
- Sunday, August 4, 2024, 4:13 a.m. PDT
- Sunday, August 4, 2024, 7:13 a.m. EDT
- Sunday, August 4, 2024, 11:13 a.m. UT
- All New Moons and Full Moons influence us for the 3 days before, the day of, and 3 days after the actual event.
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By Anne Reith, Ph.D.