IMPART Certification Program Policies & Procedures.
Certification Programs are no longer being offered through IMPART.
What are the entrance requirements?
In order to be eligible to apply to an IMPART Certification Program, you must complete the Entrance Requirements.
- See Certification Program Requirements for explanation of the Entrance Requirements.
- For answers to many frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) about IMPART Certification Programs, click here.
- To review the advantages of enrolling in an IMPART Certification Program, click here (e.g., support in starting your own business).
Application process
Following completion of the Entrance Requirements (see section above), the student is eligible to apply for admission to his or her chosen Program(s).
NOTE: See Certification Program Requirements for explanation of the Application Process.
Admittance into an IMPART Certification Program(s)
Your IMPART Certification Application Form will be reviewed, and you will be informed regarding the status of your acceptance into the Certification Program(s) of your choice.
If you are not admitted, then your Registration Fee will be returned to you in full.
If you are admitted, then . . .
- You will receive an official IMPART Certification Program notebook. You are encouraged to use this notebook to store all handouts that are received during your coursework (see later discussion). Additionally, this notebook will include:
- A list of Certification Program Requirements (as of the date you have registered).
- A list of Course Descriptions
- A blank Worksheet for Certification Requirements
- A copy of IMPART’s Policies and Procedures
- A copy of IMPART’s Code of Ethics
On the date that you pay your Registration Fee and your Application is accepted, you become officially registered with IMPART’s Certification Program. You then qualify for all program benefits (e.g., priority registration).
All coursework is only offered in-person. Distance learning is not available at this time.
All coursework used to meet Certification Program requirements must be taken with Anne Reith, Ph.D., or with IMPART-authorized faculty members.
In order for a Certification Program requirement to be met, the student must be in attendance for the entire class. If the student arrives more than 15 minutes late or leaves more than 15 minutes early, the student will need to attend the missed portion of the class in the future.
Any courses taken before enrolling in one of IMPART’s Certification Programs will count toward requirements and will not need to be repeated.
All courses can “double count” or “triple count” toward different Certification Programs (e.g., Business 101 will count toward two or more Programs).
Once students are admitted to a Certification Program, then they are automatically enrolled in the Tuesday “Advanced Practice in the Psychic & Healing Arts” class.
Tuesday classes (“Advanced Practice in the Psychic & Healing Arts”) and Thursday classes (“Psychic Development, Mediumship, & Channeling”) can be taken repetitively for credit; i.e., each time a class is taken (even if the topic is the same), the hours will count toward the Practical Coursework requirement.
Students may and are encouraged to simultaneously attend the Tuesday evening class (“Advanced Practice in the Psychic & Healing Arts”) and Thursday evening (“Psychic Development, Mediumship, & Channeling”).
For those Certification Programs that require participation in Mediumship class, please note that this topic is offered on the 3rd Thursday of the month during “Psychic Development, Mediumship, & Channeling” class. If the Program requires that the student attend more than one class, these classes do not need to be attended consecutively (i.e., the student can miss a class and then rejoin at any time).
For those Certification Programs that require participation in 1 Development Circle, please note that these Circles occur during the “Advanced Practice in the Psychic and Healing Arts” class, which is taught on Tuesday evenings. Circles require a 4-month commitment (i.e., a total of 4 meetings). The student must attend all four (4) sessions in order to receive credit for this requirement. If one session in missed, then the student must attend another Circle.
After a weekend course or workshop has been taken once (e.g., Business 101, Reiki I), it can be retaken for FREE at anytime (i.e., audited). However, the hours for a repeated weekend course or workshop cannot be counted twice toward a certificate.
All weekend courses (e.g., Business 101, Reiki I) will be offered as often as is possible but availability may be limited. Therefore, students are strongly encouraged to make necessary arrangements to take these workshops when they are offered, because the frequency of offerings cannot be guaranteed.
If a student claims to have completed a course but IMPART records do not support this claim, then the student may be asked to provide IMPART with either (a) copies of handouts or the manual from each course that was completed or (b) a brief oral or written summary of the contents of each course that exceeds the descriptions provided in written or electronic form (e.g., such as information provided on Anne’s website).
IMPART reserves the right (a) to no longer offer a course included in a Certification Program, (b) to change the manner in which a required course is taught (e.g., in-person versus electronic), and/or (c) discontinue any of the Certification Programs. All currently enrolled Certification Program students will be notified at least one year in advance of any changes that impact the integrity of their Certification Program.
Worksheet for Certification Requirements
When admitted into a Certification Program, each student will be provided with a Worksheet for Certification Requirements.
While completing the Certification Program(s), all record keeping is the responsibility of the student. Some coursework will be tracked by IMPART (e.g., weekend courses such as Reiki, Business 101), but weekday classes (e.g., Tuesday evenings, Thursday evenings) will not be tracked and are the responsibility of the Certification student.
Students are encouraged to be very careful in the care of their Worksheet for Certification Requirements. If it is lost, it will be the student’s responsibility to complete a new Worksheet and fill in all information.
Tuition & expenses
All tuition is the sole responsibility of the student.
Any expenses incurred by an IMPART Certification student as part of their training are the sole responsibility of the student (e.g., books, massage tables).
If you are an IMPART Certification student and you were given priority seating in a spaced-limited class during the “voting” process, the seat in the class will only be held for you until the deadline given to you for the payment of your fees. If you haven’t paid by this date (or made the first payment in a payment plan), then you will be moved to the wait list for that class and enrollment will be on a space-available basis.
Payment plans are available for certain courses.
No scholarships or grants are currently offered.
Prices for all workshops and courses are subject to change without notice.
Tuition is non-refundable for completed coursework. (See Registration Policies & Procedures on Anne’s website for information about cancellations or missed classes.)
Time limit for completion of Certification Program(s)
Students may complete the Certification Programs whenever they wish. There is no time limit.
Program advising
Students are strongly encouraged to speak regularly with the IMPART Certification Program Adviser in order to (a) make sure you understand the requirements and (b) make sure you are on track to completing your Program(s).
When meeting with the IMPART Program Adviser, please bring your IMPART Certification Worksheet. All courses taken thus far should be listed on the Worksheet by the student before the meeting occurs.
Final review & completion of program(s)
When you believe that all coursework/hours have been completed, you are to provide a copy of your completed IMPART Certification Program Worksheet to the IMPART Certification Program Adviser, who will review the Worksheet. Once the Program Adviser has confirmed that all coursework and requirements have been completed, then you will receive your official Certificate of Completion from IMPART and be designated as an IMPART Certification “Graduate.”
Students can complete one program and continue working on additional programs.
Being listed on the Online Directory of IMPART Certified Practitioners
After the completion of an IMPART Certification Program, you are eligible to be listed for FREE on the online Directory of IMPART Certified Practitioners in your chosen specialty. The description of your services and your photo will be used to advertise your services on Anne’s website.
In order to be included in the online Directory, you must do the following:
- Be in good standing with IMPART (e.g., comply with IMPART’s Code of Ethics)
- Provide a description of your services, including type of services provided, location served, and contact information
- Provide a high quality “head shot” (preferably taken from a professional photographer)
Once you are added to the online Directory of IMPART Certified Practitioners, updates can be made at any time. Although occasional courtesy reminders will be sent, it is the sole responsibility of the Practitioner to regularly review the information listed on the Directory for accuracy (e.g., contact information, training).
You can remain on Anne’s website for the duration of its existence. However, IMPART has the right to remove the practitioner from the site if they are (a) found to be in violation of IMPART’s Code of Ethics or (b) fail to respond when updates for information are requested.
Verification of completion to outside agencies
Following the completion of your Certification, IMPART will keep copies of your Application Form (showing fees that have been paid) and a copy of your completed Worksheet for Certification Requirements (indicating specific coursework that was completed). IMPART will also record when your Certificate was completed. If we have a written request from you, this information can be used to verify your history with IMPART in the event that we are contacted by an outside agency.
NOTE: Letters of recommendation are not included as part of this verification service.
IMPART reserves the right to change any policies or procedures, and all new policies and procedures are applicable to currently enrolled as well as prospective students.
All Certification Programs have an age limit of 18 years or older.
All students and faculty must agree to follow IMPART’s Code of Ethics.
Although students may feel they are making progress toward the completion of the required number of hours of coursework, other non-tangible requirements are also being assessed by the faculty of IMPART (e.g., adherence to ethical standards, progress in skills, interpersonal skills). If a student does not meet these non-tangible requirements, they will be told this and provided with an opportunity for improvement. If improvement is not noted, then IMPART has the right, at any time, to discontinue the certification process. If this happens, then 50% of the student’s initial Registration Fee will be refunded. Tuition for all completed coursework will be non-refundable.
- Directory of IMPART Certified Practitioners
- Training and mentoring sessions with Anne
- Anne’s Psychic Development classes
- Anne’s Mediumship classes
- IMPART’s Reiki classes
- Complete list of classes and workshops that are offered through IMPART
- Frequently asked questions about IMPART’s classes
- Frequently asked questions about how to develop your abilities
- Anne’s Blog – Posts in relevant categories
- Testimonials and reviews
- IMPART’s online Store
- Be sure to Join Anne’s Online Community to receive:
- Announcements about class offerings, new Blog posts, and new online products when they become available.
- New & Full Moon Reports.
- If you have additional questions, feel free to email us at or call (714) 599-0017.
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By Anne Reith, Ph.D.