Karuna Reiki I Practitioner Class!
Karuna Reiki classes are no longer being offered through IMPART.
Anne has trained Karuna Reiki Masters who are now teaching Karuna Reiki classes. You can find them on our online Directory of IMPART Certified Practitioners.
Karuna Reiki® Master/Teachers must be registered through the International Center of Reiki Training (ICRT).
Anne Reith, Ph.D. (Registration #KM044792).
Take your healing ability to the next level!
Karuna Reiki® is an advanced form of Reiki that has proven to be more powerful and also gentler than Usui or Tibetan Reiki. As with Reiki, it taps into “universal life force energy”; however, it also accesses higher vibrational energies from more dimensions than Reiki.
Many practitioners and recipients of Karuna Reiki report profound experiences that lead to increased health, well-being, and clarity regarding their life purpose or mission.
- Click here to learn about Karuna Reiki, including what Karuna Reiki is and how it differs from Reiki, how it is taught, required prerequisites, information about Karuna Reiki symbols and attunements, how to find the right teacher for you, and much more!
- The teaching of Karuna Reiki® is regulated by the International Center for Reiki Training (www.reiki.org). Only Registered Karuna Reiki Masters are authorized to offer Karuna Reiki classes.
Karuna Reiki I Practitioner class objectives
- Learn the origins of Karuna Reiki® and how it is similar to and yet different from Usui and Tibetan Reiki
- Be attuned to the 4 Karuna Reiki I symbols, which prepare the body for deep healing
- Be guided through the process of conducting treatment sessions using the Karuna Reiki I symbols
- Discuss Karuna Reiki guides who tend to be ascended masters, archangels, angels, saints, etc. (e.g., Jesus, Mother Mary, the apostles and saints, Kuan Yin, Krishna, Buddha)
- Be provided with ample time to practice using your new Karuna Reiki I energy during a healing session
What is included in the Karuna Reiki I Practitioner class?
- A professionally prepared 31-page manual
- Attunement to 4 Karuna Reiki I Practitioner symbols
- Extended time to practice your new skills
- Receive a certificate of completion
- In-person instruction with time for questions
Registration information for Karuna Reiki I Practitioner class
As mentioned previously, Karuna Reiki classes are no longer being offered through IMPART.
Click here for information about how to find a Karuna Reiki Master/Teacher in your area.
- Reiki and Karuna Reiki in any form are not licensed by the State of California and are NOT intended to replace traditional Western medical or mental health treatments.
- Online Directory of IMPART Certified Practitioners (some are offering Karuna Reiki classes)
- Other Karuna Reiki classes:
- IMPART’s Reiki classes
- Complete list of classes and workshops that are offered through IMPART
- Anne’s Blog – Posts in relevant categories
- Testimonials and reviews
- IMPART’s online Store
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- If you have additional questions, feel free to email us at Anne@AnneReith.com or call (714) 599-0017.
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By Anne Reith, Ph.D.