Frequently Asked Questions About IMPART’s Certification Programs.

Certification Programs are no longer being offered through IMPART.

To learn more about IMPART’s Certification Programs, feel free to click on any of the links provided below:
- What is IMPART?
- What Certification Programs are currently offered through IMPART?
- Personal benefits of enrolling in an IMPART Certification Program
- Benefits of enrolling if you are interested in working (or already are working) professionally
- Is anyone eligible to sign up for IMPART’s Certification Programs?
- How long do the IMPART Certification Programs take to complete?
- How much does a Certification Program cost?
- Can the courses be completed online?
- Can some of the requirements be waived based on past training/education?
- Can some of the requirements be waived based on past experience working as a professional psychic, medium, or healer?
- How do I sign up for an IMPART Certification Program?
Or for more detailed information, click on any of the links below:
- Program Overview (including advantages of enrolling)
- Requirements for Certification
- Worksheet for Certification Requirements
- Course Descriptions
- Policies and Procedures
- Code of Ethics
What is IMPART?
im•part (v.): to bestow sacred knowledge upon
IMPART stands for the Institute for Mediumship, Psychic, Astrological, and Reiki Training. It is the umbrella organization through which all of Anne’s psychic development, mediumship, Reiki, and Karuna Reiki® classes are offered and through which her IMPART Certification Programs are administered.
What Certification Programs are currently offered through IMPART?
IMPART offers the following three Certification Programs:
Personal benefits of enrolling in an IMPART Certification Program
You may be thinking, “I don’t need to enroll in a Certification program because I’m not interested in working professionally as a psychic, medium or healer.”
Actually, about 80% of our Certification students do not plan to work professionally. They simply want to develop their skills as psychics, mediums, and/or healers so they can help themselves and their loved ones lead happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives. By participating in the Certification Program(s), they say that they are provided with a “track to run on,” “a pace to run at,” a support system to guide them, a feeling of completion, and a sense of pride in earning their Certificate as an IMPART Psychic, Medium, and/or Healer. It also gives them credit for the hard work they put into their growth and training!
Other benefits include:
- Certification students are given priority over non-certification students when Anne asks for feedback on possible classes and dates for weekend workshops.
- Certification students are given priority over non-certification students when preregistering for space-limited classes (if you respond during the voting process). Due to class size limitations, many of Anne’s classes sell out. Therefore, being an IMPART Certification student provides you with the best chance of getting into a class that you need for your certification.
- Certification students are given priority over non-certification students to serve as Readers and Healers at our monthly Sampling of Reading & Healing Techniques event.
NOTE: Click here to read more about the personal benefits of enrolling in an IMPART Certification Program for Psychics, Mediums, and/or Healers.
Benefits of enrolling if you are interested in working (or are already working) professionally
Here are just a few of the additional benefits for those thinking about or those already working as professional psychics, mediums, healers, or spiritual teachers:
- All IMPART Certified graduates are entitled to receive a FREE listing on the online Directory of IMPART Certified Practitioners, which is viewed by thousands of visitors every month who are specifically looking to work with an IMPART Certified Psychic, Medium, or Healer.
- Certification graduates are supported in establishing the trust and credibility needed to attract more clients by receiving official IMPART Certified Psychic, Medium, or Healer badges (see examples on our website). These can be posted on your website, Facebook pages, business cards, brochures, and other marketing materials as a “seal of approval.”
NOTE: Click here to read more about the professional benefits of enrolling in an IMPART Certification Program for Psychics, Mediums, and/or Healers.
Is anyone eligible to sign up for IMPART’s Certification Programs?
Anyone is eligible to take IMPART classes that are open to the public. Your first step toward becoming an IMPART Certificate student is to meet the Entrance Requirements. This involves taking certain IMPART classes with Anne (e.g., Reiki, Karuna Reiki®, psychic development classes or workshops, mediumship classes or workshops). This will help you determine if completing a Certification Program will support you in meeting your educational goals, as well as the time needed to determine if Anne’s teaching style and the type of students who are drawn to her classes are a good match for you.
As you work toward completing your Entrance Requirements, you should use the Worksheet for Certification Requirements to keep track of the classes you’ve taken. All classes, regardless of when they were taken, will be counted toward the completion of certification requirements (i.e., classes can count retroactively).
Once you have fulfilled the Entrance Requirements, you will then complete the Certification Program Application Form and pay the Registration Fee.
NOTE: Click here to review the Entrance Requirements for IMPART Certification Programs.
How long do the IMPART Certification Programs take to complete?
IMPART’s Certification Programs are specifically designed to be self-paced and flexible, which means that the amount of time it takes varies greatly from student-to-student. Many factors can influence the amount of time needed. These include financial issues and/or family/work responsibilities that impact a student’s availability to attend required classes.
In general, most students can complete 1 Certification Program within 8-12 months. And because many of the classes are required within more than one Program specialty (e.g., Business 101 needs to be taken only one time but counts towards all 3 Certification Programs), even those enrolling in all three Certification Programs usually finish in about two years.
How much does a Certification Program cost?
There is an initial Application Fee of $150 for 1 Certification Program, $250 for 2 Programs, and $300 for all 3 Programs. Each class required for a specific program is paid for separately, and they range in price from $25 (e.g., discounted IMPART Vouchers can be purchased for weekday evening classes) to $595 for Reiki Master and Karuna Reiki Master courses.
However, it is impossible to determine the total price of one or more IMPART Certification Programs. Unlike other certification programs, Anne has designed hers to be flexible. Many students find it helpful to think of her programs like a college major. As is true with a college degree, certain courses are required, but there are also electives that allow the student to tailor their Certification Program to meet their individual needs (e.g., interests, goals, needs).
For example, if money is an issue, then you can elect to accumulate the required elective hours by attending classes that don’t cost as much. This approach may take longer, but it won’t cost as much to do this. For others who want to finish quickly, they can choose some of the higher priced classes that will accumulate hours more quickly.
Can the courses be completed online?
At the present time, none of the required Certification Program courses are available as home-study classes. Therefore, all courses must be completed in-person.
Can some of the requirements be waived based on past training/education?
Some of the classes that are included in the IMPART Certification Program may appear to be generic (e.g., Business 101). However, each of the IMPART courses is specially designed to address those working in the field of metaphysics. For example, a college degree in business or business law will serve Certification students well within the field of metaphysics. However, IMPART’s Business 101 course is designed to address issues such as how to set up a metaphysical business, income tax issues specific to metaphysical businesses, etc. Therefore, most academic courses do not duplicate the content of IMPART Certification Program courses.
Similarly, previous training received from another Reiki Master/Teacher or Karuna Reiki® Master/Teacher cannot be used toward IMPART requirements. The purpose of IMPART’s Certification Programs is to verify that the person has received his or her training from approved IMPART faculty. Therefore, past training in the healing arts cannot be used to meet IMPART Certification requirements.
Can some of the requirements be waived based on past experience working as a professional psychic, medium, or healer?
We honor and value the previous work you may have done in the field of metaphysics (e.g., working as a psychic or medium) or in the healing arts. However, the purpose of IMPART’s Certification Programs is to verify that the person has received his or her training from IMPART faculty. Therefore, past experience cannot be used to meet certification requirements.
How do I sign up for an IMPART Certification Program?
As stated previously, Certification Programs are no longer being offered through IMPART.
Your first step is to meet the Entrance Requirements by attending the required classes. Once you are ready to apply, please download and submit the Application Form and your Registration Fee to Anne. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to speak with Anne or contact us at or (714) 599-0017.
NOTE: For more information about IMPART Certification Programs.

- Directory of IMPART Certified Practitioners
- Training and mentoring sessions with Anne
- Anne’s Psychic Development classes
- Anne’s Mediumship classes
- IMPART’s Reiki classes
- Complete list of classes and workshops that are offered through IMPART
- Frequently asked questions about IMPART’s classes
- Frequently asked questions about how to develop your abilities
- Anne’s Blog – Posts in relevant categories
- Testimonials and reviews
- IMPART’s online Store
- Be sure to Join Anne’s Online Community to receive:
- Announcements about class offerings, new Blog posts, and new online products when they become available.
- New & Full Moon Reports.
- If you have additional questions, feel free to email us at or call (714) 599-0017.

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By Anne Reith, Ph.D.