Thank You for Confirming Your Interest in IMPART’s Reiki Classes!

We will let you know as soon as Anne begins scheduling Reiki classes.
For now, we invite you to visit our Facebook page to receive Anne Reith’s daily inspirational quotes and announcements.
You may also be interested in some of the following options:
- If you are eager to get started, Anne has trained several Reiki Masters who are now teaching Reiki classes. You can find them on our Online Directory of IMPART Certified Practitioners.
- Feel free to continue exploring the information available on our website at, including a complete list of classes typically offered through IMPART.
- Students have reported enjoying Anne’s informative Blog posts, including those posts specifically about Reiki and the healing arts.
- You may also want to explore the products available through our online Store.

- If you have any additional questions, feel free to email us at or call (714) 599-0017.

By Anne Reith, Ph.D.