In the Pacific Time Zone, the Moon will be full at 11:25 a.m. on Monday, August 19. With this Full Moon, the Sun in Leo will be in opposition (180°) to the Moon in Aquarius. To further clarify how this Full Moon will impact you on a personal level, locate 27°15’ of Leo and 27°15’ of Aquarius in your birth/natal chart. The issues associated with those two houses are going to be most impacted by this Full Moon’s presence. (NOTE: Click here to learn how to find the transiting Moon in your chart.)
Full Moons provide us with the opportunity to check in and evaluate how we are balancing two seemingly opposite areas of our lives. This time, we are looking at Leo and Aquarius:
- Leo: The higher expression of Leo includes being self-confident, heart-centered, idealistic, loyal, and a leader. The lower expression could mean being overly dramatic, self-centered, and attention seeking.
- Aquarius: The best qualities of Aquarius include being independent, innovative, humanistic, social, and tolerant. The lower expression can involve being overly stubborn, rebellious, and feeling responsible for everyone and everything.
Due to time constraints on my end, this is one of those Moon Updates that will have to be summarized. I thought about skipping this one, but there are too many important and powerful astrological events occurring. I do apologize to those who enjoy these updates when I include details.
NOTE: As I mentioned in the last Moon Update, this Aquarius Full Moon falls on the first day of the Democratic National Convention here in the USA. However, many countries throughout the world are going through periods of transition and political changes. I think we can all agree that this is definitely a volatile time! As you’ll see below, it’s very important to keep an open mind about all subjects right now.
The time around this Aquarius Full Moon will likely be unpredictable and powerful. This is because the Sun and Moon are in exact squares (orb of 0°04’) to Uranus, the planet of change and disruption. Additionally, the Sun is exactly conjunct (0°) Mercury). This grouping of 4 planets forms an incredibly strong t-square (i.e., right triangle) with Uranus as the focal planet. Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, so that intensifies its impact even more during this Full Moon.
How Uranus will impact us, individually and globally, is almost impossible to predict. Being unpredictable is basically the modus operandi of Uranus. It will do its best to radically interrupt whatever is “normal” or “expected” in order to disrupt our patterns, with the goal of bringing in new energy and insights. Its objective is to release anything that is stagnant and bring in new energy.
For some, change can be an exciting process (e.g., especially those with a predominance of mutable signs in their charts). For others, it will likely be unsettling (e.g., especially those with predominance of fixed signs in their charts). And it is important to mention that Uranus simply brings change; in other words, the changes could be positive or not-so-positive. Some could be incredible, delightful, awe-inspiring, or life-changing! However, change is change, and for some people even positive changes can be unnerving and may require an adjustment period.
And speaking of nerves, the energy associated with Uranus is electric. If you are someone who is sensitive to energy, you may feel like you have stuck your finger into a light socket. Although this can make us feel like we are going crazy, we aren’t! But we do need to use the tools in our tool box to calm any jangled nerves (e.g., breathing, meditating, prayer, massage, nature, exercise, journaling, talking with a like-minded friend). And remember, “This, too, shall pass.”
These unexpected changes and new insights will likely appear in our lives through downloads of information, both of the earthly and spiritual varieties. As mentioned before, Mercury will be exactly conjunct (0°) the Sun in this t-square, which means it is exactly opposite (180°) the Moon and exactly square (90°) to Uranus. If we’ve been avoiding making some decisions recently, it may seem like we’ve suddenly been backed into a corner. Those downloads are being provided at this time in order to kick start that decision making process.
In addition to the t-square involving the Sun/Mercury and Moon squaring the focal planet of Uranus, there is a second t-square that has Venus in opposition (180°) to Saturn, and both of those planets are in exact squares (90°) to the conjunction (0°) between Mars and Jupiter in information-loving Gemini.
In a nutshell, around the time of the Full Moon, we will likely be inundated with information from many different sources and directions. Some of this will be valid information, but some will fall into the categories of unethical marketing or even propaganda. Our job will be to use discernment to determine whether or not the information is valid. Is it true or not? Has it been manufactured in order to get you to “pick a side”? We need to educate ourselves. As they say in the USA, it’s time to do some fact-checking. This is true even when the information seems to be coming from a usually trustworthy source.
We also need to determine what information is worthy of our time and attention. If we try to process everything right now, it will lead to information overload. We need to pick and choose what we focus on.
And yes, Mercury is still in retrograde (through Wednesday, August 28). (NOTE: For more information about retrogrades, see my Blog post Planets in Retrograde and How to Thrive During Mercury Retrograde.) As we are presented with all of this information, it may serve as a catalyst to review our beliefs, reevaluate what is in our hearts, and realign with our inner truth. The Aquarius Full Moon is urging us to focus on self-knowledge and self-understanding. Being our own person with our own unique set of values and beliefs is important now. Aquarius and its ruler Uranus both want each person to be “free to be me.” If some part of us isn’t fully aligned with our inner truth, then Uranus will bring an event that will awaken us to the truth of who we truly are.
As mentioned previously, we all need to keep our minds open to new information, even if it runs contrary to our personal beliefs. That doesn’t mean we have to agree with something that isn’t aligned with our value system. It simply means that we need to listen more than talk and that we need to respect that everyone has a right to their opinions. By opening lines of communication, this can help avoid assumptions, animosity, and even rejection or aggression. Respect and kindness will be key ingredients to successfully navigating this time period.
However, I’ll be honest and say that this may not be easy. The t-square that involves the Sun/Venus, Moon, and Uranus has all these planets located in fixed signs (i.e., Taurus, Leo, Aquarius). Fixed t-squares can lead to digging in our heels on our position. Luckily, Saturn is involved in the other t-square, and the ringed planet is currently located in compassionate Pisces. If we choose to tap into Saturn’s energy, it can help us be responsible adults and not let our inner child (or children) run the show. If our inner child(ren) becomes fearful or angry about something, we need to calm them down and help them understand that everyone is doing the best they possibly can and that we are each here on the earth plane to learn our unique soul lessons. It may also be important to (a) know when to give our inner child(ren) a “time out” to let things calm down and/or (b) know when respecting differences may involve “agreeing to disagree.”
The t-square with Saturn also includes Venus. This opposition (180°) means that within our relationships, we need to approach our relationships and finances in a responsible and mature manner. Similarly, the Full Moon in Aquarius urges us to use patience, tolerance, and understanding when dealing with others. There are additional astrological aspects that encourage us to determine if there’s something or someone in our lives that needs to be nurtured. This could be a person/relationship, but it could also be our health, our finances, our business, or any area of our life that hasn’t received the attention it needs to flourish and thrive.
As we approach the latter part of August, we will experience the increasing influence of the first of three exact squares (90°) between Jupiter and Saturn (exact on Monday, August 19). The impact of this meeting will actually continue through mid-2025 because they will be in exact squares two more times (i.e., December 24, 2024 & June 15, 2025). Jupiter and Saturn are outer planets, so their impact is often felt on a broader, societal level. However, we all live within that society, so whatever changes occur at a societal level will usually affect us personally.
In general, this series of squares between Jupiter and Saturn may require changes in various structures, including our legal or religious institutions, our economic or political systems, and our social rules and norms. Jupiter is urging us to grow and expand, but Saturn is known for slowing us down and placing challenges in our path. For example, on a personal level, we may want to have more fun (Jupiter), but we also know we have responsibilities (Saturn). It will definitely shake things up, and adjustments will likely be necessary in our personal or professional life.
On Thursday, August 22, the Sun moves out of dramatic Leo and into grounded Virgo. Over the course of the next 4 weeks, we may find it easier to work hard, be methodical, and use discernment. Especially after Mercury goes direct (see next paragraph), we will likely find it easier than usual to focus on details and be efficient and precise. Often this is the time of year when we feel we want to use our unique gifts to be of service, often in a humble way. We just need to avoid expecting perfection from ourselves or others. It’s OK to have high standards, but perfection is often unattainable.
On Wednesday, August 28, Mercury will end its second retrograde phase of 2024 and begin moving direct again. It will do this while in the sign of Leo. Although it may take a few days to get up to speed, we may be ready to start taking action if we’ve spent the retrograde period re-thinking or reviewing one or more relationships, some of our creative projects, and/or an area of our life where we feel we need to take on (or pull back from) a leadership role.
The next day (Thursday, August 29), Venus leaves Virgo and moves into Libra, where it will remain until September 24. Venus is the ruler of Libra, so it’s happy in this sign. Relationships, finances, and creative endeavors will become more important during this time. We approach all of these areas with an increased amount of grace, charm, and willingness to compromise or negotiate. We are seeking balance in everything we do and in all our interactions. However, when dealing with real-life issues, we do need to be careful to avoid making decisions that are solely based on a desire to “keep the peace.”
Overall, this Aquarius Full Moon will be an unpredictable time. It may feel chaotic or messy. Our plans could be upended. It is probably best to expect the unexpected. We need to remain as open as possible to these changes and trust that they are important for our evolution as a person, as a society, and as a species. If you are feeling overwhelmed, remember to breathe, take a time out, and try to be as objective as possible. Observe what is happening and detach when necessary. Yes, unexpected changes are possible, but keep in mind that often a detour down an unexpected road can lead to a grand adventure.
- Anne Reith, Ph.D.©
Full Moon at 27°15’ of Aquarius
- Monday, August 19, 2024, 11:25 a.m. PDT
- Monday, August 19, 2024, 2:25 p.m. EDT
- Monday, August 19, 2024, 6:25 p.m. UT
- All New Moons and Full Moons influence us for the 3 days before, the day of, and 3 days after the actual event.
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